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How Coinbase Pro works? Basic Walkthrough

How Coinbase Pro works? Basic Walkthrough

In this article, you are going to get all the Necessary information about what Coinbase Pro is and what is its operation. Also how you should proceed to create your account.

Also in the next one, you will have fácil tutorial with which you will take advantage of the Coinbase Pro platform. Well, it is a sketch of the immensity of options that this excellent platform. And you cánido see if it is what you are looking for or not. So, let’s get down to business!

What is Coinbase Pro?

Coinbase pro is a platform belonging to Coinbase, but with more advanced service. Oriented to the operation or trading with cryptocurrencies. It differs from the classic Coinbase platform, regarding the commissions that apply and with a more technical and professional monitoring system.

Negotiation through this platform allows investment in large amount of cryptocurrencies through the trading pairs. Allowing for tracking real time, full control over the operations you have open. As well as the management of multiple portfolios.

How to entrar the Coinbase Pro platform in 2023

Before entrar the Coinbase Pro platform It is convenient to inform you that it is a platform that is 100% associated with your main Coinbase account.

Similarly, if you have not yet created, or you don’t have your Coinbase accountI also leave you this backlink of the play list. Where you will find a vídeo that will guide you through the process of Coinbase account creation.

After you have registered your account in the classic coinbase platform. You must start the section in your habitual Wallet. Later open a new tab and you must place the word “PRO” before the Coinbase address “Pro.CoinBase.com“. I also leave you the web address so that you do not make mistakes when entering the dirección de Internet.

Once you are in the Coinbase Pro landing page. Go to the upper right corner and clic on the button «Sign In»

As we already have the Main Coinbase Wallet started in another tab, then clicking that button syncs the same login credentials. Therefore, you should not register on this page. Therefore, Coinbase Pro is linked to the habitual platform.

How Does Coinbase Pro Work?

How the Coinbase Pro platform works It differs a lot from the classic. Well, in this you will see a whole trading system, very technical and well distributed. In which you cánido make purchases or sales of cryptocurrencies in real time.

It also allows you trade many types of cryptocurrencies, and have constant monitoring of how your investments are going. It is a platform for traders with a little more experience in this world.

In Coinbase Pro we will be able to find the following options well specified and ordered:


On the upper right side, you will find your portfolio or portfolio. Within the portfolio you perro see the cryptocurrencies and what types of credits you have in each of them.

It is important that you understand that although the two Coinbase platforms use the same credentials to log in. The capital will not be linked that you have in each of them. Therefore, on each platform you will independently manage the funds or investments that you have

Here you cánido see two more tabs, which are:

  • Deposits: there you cánido see all the deposits you have made to the platform.

  • Whitdrawals: They are the withdrawals made from the different wallets of the cryptocurrencies that you have in Coinbase Pro.

You perro also create the different portfolios you need, with which you perro correctly handle the investments you have in the page.


You will also find this section on the upper right side. When you are within this option, you will be able to vea the orders that have been opened and which ones They have closed.

You also have the tab commissions, where you are given information about commissions. There you will see that the commission is 0.50 in current Market. However while the movement of the dollar investments is greater, then the interest will be lower than stipulated.


In this section you will be able to vea the graphics, which are more advanced, it also espectáculos you the history of real time trading. As you perro see in the following image, at the time of writing this article, this is how the Dai price was.

In this same section but on the upper right side, you will find the Select Market option. There you perro select the pairs in which you want to invest. Being the most habitual for investment the BTC-USD pairs.

You perro also look at the chart, in this case the BTC – USD chart. It gives you the option of being able to change the kind of graph what do you want, either sail or linear. As well as the time of 5 minutes daily, or if you prefer annually.

Depth Chart

In this option you will notice another point of view of how the real time transactions, including cents. Up to the price of the moment you are carrying out your operations. It is very useful to know if they are greater sales or purchases of the cryptocurrencies

How to make a deposit or withdrawal on Coinbase Pro?

To make deposits and withdrawals from the Coinbase Pro platform, you must go back to the start by clicking on the logotipo. There you will see two options: deposit and withdrawal.

If you want to make a deposit, give clic on the “Deposit” button and you cánido select your local currency, either Euro or USD. Also deposit in the cryptocurrencies that you have available on the platform.

After you select the currency you want to transfer, you will be shown the two options given by the page to deposit. Which are:

  • Coinbase.com: In this option you transfer your coins or cryptocurrencies from the classic Wallet to Coinbase Pro.

  • Know Transfer: In this option that has always existed, it allows you to transfer your currency from a bank account.

Likewise, in retirement it is the same deposit procedure, you must select the Whitdrawals button and withdraw the funds from your account. Either in the local currency, euro or dollars. as well withdraw your cryptocurrencies to a Wallet external or on the classic Coinbase platform.

whatHow to buy and sell assets on Coinbase Pro?

To perform the buy and sell your assets that you have deposited in the Coinbase Pro Wallet, you should go to the left side. There you will find the purchase and sale options. with what you perro invest your assets in stocks that you think convenient.

For Make the purchase You must clic on the Buy button, there you cánido entrar the amount you want to buy. With him purchase price you want to offerand at the end of it the amount that will be offered will be shown.

Likewise, to place the order on the platform, clic on the Place Buy Order button, you cánido also verify that the commission or fee for performing this operation is zero within the platform.

For the sales of your assets Within the platform, you perform the same procedure but clicking on the «Sell» button.

Also, whether for sale or purchase you cánido use the Market tab to make a sale or direct purchase in real time. Without the need to equipo limits, although in the cryptocurrency price it is not recommended due to its volatile nature. Since it may touch you that you are placing a purchase or sale and the price crashes.

Also in the Stop tab, it will allow you place the stop loss necessary to avoid losses when you are investing in a car. Even this option cánido be used to Secure your earnings on Coinbase Pro

whatWhat other options cánido you find in Coinbase Pro?

Among other options you cánido find them under the logotipo of your profile, there you cánido have access to Banking. Where you perro configure the limits and the bank, among other options. Likewise, in Address you will find all your addresses of your Walletswhere you will make all your deposits and withdrawals.

Also, you cánido download mobile aplicación so that you cánido easily carry out trading, and in the same way, all the information of a legal and privacy nature

Well, as you cánido see the Coinbase Pro platform, it is a trading system belonging to the classic Coinbase platform. Where will you be able to make all your investments in cryptocurrencies. And get a control of all your buying and selling in real time.

Also, here I leave you an excellent vídeo tutorial where each one of the Coinbase Pro Features. So you perro have more information about this system that is in full swing.

We hope you liked our article How Coinbase Pro works? Basic Walkthrough
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 How Coinbase Pro works? Basic Walkthrough  How Coinbase Pro works? Basic Walkthrough  How Coinbase Pro works? Basic Walkthrough

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