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How BINANCE Works (Basic Tutorial)

How BINANCE Works (Basic Tutorial)

If you are already a usuario of Binance, you cannot be left alone with the registration and verification of your account, rather, you must master the platform and all the functions that it offers you. For this reason, and so that you do not get left behind, we bring you this new articulo that will teach you how to how to use Binance. Keep reading it, because it will surely be useful to you.

Now we will detalla you in a basic way, in a kind of tour of your Binance accountall its functions so that you are clear about what that you cánido, and as you cánido do it within this crypto financial platform.

What are the trading options offered by Binance?

As with all other crypto wallets, Binance offers you a option equipo in its different sections, with which you perro manage to do all your financial operations. These are grouped at the top of your screen and in its central zone.

First, we will talk about the one that you will have before you immediately, once you open your account:

Access the summary of the most outstanding Options on the Home Page of your Binance account

We are talking about the most used options by the community, which will be open by default before you and displayed throughout the main interfaz.

First, you have the option:

Buy now

This option is what you will see immediately when you entrar the interfaz of your account. With this option, you have the power to make your Cryptocurrency purchases quickly and directly once you press he Buy Now button and follow the corresponding steps.

This procedure that you must follow is the one that appears on a new page (“Buy Crypto”), and consists of the following:

  • The Amount of Cryptoassets what do you want buy in the type of currency you choose.

  • Choose the type of badge in which you want Receive your bought cryptos (You have many at your disposal in the respective selector).

  • At the end, you will also be shown the Price that you must pay for your cryptos.

After completing these steps, you clic to Continue and in this way the process of your purchase would begin, which will include making a confirmation.

Later, on the same main page of your account, you are given a summary of the most outstanding options of Binance. Here you cánido see, among other options, the section Buy and Sell cryptocurrencies easily, Credit / Debit Card, A great crypto ecosystemetcétera.

However, you have several more options to carry out your crypto-financial operations within Binance:

Options to Trade within Binance

you get them to the left of the top barand these are the following:

Access the Buy Crypto section (Buy Cryptos)

If you go to the top bar and simply place the cursor on the option Buy Cryptosa menu will be displayed where these other options are shown:

  • Card Deposit) be Visa oh Master Card.

  • Credit/Debit Cardsimilarly, let Visa oh Master Card.

  • P2P Trading, with which you perro make transfers to banks.

  • Cash Cómputowhich allows you to buy cryptos based on your cómputo in EUR.

  • Third-party Paymentregarding Simplex and Bank (SEPA).

Of all these, the most used is Card Depositfrom where you perro make your cryptocurrency deposits into your Binance account following a series of fácil steps.

Access the Binance Applications section

It’s about a grid icon which you get at the far left of the top bar, right next to the Binance logotipo. Within this section you will get a series of quite interesting options:

  • Exchangewith which you perro buy or sell any type of crypto available within the platform, either with or without margin, depending on how you have it configured.

  • Researchwhere you get all kinds of news outstanding Regarding the subject of cryptos and others, with the option to see their respective analysis.

  • cloudssection where they are contributed solutions for companiessuch as those who want to implement the cryptocurrency payment system on their platforms.

  • launch padconsisting is in the pitcher token from the Binance platform itself.


Here you cánido review the different cryptocurrencies and their respective indices depósito market that espectáculos you the Binance platform. From right here, you cánido also access the Advanced Options negotiation pressing he button Trade from the far right of each crypto.


In this section, you are given the different ways to negotiate your assets to earn dividends. You do this with the following options:

  • Convertwhich will help you fast conversions from one crypto to another, agregado EUR to cryptos and vice versa.

  • Advancein which you perro get a more detailed perspective of these cryptocurrencies and access all its powers of advanced tradingsuch as making sales and purchases of said crypto assets.

  • marginwhich is the option that allows you the margin to operate with more of what you ownbut with greater risk of loss.

  • P2Pknown above all for the purchase and sale of crypto assets between individualsthat is, outside the Binance platform itself, but properly linked, with all the security that it offers you.


This option espectáculos you some more advanced options, where you perro operate based on futures of crypto assetsbeing a very volatile market in which you perro do many things, but also lose a lot.


With this option you perro have different sub-options with which to review and manage your dividends. We refer to:

  • Binance Earnwhich consists of committing to place here part of your capital fixedly or stable (this money will remain locked) for a certain period of time and, with this, depending on the crypto you choose, you will earn a certain percentage.

  • Binance Poolrelated to the topic of mining and for users VIP. In the words of the same website, «a broad platform service dedicated to improving the income of miners.»

  • Binance Visa Cardwhich is also something new within the platform, since it is a visa card Binance itself.

  • Crypto Loanswhere you perro perform loan requestsin exchange for some interest, etcétera.

  • BinancePaysection that allows you to do en línea shoppingdirectly, with zero commissionsfast, safe and so on.


This is what is trending right now and the Binance platform has been at the forefront with this. In this section you perro review and see a little the different non-fungible tokens that are available within the same platform, in case the topic is of interest to you.

More Direct Access Options within your Binance account

On the other hand, to the right of the same top baryou have several of the options already mentioned above, but this time you perro access them directlyand some others that it would be useful for you to also know, which are the following:

The Wallet section

This section has the following subcategories:

  • Overview

  • Fist and spot

  • margin

  • Future

  • P2P

  • Earn

  • pool card

  • Vanilla Options

  • transaction history

Orders section

In which, you perro see some sections related to orders that you have used within this platform, and these are:

  • Equipo Order

  • Spot Order

  • Margin Order

  • P2P Order

  • Earn History

  • Buy Crypto History

  • Loan History

  • ConvertHistory

  • Launchpad History

Your Profile (Person Icon)

With this option you perro configure some aspects within your account, such as:

  • dashboard

  • Safety

  • Identification

  • reward center

  • referral

  • Task Center

  • API management

  • log out


In this section you cánido configure the notifications that you want to reach you and which not, to your correo electrónico.


with which you cánido switch from english To Spanish or another language with which you identify. You just entrar the box and choose yours.

Select Currency

And here, in this last section, you perro change currency that appears by default and choose the one with which you want to move within Binance.

In short, we cánido tell you that everything is truly interesting.or what you perro do with your Binance account; from Buying and selling Cryptos, to buying NFTs. You get everything on this same crypto-financial platform, which you cánido use to get great monetary benefits.

Vídeo Tutorial on how to use Binance in 2023

So that you perro further expand what you have learned so far in this articulo, we invite you to watch the vídeo How to use Binance in 2023.

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 How BINANCE Works (Basic Tutorial)  How BINANCE Works (Basic Tutorial)  How BINANCE Works (Basic Tutorial)

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