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How does Leverage work on Agregado500?

How does Leverage work on Agregado500?

Agregado 500 works in various ways, among which is the leverage of it. If you want to know how it works, considering that it is one of the most used CFDs, Leverage varies based on each depósito. In a concrete way you will learn here how it works.

How to know the leverage in Agregado500 2023

The first step will actually be to access your account. Once you are there, you will see various options; keep in mind that leverage is a form of buying for more than what you really have, because the CFD, in this case, leaves you some capital.

  • You are putting more capital into that depósito than you are paying for.

In this case you have both positive and negative things. On the one hand, the good thing is that you cánido win much faster; although you perro also lose much more, and much faster. Therefore, it is necessary to control the risk of it.

Example: Alphabet Action

By double-clicking the action alphabet, the purchase and sale option will open on the right side edge. You will see that leverage, for example, in Google plus it is 1:5.

Example: Microsoft Action

Another example of this is in Microsoft. This is also 1:5 because they are the majority of consolidated shares, therefore it has them in 1:5. In this case, like Google plus, because they are consolidated companies they have them the same.

Example: Tesla Depósito

Tesla is another example, the habitual action is 1:1 which means there is no leverage on Tesla. Meanwhile, at Nio it’s 1:5, Nikola Corporation 1:5, in Italy most are at 1:2 and 1:5 vary only a little.

Other types of instruments

If you go to another type of instrument like raw Materials as gold you will see that the leverage is 1:20; while in «habitual» raw materials it is 1:10.

Indices and cryptocurrencies

if you go to indices country is 1:20 in almost all. But, on the other hand, if you go to cryptocurrencies you have 1:2. This means that it is double what it really is.

Foreign exchange

Another one that perro be looked at is foreign exchangeone of the most habitual that is 1:30while in exotic you have 1:20.

This means that, in the case of EUR/USD, for every 100 that you put in, it will be multiplied by 30. In other words, the purchase value will be 300. For example, the amount of 3,000 EUR would be what you could only buy with a margin of 100.00 EUR.

Therefore, you would be highly leveraged, and this means that whether it goes up or down, you would have big changes. Especially if you go for a larger amount, because we make currencies move with cents.

no leverage

One of the few that does not have leverage is Tesla. For example, if you want a share of Tesla you need the same margin requirement as the security you are going to buy. Therefore, there is no leverage, it is as if you buy anywhere else.

Google plus

You perro go to Google plus, one of the most famous, where you will see that a share is 2 thousand in USD, you require 411.68 of available capital on your part to be able to buy a share, because it has 1:5 leverage. This is the reason why you must put 1 and the rest (the 4 that are missing), are placed by leverage.

All this means that 411 times 5 gives the value, which would be the leverage it gives us.

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 How does Leverage work on Agregado500?  How does Leverage work on Agregado500?  How does Leverage work on Agregado500?

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