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How Bitso works

How Bitso works

Bitso It is one of the most habitual cryptocurrency and currency Wallets in the ámbito, which is why we consider it important that you learn to use it, especially if the use of cryptocurrencies is of interest to you. Before it will be important that you know how to register to the platformif you have already done it, then we cánido continue.

It is important that you know that we will not give you recommendations, for this we suggest that you consult a trusted financial advisor, especially for capital management, in case you require it.

How to use Bitso

The first thing you will see when you are logged in is the main page. On the center left side edge, you will have the Combined Total in USD, which indicates everything you are moving at the moment you entered, will be reflected in USD coins. This means that, of everything you have in your account, it will place there how much you have converted to US dollars.


In the center of the main page, you have the total of what you are moving. You have there three main buttons. The first of them is anchor, where you cánido anchor; It is there where you cánido deposit money in bitso in the wallets. The most common is that it is made from bank transfers; however, you also have another option, which is stablecoin.


You also have the option of withdrawing, which logically You perro only do it with a positive cómputo on the platform. The options are afín to those for anchoring which you will have available once you are able to choose to use that option.


the option of Convert It is about being able to convert from one type of currency or cryptocurrency to another. With this you cánido make a conversion by placing the amount you would like to use and transfer it from one currency to another. There you have everything available, such as Bitcoin, BAT, Ether, among others.

You perro use this option both to sell and to buy in different types of currencies or cryptocurrencies.

Type of coins available

Another of the options that the main page espectáculos you are the different types of coins; You perro find this on the right side edge. Likewise, the amount you have of each of them will be reflected. In all of them you cánido also anchor after clocking up. This would orinan that you will also be able to buy.

most recent history

At the bottom edge of the main page you have access to the most recent history of the transactions you have made in your Bitso account. It’s that fácil, you just have to go down at the end to look at it.

the top bar

If you go to the top bar, you have several options, one of which is currently what a BTC is equal to. There it places what it is worth in relation to different currencies.


In the same top bar you have a section Walletwhich will simply take you back to the beginning, which is where everything begins in a Bitso account.


In the Exchange section you have two options, the main one is Bitso Alpha and trading. The first is advanced trading, for people who trade more advanced. The platform offers a very detailed and professional panel that is this.

the other section, trading, it’s basically the same. It takes you to the secluded, but a bit more basic. It is a site where you cánido make limited purchases, place stop-loss, stop-limit and so on, but in a simpler way, without seeing so many charts.


The section of Aid We do not recommend neglecting. There you will have various frequently asked questions from people answered, as well as platform tutorials, as well as the possibility of creating a ticket in case you have any inconvenience.

the profile

Finally, you have in the upper bar he profile, inside your name. There you cánido configure different fields. There you have several account settings, security, limits and others.

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 How Bitso works  How Bitso works  How Bitso works

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