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How and where to claim capital gains taxes

How and where to claim capital gains taxes

The Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land, also known as municipal capital gains, is a direct tax that taxes the revaluation of your property, from the moment you acquired, inherited or received it as a donation, until the moment it ceases to be yours.

Through the ruling of the Constitutional Court of May 11, 2017, many articles of the law that regulates this tax have been declared unconstitutional. Subsequently, in July 2018, the Supreme Court exempted people who could demonstrate that the sale of their property had generated losses from paying this tax.

At the moment, there are many claims about the inappropriate application of municipal capital gains and the restitution of its amount to those affected. By any oportunidad, are you one of them? If so, you should know what situations justify these claims, what mechanism must be followed and of course, since we are in the digital age, it would be interesting to know a comfortable way to process these claims en línea.

Situations that generate municipal capital gain claims

The municipal capital gain was the subject of much controversy, since it was applied regardless of whether or not you obtained benefits from the sale of your property.

Every taxpayer who is sold a property at a loss in urban terrain, having paid the Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land, you are entitled to claim the canceled amount.

This tax must also be paid when has received property, either by gift or inheritance. However, as the Constitutional Court has pointed out, in these cases if there has been no increase in the value of the urban land, the capital gain is not due, so you perro claim the entire tax paid.

A primordial requirement to claim the municipal capital gains is that it perro be demonstrated that there were no profits at the time of the sale of the property and be within the legal term to make the claim.

This legal process is overwhelming, that’s why the website claimerit simplifies it. You will only provide a copy of the liquidation of the payment of the capital gain, and with it they will calculate what the municipal council owes you. Free of charge, they will send you a report of the study carried out by their team of tax lawyers, so that you cánido escoge if you want to make the claim.

Mechanism to claim municipal capital gains

The claim of the municipal capital gains is channeled by means of a written request to the town hallrequiring refund of undue income, when its reimbursement is requested for duplicate payment, higher payment than the one corresponding to self-assessment or liquidation or for having been made when the term of the tax obligation had prescribed.

For this procedure you will need the following documentation: DNI, copy of the deed of acquisition of the property, copy of the deed of transfer of the same and copy of the self-assessment/assessment of the tax with the stamp of the bank or other proof of payment of the tax.

As you will understand, this process cánido consume a lot of time, energy and resources, and cánido also genere a lot of trouble. You must arm yourself with patience to wait for this resource to prosper.

To save you this inconvenience, the portal, requests the city council to rectify the settlement/self-settlement through administrative channels. This process perro be slow or fast, depending on each municipality. If the latter does not respond, they immediately proceed to judicial proceedings, also claiming the default interest generated.

Before starting the claim process, the help center for municipal capital gains on the page cánido clarify any doubts that may arise on this subject, so you perro start this process fully understanding the situation.

How to claim municipal capital gains en línea?

Cánido you imagine the difficulties that it would represent to make these claims in person, without having any support? Fortunately, it is advantageous to have technological tools that streamline this procedure. In this regard, it is good to understand how to manage it en línea.

Thousands of people have successfully used the services of the page. By entering it, you perro clic on the claim tab and select the option taxes/municipal capital gainsand then consult your case.

Following a series of four steps, without implying any commitment, You will provide the necessary data and documentation for the case study to be carried outwithout having to pay anything in advance.

Why claim municipal capital gains with

Those who have used to make their claim for municipal capital gains, They have received a professional, serious and effective treatment. The high knowledge they have of this matter and their service policy have made it an ideal alternative.

Some reasons why you should make your efforts with are the following:

  • There are no initial costs. By filling out the form on the page, you will not have to cancel anything in advance.
  • professional advice. They have a team of expert tax lawyers, who will accompany you throughout the claim process. In addition, in their help center, in a gentle way, they will be willing to clarify any doubts that may arise and they will patiently analyze the case that you present with you.
  • Fácil initial procedure. In just a few minutes you perro manage your claim request. You will only provide a copy of the settlement or self-settlement of the capital gains payment, and with this they will be able to calculate what your city council owes you. They will send a totally free study report, so that you perro escoge if you want to claim or not.
  • Diligence in the process. In the first instance, they will request the city council to rectify the self-assessment through administrative channels. This process cánido take several months, depending on each municipality. If the city council does not respond in a short time, they use the judicial route, where both the payment of your claim and the interest generated will be managed.
  • They only charge if you win. The commitment of lies in accompanying you until you achieve your goal. They only charge if they manage to win your case. Of course, the person is expected to commit to them to the end. Their services are assessed at 20% of the amount charged. Therefore, experts will do their best to resolve the claim as soon as possible.

If you are currently in the process of claiming the refund of the municipal capital gains payment, you will save a lot of time and gain efficiency if you go to Allow your friendly team to guide you and lead you to success in your efforts!

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