How to buy cryptocurrencies on Coinbase step by step

How to buy cryptocurrencies on Coinbase step by step
Buy cryptocurrencies on Coinbase it is something extremely fácil. But if you want to know how to do it, in this articulo they will detalla the correct ways to achieve it so that you do not find yourself lost when making your purchases on this platform.
First of all, you must obtain access on your bill from Coinbase.
Ways to Buy Crypto on Coinbase in 2023
exist two ways to buy cryptocurrencies in coinbaseand they are the following:
- use your Credit card
- use your euro wallet
You will be told a little about the first way below:
How to buy cryptocurrencies using your credit card on Coinbase?
These are the steps you must follow:
- go to button Buy Sell in the area at the top right of your screen.
- entrar the amount in EUR of cryptocurrencies to import in section Buy (equipo by default), in the pop-up box that will appear. Right there they tell you that you cánido buy a maximum of €3000.00.
- Now select the cryptocurrency to buy; In the drop-down menu you perro see a series of cryptocurrencies available for your use.
- Next you have to choose the payment methodin this case, use your credit card.
- You press the blue button Purchase preview. Here you will see a summary with the details of what your transaction is.
- And finally you give clic to the button Buy now to confirm your operation.
Important: You should know that each purchase you make carries a commissionwhich, although it may seem high, the higher the purchase, the lower it will be and vice versa.
The following way of buy cryptocurrency on Coinbase is this:
As buy cryptocurrencies using your euro wallet on Coinbase?
It is about basically the same steps than the previous way, only that in the step # 4 (choose payment method) you must:
- Then you must press Purchase preview the same way as before.
- And, to culminate, press he buy now buttonwhich will complete your transaction.
So, when you want to make your cryptocurrency purchases on Coinbase, you already know that you cánido use both your credit cardas you perro also use your euro wallet, as described in this articulo. Therefore, feel free to use this information for future trading on your Coinbase cryptocurrency platform.
We hope you liked our article How to buy cryptocurrencies on Coinbase step by step
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