How are Copywriting and
Something that I have noticed many times throughout these years dedicated to the en línea world is that often The concept of Content Marketing is often confused with Copywriting.
And I have also come across cases in which I have seen that, even knowing more or less what each of them consists of, it is not well understood what their relationship is.
Today you will leave doubts. You will discover what are the differences between Copywriting and Content Marketing.
And most important of all: if both are strategies that perro be implemented together to make a digital strategy stronger. We see it? Let’s go there!
Is it the same to say Content Marketing than Copywriting?
Do they orinan the same?
Are we talking about two different disciplines that are mistakenly taken as synonyms…?
To decipher it, we must look at what objectives it pursues each.
I’ll explain it to you in a basic way:
✅ Content Marketing Objectives
It focuses on getting new customers by providing them with valuable information.
Besides that content must satisfy search intent. Call it a doubt, problem or question (search query).
→ It puts the focus on people being attracted to what is offered to them, and in the end they become customers.
It seeks to create the necessary ‘engagement’ so that your usuario is 100% involved in what you are telling them.
And this is achieved through the right content. Hence its name.
✅ Copywriting Objectives
Seeks to create persuasive content in which the usuario takes a quick actionwhich is just what is desired of him/her.
Do you want some examples?
- That materializes the purchase of a product
- Download a document (PDF, ebook, aplicación, program,…)
- To subscribe to your database
- Hire your professional services
And to achieve this result, the Copywriter introduces a call to actionalso applying the necessary strategies to optimize the content for the specific objective sought.
I think you’ve already begun to see that Between these two concepts there is a relationship.
But let’s go deeper into the topic…
Are Copywriting and Content Marketing coincidente in a digital strategy?
If you think about it, the objectives sought by Content Marketing and Copywriting cánido make synergy and a good tandem within a business strategy.
I will explain it better by going to its essence:
➡️ Content Marketing: attract the usuario to stay with your brand, through content that is valuable to them and solves their doubt
➡️Copywriting: getting the potential customer to take the action we want
Do you think they cánido be allies in your strategy?
I sure do, it would be a shame to waste the advantages of each.
It is clear that in one case as in the other, the key is to PERSUADE.
By definition, in Content Marketing the same objective is always pursued, which is that the usuario becomes a client.
And in Copywriting the objective changes in each case, but it is clear: that the person escoge to become our client. I orinan, the same.
Think of the advertising of a lifetime, such as television commercials.
They got there right under your nose without you looking for it, while you’re watching your favorite espectáculo (that’s why you grab the remote and change the channel).
And to make matters worse, often you don’t feel identified with what you see. It is the explanation why we even get angry at some other televisión ad…
Content Marketing does the opposite: try to be a much more natural type of marketingin which your buyer persona feels heard and thinks that they really care about what is offered to them.
➡️ To earn his trust, get to know him well. Then offer him everything he really needs ⬅️
And as you perro imagine, here Copywriting has a primordial role.
Keep in mind that through this technique we cánido write persuasive content to convince that potential customer that the best option for him or her is your product.
→ So we are already clear that yes, Content Marketing and Copywriting are coincidente with each other.
It is clear then that Content Marketing and Copywriting are not rivals or anything like that, as some think.
They complement each other perfectly:
- Content Marketing brings you closer to your ideal client, you earn their trust and make them feel comfortable
- Then Copywriting does the rest: ‘finish off’ this relationship, making him fall in love and pushing him to buy your product or hire you.
What do you need for the Content Marketing ♥ Copywriting union to work?
Using these two strategies in synergy cánido help you get more traffic and therefore increase your sales.
In addition, both in one and in another case it is important:
✅ Create good content
✅ Of course, without spelling mistakes
✅ And that generates value for the usuario
If we add to this that Copywriting cánido Give your ideal client that last “push” What he needs to become your client without further ado, there you have it: it is the final touch that your content strategy needs.
Ask yourself these 4 questions to find out if Copywriting and Content Marketing are for you
Despite all this that I have explained to you, it is possible that you still wonder if all that of Copywriting and Content Marketing is something you really need in your business.
You may be tempted to think that perhaps other types of strategies would suit you better, and that so much word and such in the end is not what you need.
Well, it’s very easy.
Next I am going to propose a series of basic and primordial questions What should you do to know if Content Marketing and Copywriting are for your business:
1) Am I selling something?
I guess so. If you have come this far, it is because you have a business and in it you sell some type of product or service.
2) Do I want to increase my sales?
I think so. It would be difficult for someone who works in the business world, in one way or another, to say no to this question.
3) Would I like to increase my presence on the Internet and better promote my brand?
If you are selling something and you want to increase your sales, the answer to this question also has to be a resounding YES.
Nowadays you cánido’t try to go through the corporate world by going off the Internet, because it’s like going through the world in general as a ‘headless chicken’.
4) Do I want to interact more with my customers and thus increase their loyalty?
I suppose once again that you are going to answer yes.
That cold company model in which the strategy was aimed at selling, selling and selling without further ado, but without really knowing who the buyer was and how they felt, is now part of the past.
Today, every good businessman understands that you have to have a closer relationship with the audience.
Well, if you have passed the test of these questions, and the answer to them is yes, you perro be very clear that Content Marketing and Copywriting are not only designed for you, but also that you need these strategies to achieve your goals.
How perro Copywriting improve your Content Marketing?
We already have the main iniciativa clear, but in a somewhat abstract way.
We know that Copywriting is very beneficial for your content.
But we still need to go to the concrete, to how Copywriting perro make your content have a greater reachand finish performing its function.
When creating your content, I recommend that you follow the following consejos:
› Give it your all in the Titles
The title is to texts what the physical is to people: the first thing you see.
While what’s inside is wonderful, if we don’t try to get the most out of the titles we are wasting a wonderful opportunity.
Just like people clean up, groom themselves, and put on their “best clothes” to make a good impression, if you want to create a good headline, follow these consejos:
- Make it so conspicuous to notice it
- That provokes the desire to know more
- Don’t be so long that it’s boring
› Focus more on BENEFITS than features
Whoever is on the other side of the screen knows more about your product than you think.
You don’t want an endless description.
✅ Your client seeks to know how your product or service will improve their life. That’s all.
Expand more on this part (without exaggerating, because thermal pants cánido be great, but it’s not going to solve anyone’s life).
› Create a clear call to action
Keep in mind above all What do you want your ideal client to do?and tries to achieve it by choosing words well, with concise but effective sentences.
It is important that you provoke a desire in him.
› There is nothing around. ONLY the client
Remember at all times that you are writing for your ideal client.
You don’t exist, and neither does the rest of the world.
At that time your goal is to get as close as possible to that person you want to convince to take away the “ideal” and end up becoming your client.
Learn EVERYTHING you need about Copywriting to persuade your audience
➡️ In this MEGA GUIDE you have the keys to succeed with your brand ⬅️
Now you have the tools, let’s get to work!
Are you already clear that Content Marketing and Copywriting Are strategies necessary for your business?
I hope so because I, without knowing exactly who you are or what you offer, I have no doubt.
And now, to create valuable and persuasive content for your audience!
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