How to be a cashier at AirTM | Everything that

How to be a cashier at AirTM | Everything that

In this articulo we will explain how to earn money working as a cashier at AirTM. We will see how to be an AirTM cashier, how the advanced dashboard works and the commissions you will get for each transaction. We also offer you some consejos so that you perro get the most out of the platform.

AirTM is an exchanger that allows us to exchange our money in different currencies and save money in dollars. However, it is also a platform that allows us to earn money in various ways.

In addition to the AirTM referral system, we offer make money being cashiers. This means that we will receive a commission for helping our peers complete their transactions.

The commissions are between 1% and 30%, depending on the payment method we use. Also, there are no transaction limits per day.

And although there are some requirements to be part of the advanced board, being a cashier there is really no cost. If you want to learn how to be a cashier at AirTM, stay until the end of the articulo and we will teach you everything you need to know about it.

What is the AirTM Advanced Dashboard?

The AirTM advanced dashboard is the section of the platform that will allow us to work as cashiers in AirTM. Being a cashier at AirTM, we will be placed on the other side of the transaction. That is, we are no longer the ones who request a transaction, but the ones who accept and complete them making our bank accounts and money available.

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That does not orinan that someone else will use our bank accounts. Rather, we will send our money using the bank account that the usuario requests. In exchange for this, AirTM will give us a commission for each transaction. Commissions vary from 1% to 30% per transaction, depending on the payment method we use.

How to access the AirTM advanced dashboard

AirTM ATMs have to be extremely trusted users of the platform. Therefore, AirTM requests a series of requirements to work as a cashier:

  • Be registered with AirTM.
  • Have a verified account.
  • Complete 7 funding or withdrawal transactions.
  • Have a usuario rating of more than 4.0 stars.
  • Have at least 5 referrals.

If you want to know more about how to complete this process, we have prepared an article where we do a detailed review of the platform and another on the AirTM referral system.

Once you have completed these steps and the system approves you as a cashier, the option to «Accept Requests» in the left side menu.

Different ways to earn money through the advanced AirTM dashboard

There are two ways to earn money with AirTM as a cashier: making withdrawals either completing funding. Let’s see each one in detail:

How to complete a withdrawal on the AirTM advanced dashboard

Withdrawals from the advanced dashboard are required, when a usuario you want to add money to your AirTM account, using the different payment methods available. The key to understanding this transaction is that: you must be the one to send the AirUSD from your account to said usuario and receive the transaction in the chosen payment method.

It’s called a “withdrawal” because you must withdraw AirUSD from your account to complete the transaction so your partner cánido fund theirs.

In the previous image, we cánido understand this a little better. The arrow indicates the operation that you must do and what is between the brackets is the type of transaction that your partner wants to do. Also, if you’re still not sure, on the side is two amounts. The first with the sign of – indicate what you should giveand the + sign indicate what you will receive.

Steps to make a withdrawal on the AirTM advanced dashboard

The first thing you should do is clic on the option “Accept Requests”. Then you will see the differences in withdrawal options according to the payment methods you have registered.

After the options appear, choose those transactions that you perro carry out by clicking “Select”. Follow the next steps:

  1. After accepting the request, the usuario will receive the data from your bank account or payment method that you have selected.
  2. From now on, you perro communicate with the usuario through the AirTM chat. To offer a better experience, you cánido help the usuario to complete their transaction.
  3. Then, the usuario will complete the transaction from the payment method you have chosen.
  4. When making the transaction, the usuario will confirm that they have sent the money with the “confirm shipment” button.
  5. The last step is verify that you have received the money and you also confirm the transaction. Thus the money will be sent to the usuario’s account. And ready! You have completed your first cashier withdrawal.

But how do I earn money by withdrawing money on AirTM advanced dashboard?

The profit will not be reflected in your AirTM account. The profit is obtained by sell your AirUSD at a higher rate. If you want to know the profit you have received, you cánido see it in the transaction details.

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How to complete an anchor on the AirTM advanced dashboard

This option is the opposite of the previous one. Now it’s you who you will receive the AirUSD from another usuarioand you will be the one who sends money through the payment processor that he has chosen.

When these types of transactions are available, the format will be afín to the image above. It will say “Funding” on the transaction, and with a + sign it will indicate how much you will receive in your AirTM account and with one of – how much you will have to withdraw from the payment processor you have chosen. In this case, the payment method is from a Venezuelan bank, and therefore, the withdrawal is reflected in bolivars.

Steps to anchor in the advanced AirTM dashboard

Like the previous one, this process is also fácil. You just have to do the following:

  1. Once you have accepted the funding transaction, you must send the amount to the bank or payment processor that the other usuario has indicated. All this information will appear in the transaction details.
  2. After you have sent the money, you must entrar the transaction code and clic on “confirm shipment”.
  3. Your partner will then verify that they have received the money and confirm receipt. And voila, the transaction will be finished.

In this case, the profit will be reflected in your AirUSD.

How much perro you earn with the AirTM Advanced Dashboard?

With the previous version, AirTM offered a commission table. However, since the platform update, this commission table is no longer available.

We recommend that you look at our Airtm Commissions article.

Despite this, we know that the type of commissions depends on the payment method you use. The profit in national banks revolves around $1 for every $20.

This is how much you would normally earn by making a withdrawal from the habitual dashboard:

While as a cashier it would be:

Which would equate to $0.5 for every $1. Which means that for every $100 we would earn $5.

With processors like Paypal, the profit increases considerably, up to $0.17 for every dollar. That is, for every $100 we would earn $17. In this way, the commissions that we cánido earn will depend on the payment method we use.

Consejos for getting the most out of the AirTM Advanced Dashboard

There are some important principles that you should keep in mind, if you want to get the most out of this platform as a cashier. Follow these fácil consejos:

  1. It has the largest number of payment methods available. This will ensure that you always have transactions available on the advanced board of AirTM. Remember, if you do not have a payment method registered, you will not see transactions with it.
  2. Try to stay as a 5 star usuario. The platform takes users with higher reputations into account because they generate more trust for users. The trick is to trade quickly, guide your partner through completing their trades, and always make a trade if you have the necessary funds.
  3. Compare the rates of the habitual board with those of the advanced board. Do this every time you are going to make a transaction and you will know how much you cánido earn.
  4. Start with the highest amount of income. This will allow you to make more transactions per day, which will result in more profit.

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Opinion about being a cashier at AirTM

AirTM is a reliable platform to carry out different types of transactions. Therefore, it is also certain that we will be able to generate income in this way.

AirTM’s advanced dashboard allows even the most active tellers to make notable profits. Some users may get more than $100 a month with this method. This is the reason why so many users work as cashiers on this platform, especially users from Venezuela.

Of course, to get big profits per month you must be a very active usuario and handle big money rates. Another thing is that, if you are already inside the advanced board of AirTM, avoid making transactions through the habitual board as much as possible. Since that way you will lose money, by paying a commission to another cashier. Whereas, if you use the advanced board, you will get a higher rate, which would result in more profit.

We hope this article has helped you. Start working as a cashier at AirTM now!

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 How to be a cashier at AirTM |  Everything that
  How to be a cashier at AirTM |  Everything that
  How to be a cashier at AirTM |  Everything that

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