How to buy on Binance with Skrill or
How to buy on Binance with Skrill or
At Binance there are many opportunities you have to buy cryptocurrencies, and be able to trade from almost any country in which you are.
If you have already started trading on this well-known platform, you surely know that you perro now buy your cryptos through Skrill or Neteller.
If you still don’t know how to do it, you’re in the right place. In this article we will teach you how to buy your cryptos on Binance with the two payment services already mentioned.
Buy cryptocurrencies on Binance 2023
It is likely that when buying cryptocurrencies on Binance, you have not found the option to pay with Skrill or Neteller. This is because within the platform, Binance has a secondary market called P2P where it guarantees maximum security in transactions.
P2P stands for peer-to-peer (person to person). It is an exchange where you perro trade cryptocurrencies with other verified Binance users. Which undoubtedly facilitates cryptocurrency transactions with more than 100 secure payment methods, including Skrill and Neteller.
How to buy cryptocurrency on Binance with Skrill
Entrar the platform and log in with your corresponding data
At the top you have several options. Choose Buy Cryptos and then P2P trade.
Once inside the Purchase section, select which type of crypto you want to buybe it BTC, ETH, DOGE, among others.
Select through which currency you are going to make the purchase. choose in Fiat the kind of currency, for example USD.
Now choose the payment method i.y también. Skrill.
Next, you will see a detailed list of people who are selling cryptocurrencies at the moment, and who accept Skrill as a payment method. You will see the sale prices and the amount to pay.
Once you escoge which usuario or advertiser to make the transaction with, press the green button Buy that corresponds to said advertiser.
When doing so, a small box will open, where you must indicate the amount of cryptos that you are going to buy. When you do, the amount you will receive will appear. Check and select Buy.
The next step is to confirm the order information and transfer the funds corresponding to the seller. By selecting Skrill as your payment method, you appreciate the data where you should transfer.
open your account Skrill and make the transfer with the data provided on Binance.
If you have any questions you want to ask the seller, use the chat next to it to chat with him.
Once you have made the shipment and it has been processed, press the orange button Transferred, notify seller.
Once the seller confirms that you have received the funds in your account, it will free you cryptocurrencies that you have bought on Binance. This will complete the operation.
How to buy cryptocurrency on Binance with Neteller
Log in with your corresponding data in .
In the upper left you have several options. Leave the cursor over the option Buy Cryptos and then choose P2P trade.
Once inside the Purchase section, select which type of crypto you are going to buy. For example BTC, ETH, DOGE, among others.
in option Fiat choose the kind of currency with which you are going to make the purchase, for example USD.
Now choose the payment method. In this case it will be Neteller.
Next, you will see a detailed list of people, sale prices and amount to pay for the cryptocurrencies. All the ones that appear to you will accept Neteller as a payment method.
Once you escoge which advertiser to transact with, tap the green button Buy that corresponds to said advertiser. payment method
Now you must indicate the amount of cryptos that you are going to buy. When you do, the amount you will automatically receive will appear. Check and select Buy.
The next step is to confirm the order information and transfer the corresponding funds To the seller. By selecting Neteller as your payment method, you appreciate the data where you should transfer.
open your account Neteller and make the transfer with the data provided on Binance.
If you have any questions you want to ask the seller, use the chat next to it to chat with him.
Once you have transferred the money and it has been processed, press the orange button “Transferred, notify seller”.
When the seller confirms that they have received the funds in their account, they will will release the cryptocurrencies you have bought on Binance. This will complete the operation.
As you perro see, both processes are very fácil, however that does not make Binance less secure. The P2P market is designed in such a way that scams do not take place, so that you perro carry out your operations in complete safety.
As a final suggestion, we recommend the following vídeo tutorial, which will be useful for you to carry out the step by step.
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