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How to be disciplined and stop procrastinating

How to be disciplined and stop procrastinating

Learn how to be disciplined It is essential to achieve all the goals you equipo for yourself in life, regardless of whether they are personal, academic or professional.

This is because discipline is closely tied to the willingness and desire to get things done on time, even when you don’t feel like moving forward as much.

When you’re disciplined, you understand the importance of finishing what you start, keeping your commitments, and delivering what you promise, even when it’s not easy to do.

That is why it is important that you develop behaviors, destrezas and abilities that help you understand how to be disciplined; because many consider that therein lies the key to success.

Discipline is your best ally:

As is, and at this point we want to invite you to think about what you have wanted to achieve for a while, but which is still on your to-do list.

Why haven’t you achieved it? Could it be due to lack of time? Due to fatigue? Or maybe because you haven’t seriously dedicated yourself to conquering that dream that you so long for?

If the answer is that you have not had the necessary commitment to move forward, in this article we will explain how to be disciplined and turn your life around.

How to achieve discipline?

Discipline refers to the ability to act with order and perseverance to achieve or achieve a certain good.

For example, if you want to learn a new language, you must discipline yourself and stick to a study plan that allows you to gradually move towards your goal.

This would imply studying that new language for at least one hour a day, as well as doing grammar and pronunciation exercises, engaging in conversations with other students, etcétera.

In the end, if you’re disciplined enough to stick to that study plan, you’ll most likely become bilingual, just like you envisioned.

The point is that, knowing how to be disciplined is not something innate in man, but you do have the possibility of turning your old habits around, changing your habits, or behaviors, to achieve everything you equipo your mind to.

Steps to learn how to be disciplined:

The starting point for knowing how to be disciplined is to do an introspective analysis of your life. Think about the following questions:

Where are you?What have you achieved and what have you not achieved?If you take advantage of time, or waste it on unproductive activities?How many hours do you sleep?

Answering all these personal questions will allow you to detect the possible failures that you are having, and that in one way or another prevent you from being disciplined.

And once you know what is right, as well as what you must change, you must establish a change plan to order your life and direct it in the right direction.

Next we will share a few important recommendations for you to learn how to be more disciplined in the different areas of your life:

1. Say goodbye to distractions:

One of the biggest problems that people have, regardless of their age, is that they get distracted very easily, and therefore forget the importance of maintaining discipline.

There are more and more distracting elements that we have around us: teléfonos inteligentes, music, television, a new series, among many others.

Indeed, the most worrying thing about it is that we have distractions literally at our fingertips.

Let’s say that it is enough for you to take your cell phone to check your popular networks, so that you lose hours of study or work, which you will hardly be able to recover.

How to stay focused in a world full of distractions:

Learn how to be disciplined so that you have very good time management, as well as stay focused on your daily assignments. To achieve this, here are some steps:

So, the wisest thing is that you follow these steps to stay focused on your daily assignments, and so that you know very well how to be disciplined:

– Carry out your activities in an appropriate place:

If you study or work from home, it is recommended that you do your homework in a study or library, instead of staying in bed.

Complying with your tasks in the appropriate place will help you save time and hours of work because you will be 100% focused, and you will be able to finish your tasks more quickly.

Do not use your electronic equipment:

We know that this cánido be very complicated, especially since we have a great need to stay connected with the 2.0 world most of the time.

However, you should make the effort and not review your móvil inteligente, computer, or tabletas, during your study or work days (unless it is for work reasons), because you will only fall further and further behind in what you want to do.

Equipo daily goals and stick to them, and better yet, define a schedule in which you perro bring your pending tasks forward so that you cánido relax or distract yourself while you check your networks, watch vídeos, earn money en línea, or chat with your friends.

– Have a schedule:

Create a schedule that works as a kind of agenda so you know what you still have pending, and how much time you need to catch up.

A good iniciativa is to define work dates and hours; that way you know exactly what your priorities are, and how hard you have to work not to procrastinate.

2. Get motivated:

It’s impossible to know how to be disciplined if you don’t feel motivated, or if you don’t have a source of inspiration nearby.

Let’s say that if you need to deliver a monthly report at work, but nobody monitors your progress, or sets specific delivery dates for you, it is very likely that you do not feel motivated or pressured to do your part.

At the same time, it is well known that the most successful and disciplined people find their motivation in themselves, but most of them work on their Neuro-Linguistic Programming and their emotional intelligence with great eagerness.

3. Equipo yourself rewards:

You are not a machine, and therefore it is impossible for you to be disciplined at all times or circumstances.

There are many factors that cánido hinder your discipline; such as tiredness, stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, or poor interpersonal relationships.

On the other hand, you may not be facing any of these scenarios, but simply feel like procrastinating, or putting off until tomorrow what you cánido do today.

That is valid because you are human, but the ideal is that these cases are increasingly sporadic, and for this it is escencial that you equipo yourself rewards.

Here we will share an iniciativa: commit to being productive for about 8 hours a day, and then reward yourself with something that you really like, like eating ice cream, going to the park, watching a series, etcétera.

In this way you will stay motivated to maintain your discipline, and you will be increasingly productive and efficient when carrying out your daily tasks.

4. Surround yourself with disciplined people:

Believe it or not, this perro make a big difference in your attitudes and behaviors.

Discipline is like a muscle that you must train daily to grow and strengthen, and at this point disciplined people are like the main food for said muscles.

For this reason it is extremely important that you study, work, or carry out activities with individuals who have a high motivation to achieve, and who have well understood how to be disciplined.

Some characteristics of the disciplined include proactivity, productivity, hard work, and responsibility, so if you have these types of people in your academic or work circles, then do not hesitate to make them your main allies.

5. Eat healthy:

You are most likely wondering what is the relationship between how to be disciplined and healthy eating. Basically, if you don’t have healthy habits, it’s almost impossible for you to be disciplined.

If you are constantly tired, sleepy, or weak from not eating in a balanced way, then you will hardly be in the mood to fulfill your daily assignments efficiently.

The less healthy you eat, the more likely you will be to develop bad study or work habits, and this will undoubtedly it will be noticeable in your daily performance.

6. Exercise:

Continuing with the previous argument, it is important that you avoid a sedentary lifestyle so that you cánido be increasingly disciplined. When you exercise you release endorphins, and these neurotransmitters give you an immediate feeling of well-being.

Just as you read it, physical activity generates happiness for you, so you will be comfortable with yourself, and you will feel fully motivated to conquer any goal that you equipo for yourself.

7. Keep order:

Knowing how to be disciplined implies maintaining order. Not in vain has it been shown that the organization plays a escencial role in feeling comfortable with the space in which you study or work.

So, start by cleaning and decluttering your desk, study, office, or any other area where you spend most of your day, so you feel more comfortable being there.

8. Do not procrastinate your tasks:

We know that there are tasks that cost you more than others, and that you usually put them aside because they genere you discomfort, regret or annoyance.

However, the key is not to postpone them, but to get out of them as soon as possible so that you are not anxious or worried about what you still need to solve, okey?

9. Get rid of temptations:

As the saying goes: “out of sight, out of mind”.

Although this may seem nonsense to you, the truth is that it has a power in itself, because that is how it works in real life, if you remove all temptations from your life, this will be reflected in your discipline.

If you want to eat healthier, start by stopping buying desserts and junk food. If you want to increase your productivity at work, mute or block the notifications you receive from popular networks.

The fewer the distractions, the more concentration you will have to achieve your goals.

10. Start with fácil habits:

If you think about all that is required, you may get discouraged in executing habits on a daily basis. However, do not allow these ideas to gain strength, instead, start by practicing fácil habits, applying the Kaizen method, and do not focus on wanting to change everything at once, but little by little you will develop the necessary skills. .

If you want to be in shape, start by exercising for 10-15 minutes a day. If you want to learn to get up early, go to bed 15 minutes earlier. If you want to eat healthy, try to prepare your lunches overnight the day before.

So you cánido create a list and vary it as you feel more prepared.

11. Change your perception regarding willpower:

According to a study carried out by the Stanford Universitythe willpower of a person depends on the way in which he perceives it.

That is, if you believe that you have little willpower, you will not be able to change this fact, but your belief will determine the way in which you will behave in everyday life. So stop limiting yourself and go for your goals.

Eliminate the barriers that you have created in your mind and change this way of seeing the world for one in which you achieve all your purposes. So you perro motivate yourself to continue pursuing your dreams.

12. It’s okey to be wrong:

If despite all our desire, the established plans and the objectives that we had equipo for ourselves, we are not able to fully achieve our goals, do not remain in the feeling of sadness, because the iniciativa is that even if inconveniences arise, you perro continue forward because that is the key, continue on the path.

Adverse situations cánido occur to all of us, identify what has happened and continue to meet your goal. If you give way to negative emotions, you will only be further away from achieving what you want. Start by forgiving yourself, learn from your falls, and get back into the game.

Benefits of being disciplined:

The truth is that the list of advantages that discipline offers you is almost endless, but as you learn more about how to be disciplined, you will discover them on your own.

Here are some benefits you get when you become disciplined:

  • You become familiar with creating healthy habits.
  • You develop your willpower.
  • You become more productive.
  • Proactivity becomes your best ally.
  • You manage to equipo goals that you cánido achieve.
  • Improve your self-esteem since you feel comfortable with yourself for achieving what you propose.
  • You stay active and inspired, and as a result, you are increasingly willing to increase your productivity levels.
  • You become a person who enjoys and values ​​order.
  • You avoid distractions at school or at work.
  • You don’t delegate your responsibilities.
  • You say goodbye to procrastination.

Recommended books:

Are you ready to be more disciplined?

Now that you know what are the habits and consejos that you should follow to be more disciplined, it is very likely that you are willing to take the first step.

For this reason, we want to invite you to gradually change your customs and old habits, until discipline becomes an essential value in your life.

Continue reading: How to Succeed in Life and Work: The 10 Must-Have Skills

Written by Rita Colina

Journalist, expert in writing SEO and Digital Marketing. She is passionate about writing and reading.

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