economy at home

How many days do I have to pay for the electricity after

How many days do I have to pay for the electricity after

It is possible that at some point you will not be able to continue paying your electricity bills, either for reasons such as unemployment, a domestic disaster, forgetfulness, among others. In this case, the question that arises is How many days do I have to pay for electricity after the expiration date?

If you want to know what is the term established for the payment of the electricity bill, you will be happy to know that in this article we will clarify this question and many others.

What is the Term to Pay the Light Bill?

If you have already received a notice of power cut due to non-payment, you should know that you still have a margin of time to be able to make the payment. This period is about 20 days, but it is something that perro vary depending on the situation, the amount and the contracted company.

Usually, the electric company notifies the debt by means of a notice and it indicates a payment term. In the event that the client does not meet this deadline, a notice is sent that communicates when the power goes out.

When you receive the notification of the debt for non-payment of the electric power service, you will be provided with information on how to pay the debt of the electricity bill. There is usually an option On-line through the platform of the contracted company and you cánido also go to the company’s office in person.

Cánido I Pay the Electricity after the Expiration Date?

As previously mentioned, the term for payment of the electric power bill is 20 days from the issuance of the bill. If this invoice is not paid within the stipulated period, the contracted company will be fully entitled to cut off the power supply.

Not paying the electricity bill, in addition to leaving you without light as well brings economic consequences. The expenses for the disconnection are assumed by the company, therefore, if you want to recover the electricity service, you must pay the amount owed agregado a surcharge.

Once this payment of the debt is made, the company will return the electricity supply to you on the same day.

Some people wonder if they cánido default on a light bill if they are not satisfied with the amount of it. In this case the answer is no. You cánido’t default on an electric power bill because you will run out of light service.

You must first pay the bill and then you must archivo the claim. If you make the claim and the contracted company does not respond, you cánido proceed to legal channels.

Keep in mind that, in case of non-payment, your electricity supply will be cut off, and if you take longer than you should, the company will probably take legal action to claim the amount owed.

Do I have more time to pay the Electricity if I am Unemployed?

You should know that the Government of Spain offers help for vulnerable people, this is the Popular bond of light. This voucher allows low-income people to meet their electricity payments, but to do so they must meet a series of requirements in terms of family and popular situation.

The people benefited by this plus have an extended electricity payment term that covers from 4 to 10 months according to their situation, and in some special cases they do not have to pay anything, since the government takes care of all the expenses.

Vulnerable people are considered to be those who present some disability equal to or greater than 33%, large families and pensioners. If you belong to any of these groups, you perro apply for the Bono Popular de Luz.

You should know that there is no Popular Plus for the unemployed. Although in the old regulations unemployment was contemplated as a aspecto to receive this aid, the new Popular Plus no longer takes these cases as a condition to have it.

From the aforementioned, it is clear that if you cannot pay the electricity bill due to unemployment, you should look for other measures so that your electricity is not cut off, whether it is requesting personal or bank loans or doing fácil jobs to cover basic expenses.

Perro I Defer the Payment of Electricity Due to a Domestic Calamity?

A domestic calamity is understood to be a family event that seriously affects the habitual development of activities of a worker or official, such as deaths, illness or serious injury of relatives.

In this case, the employer or boss has the obligation to give the worker the necessary licenses for the performance of transitory official positions of compulsory acceptance.

It is habitual for a person in this situation to wonder: Cánido I defer the payment of electricity due to a domestic calamity? In this case you should know that in many places lThe benefits provided by domestic calamity do not cover the payment of the service of electric power.

On many occasions, employers do not eliminate the payment of wages to workers who are in this situation. If this is your case, you cánido continue paying your electricity bills.

You will also be able to access the Popular Light Plus if your family is large or if you are disabled. Therefore, we encourage you to take advantage of the advantages that are still available to many citizens.

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 How many days do I have to pay for the electricity after  How many days do I have to pay for the electricity after  How many days do I have to pay for the electricity after

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