How Bit2Me works step by step

How Bit2Me works step by step
Have you already registered at, but you still don’t know how it works? Do not worry, because doing it is very fácil and here we will tell you how to operate your Bit2Me account. If you follow the recommendations that follow in this articulo, you will see that you will do very well.
First of all, logically, you must access your Bit2Me account.
How to use Bit2Me in 2023
Once you are inside your account, in the bar superioryou will see the following:
where you perro see all cryptocurrencies what do you have, and the amount what do you have. The value in cryptocurrency language and the value in euros are also reflected here.
In addition, this wallet gives you the option of withdraw. To do this, you must access your wallet in euros, and once there, you will have several options, among them are:
- To deposit and then convert it
- Withdrawwhich you cánido do to your bank account or card
- Do shipments to other wallets
The searcher
Within this line you also have a seeker that allows you to locate the cryptocurrency faster.
Also, if you wish, you cánido add a purseFor example, if you want to have a long-term Bitcoin wallet, and a short-term one, you perro.
To create it, just give clic in the circle with the agregado symbol (+)
if you give clic to some cryptocurrency you perro see in the graphic:
- The percentages, both of the climbs, as of the low of cryptocurrencies
- Although it is equipo to see the activities dailyalso allows you to see, the weekly and until annual
To the press In this option, you will see a box showing you:
- The different ways you cánido pay the cryptocurrency what do you want. The options to pay are:
- With cardcould be debit either credit
- By purse of euroif you have funds within the platform
- By Bank transfer
- or, by tikebit
- You cánido also place how much want pay by cryptocurrency. By default, the option it gives you is in EUR, but you perro change it and convert from another currency to the current value of the cryptocurrency you want to buy.
- Furthermore, you have the ability to add a card. You must fill in the information requested and then proceed to give clic to turn offand in this way, you will have made the purchase of your cryptocurrency.
In this section you cánido sell your cryptocurrencies in EURthat is to say, that, once your cryptocurrencies are sold, your money will go to your euro wallet, and once there you perro withdraw it and so on.
To exchange
In this line you have the option to make a exchange between cryptocurrencies. For example, if you have Bitcoin, you perro change it to Ripple credit or vice versa. You cánido do this with all the others.
This option allows you send cryptocurrencies to others wallets.
you cánido also receive cryptocurrenciesfor this you must have a wallet number so that you perro receive
Option identified with a “gear wheel”, which you cánido find in the upper right corner. in it you perro change the name of the cryptocurrency, or put another qualifier you want. So it will be saved with the name you have put. Also, if any of the wallets do not interest you, you cánido also delete it.
In this section you cánido see and to locate quickly your pursesand espectáculos you how your portfolio is divided within the 21 wallets in the form of percentages.
You perro find this option in the top bar. Here you cánido see the transactions further recent whether they are deposits, withdrawals, conversions, purchases, sales, etcétera.
You perro find this option in the top bar. From here you cánido also buy your cryptocurrencies.
You cánido find it in the upper right corner, it espectáculos you the cómputo of all your cryptocurrencies in euros.
This option espectáculos you a diarya explorer, newsand newsetcétera.
Here you will receive any notice related to your account. This option is identified with a icon in form of «Tinker Bell”.
Your account
if you give clic to the logotipo that is in the corner on the right, you will be able to access your account, thus, if you wish, you cánido change your data, and your profile image and others. In fact, you have to do different configurationsAmong them are preferences, notifications, etcétera.
In this section you cánido change your passwordand add the 2 aspecto authentication. ANDFor plus protection, if you escoge to do so, you must download the APP in the google play store, and thus, before accessing your session, you must verify with your mobile.
Within Security You have this option, which allows you to see from which devices or computers you have accessed your account, if you want to have maximum control.
Public attention
Below to the right are these options, which consist of a message service and a Direct Contact En línea Centerthere you will find the telephone number, and the attention is available every working day, from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
With everything we have told you, you perro now be ready to start using your account, we hope this information helps you and so you cánido use it in the fullest possible way.
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