How to Buy on Binance with AirTM
How to Buy on Binance with AirTM
Binance is an ideal platform for buyers and sellers of cryptocurrencies. This provides as an alternative P2P trade, which serves to exchange local currencies in cryptocurrencies and vice versa.
If you want to know how to buy cryptocurrencies on Binance with airTM, we will explain how to do it step by step below.
Buy on Binance with airTM in 2023
Buying cryptocurrencies in Binancy through airTM it cánido be done thanks to an alternative offered by Binance, which is P2P trading. Besides everything is protected and managed by Binance’s own platform, to avoid risks of fraud in users.
From now on we will indicate the steps to follow for this type of operation with Binance.
Access the interfaz Binance.
In the top bar you will see the option “Buy cryptos”. Clic on it.
Now you must select “P2P Commerce”.
From now on you must clic on the upper button under the indicative «Buy» and then on the BTC option, which is located right next to this button.
Now you must configure the «Fiat» through which you want to pay, be it USD or another.
In the payment method you must place «airTM».
From now on you will be able to see different BTC offers from other people with airTM. You must choose one that has the «Buy BTC» option enabled. To select, clic on “Buy BTC”.
Next, you must entrar the amount you want to buy. Then you must clic on the “Buy BTC” button.
From now on, a screen will open with the Binance gateway to proceed with this type of purchase. The same platform will inform you about the price of BTC, the amount you are going to receive and the usuario’s correo electrónico to send from your account.
Now you must clic on the «Transferred, notify the seller» button. When the seller reviews, he will escoge to accept, then you will have to go to step 2 in which they will release the corresponding cryptocurrencies and then you must confirm that you have received them. Done, the process is complete.
It is important that you know that Binance gives you the opportunity to talk to the person vía chat, to clarify any doubt. In addition, it tells you if it is verified or not.
As a final suggestion, we recommend the following vídeo tutorial, which will be useful for you to carry out the step by step.
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