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How I went from hating reading to reading myself a

How I went from hating reading to reading myself a

I always admired people who were able to go to the beach to read a book for their ability to miss out on the fun that the sea offers.

I couldn’t conceive of behavior different from going into the sea, sitting in the shade of a tent with the chair buried in the sand, drinking beer and talking with family or friends.

I wondered how different these people could be from me, and the differences were evident:

The clearest is that they were foreigners, and judging by the color of their skin and hair, I would dare to say that they were Europeans or Australians. This got me thinking a bit about the cultural differences between Europe and Latin America.

While the average reading per year in a country like Spain -not unlike us in many ways- is of 10.3 books year, the Colombians we read approximately 2.9 books year.

I realized that we are not a country of readers!

But hey, the point is that I wasn’t a reader either and I wanted to change that.

How I started and how you should too

At first I promised myself to acquire the knowledge of the books through narrated vídeos on Youtube. It didn’t go well for me because I did it on my mobile phone, and any WhatsApp message made me lose concentration.

Realizing that this strategy was not working, I decided the following:

When you buy your books you make a commitment to read them, otherwise you would be wasting your money.

But you will ask me What book is good to read John? and the truth is that I do not have the answer, but I do have the right question:

What aspect of your life do you need to improve or change?

Whether it’s emotional intelligencefinances or whatever topic, you must ask yourself: What do I need to improve in my life?

I started with the book Anthony Robbins called Power without limits since I am very interested in the subject of personal growth and I knew that I had to develop my emotional intelligence better.

Reading a topic that catches your attention is the best anchor to acquire the habit.

Once you select a book that you like, you must…

If you got to this point in the article, you are surely taking this seriously, but please: do not try to read the divine comedy in one day. You will simply get tired and end up hating the habit that you are yet to acquire.

It is as if you have never exercised and you sign up for a marathon. You may finish it with a lot of difficulty and pain, but you will probably never run one again in your life.

For this reason, I recommend that start small. The smaller you take the step, the further you will go.

See: Improve 1% every day: The Kaizen method for your personal growth

When I started reading the book Tony Robbins, the first day I read half a page. Nothing else. That was the purpose, just half a page.

And you will be able to say, but hey, that is actually very little, and surely it is, but it is not about starting running but walking. I felt comfortable and finished the first day of reading in less than 2 minutes. I felt like I could read more but there I stopped.

The second day I increased to a page, the third to a page, and I added one more page daily to my count of pages read per day.

recommended books

When I least thought I was already reading for an hour straight, without fatigue and very entertaining.

When I finished the book, I promised myself to keep buying a new one, before I ran out of my current one. It’s like marijuana, you perro’t run out of your joint.

Therefore, keep looking for books in the same vein as the first one you have read, and when you are already reading without difficulty; without looking at the clock, fully immersed in reading, look for a new topic that interests you.

Once reading becomes easy and entertaining, I recommend…

When you equipo aside a moment of the day to dedicate it to reading, you reinforce the new habit, in addition to the fact that daily perseverance will allow you to read at a faster pace, and therefore, read more books in less time.

You should also always carry the book with you since, in general, in our daily routine we have dead times such as: going to work by subway or ómnibus, waiting for an appointment or interview, lunchtime, among others.

Maybe you get to the point of reading more than one book a week, and it’s not about accumulating books read, but knowledge. As I once read:

Knowledge always demands more knowledge, just as the fire needs more wood.
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I hope my experience helps you and you put into practice what you think perro help you.

Continue reading: What I think about starting, two years after creating my own company

Written by Juan Felipe Gallego

Co-founder of MilsMilk, a pioneer company in Colombia in the production of Vegetable Drinks. Our purpose is to create a positive impact on the planet and our consumers through awareness of natural resources and a healthy lifestyle.

*This article was originally published in the author’s personal blog.

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