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How to buy cryptocurrency on Binance

How to buy cryptocurrency on Binance

If you want to start today to acquire your first crypto assetsyou have arrived at the best place, here we are going to explain how to buy cryptocurrency on binance. It is an easy-to-use platform, perfect for users who are just starting out, it also has a wide variety of coins so you cánido buy the ones you like the most, yes, keep in mind the importance of researching the projects before investing in them .

Buy cryptocurrencies on Binance

There are several ways to buy cryptocurrencies on this platform, the simplest allows you to make the direct purchase using credit card, cash cómputo and Payments P2P. The other is the wallet option spots.

Buy using credit card (the easiest)

  1. Log in to your Binance account, then go to the main page and clic on “buy now».
  • You will be able to see the menu in which you must indicate the currency fiat to use, for example, euros or dollars and indicate the amount you want to spend. Below you perro choose the coin you want to buy, there are many options, Bitcoin, ethereum, Cardano, among other. Then clic on «Continue».
  • The platform will provide you with several payment options, Visa/MasterCard, Cash cómputo or using P2P Payment methods, such as SEPA or Revolut. For the explanation of this tutorial, we will use the first option, Visa/Mastercard.
  • If this is the first time you are using this payment method, you will be asked to activate the use of fiat in your account, follow the instructions (several clicks) and in seconds it will be active.
  • Then, you must add your credit card placing name, card number and other data. Clic on «Continue».
  • Once you already have a card added, you must select it, a purchase order will appear with the data you indicated in step #2. You will be redirected to a platform belonging to the credit card company, there you must confirm that you want to make the payment and that’s it,you already bought your cryptos!

Using Spot

  1. Log in to the platform.
  2. Clic on «Trade» and select «Intermediate» at the top, as shown in the image.
  • You will be able to see a graph that to its right has a list of pairs. If you want to buy BTC with euros, then you should look for the pair EUR/BTC.
  • In the form that appears below you have to select the type of order that you are going to use to buy. If you want to buy fast, use market (you pay at the market price); there is also the option limit (sets the price at which you want to buy) and Stop Limit (your purchase order is placed in the market at the price you indicate).
  • If you still don’t know about tradingthe option you must select is marketput the amount of euros you want to spend in the field «Total» and clic on «Buy».

The coins you buy through this method will be stored in your wallet spotsthere they will be until you escoge to withdraw them, move them to another wallet or sell them.

How to buy on Binance without commissions

By using the method explained above using commands Market, Limit or Stop LimitYou must pay a commission. This commission is very small, 0.075% if you are VIP 1 clients, for those with a higher hierarchy in the exchange this percentage goes down. Deposits on the platform perro be free, but purchases of cryptocurrencies unfortunately have a commission, although they are very small.

How to deposit money on Binance

Depositing money in this exchange is another fácil procedure, you cánido do it in a few minutes by following these steps.

  1. First log in to your account.
  2. Clic on «Wallet» and select «spots».
  • Select the option «Deposit».
  • Select the deposit method, for many the best is the payment processor of advcash, because it has no commissions. Please note that the cards Visa either mastercard They do have commissions.
  • If you select advcash, a window will open in the browser of the Advcash platform. You need to follow the instructions such as login, choose the amount to deposit and confirm the identity to finish the deposit.

This is a brief explanation of how to make deposits on the platform. It happens that we have already created a very complete article on Depositing euros in Binance, there we explain in detail how you should do it.

Opinions and conclusions

The best way to buy cryptos if you are starting out in this world is using Binance. It is the platform that has the most options for buying and selling cryptocurrencies. Of course, there are other options, such is the case of coinbase. We have already told you in other posts that it is important to start on a fácil platform like this, but over time you must make the decision to acquire cryptocurrencies in a decentralized space, a CEX.

A CEX is a decentralized exchange in which the cryptocurrencies go directly to your wallet, this means that you will be the one who safeguards the private keys to access them. There is a saying in the crypto community that goes like this: «It’s not your crypto if someone else has the private keys.» It is an interesting topic and you should pay attention to it, since in case something happens with Binance –like a massive capital theft–, you are not interested, because your coins will be in a wallet that you protect

This is the end of our tutorial, we say goodbye wishing all our readers the best investments and as always, you are welcome to share and leave us comments.

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 How to buy cryptocurrency on Binance  How to buy cryptocurrency on Binance  How to buy cryptocurrency on Binance

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