Hotmart opens more than 400 vacancies for

Hotmart opens more than 400 vacancies for
Have you ever wondered how to get a job within Hotmart?
In general, this is a platform that we use either to learn or to sell our info products, but we rarely ask ourselves how to become part of a company that has grown so much in recent times.
A few days ago they published on their networks the possibility of applying to their more than 400 vacancies available for this year 2021.
If you are a lover of digital marketing, learning processes and dynamics, and you want to be part of Hotmart as an employee, then this article is for you.
Become a Hotmart Trooper:
Hotmart It is a quite complete and effective affiliate marketing platform ready for the use of those who want to sell, promote or buy en línea courses, vídeos, subscriptions, among other things.
Surely if you are a student eager for new knowledge, you have ever come across the advertising of some of their courses.
Even if you are part of the community of digital entrepreneurs, you will know that this platform is an excellent place to catapult your dream of monetizing your passion through your knowledge.
Hotmart It does it for you, it is in charge of promoting your infoproducts and carrying out the entire transaction with your clients, in exchange for a commission.
However, like any company, it requires a team of professionals behind all its operations.
In this way, it offers job positions within a fairly recognized field, thanks to the fact that its positioning strategies have been really effective.
Work independently and freely
This is their philosophy, they encourage you to work at your own pace and in the best possible environment.
For Hotmart, as a company, it is essential that you love what you do, that you enjoy your work, that you really be productive without giving up personal happiness.
Right now, their number of employees is more than 1000 Hotmart Troopers. This is what they call their workers to generate a feeling of empathy and belonging.
Concerning the client, they state that it is essential to transform lives through education, technology and entrepreneurship. This is no less in the era of knowledge and human technology.If you want to work in HotmartIt is important that you know that they are very well ranked as one of the best places to work.
Backlink: Here you have all the available offers that Hotmart has to work with.
They are also on the list of GSV Global EdTechas one of the 150 companies with the greatest global impact on teaching using technology.
Job vacancies you cánido access
With at least 14 job categories, Hotmart offers a variety of positions that cánido really boost your career.
From administrative, commercial and customer service areas, you perro search and find a really valuable job in your personal growth.
If you have knowledge in digital marketing, new product development or you are a human resources professional, here you will find a good opportunity.
Cities where you perro work for Hotmart
Hotmart has job vacancies in 13 cities located in the American and European continents.
Some of them are: Amsterdam, Rio de Janeiro, Bogotá, Lima, Paris, New York, among others.
It doesn’t matter which of these cities you find yourself in, the variety of positions is quite wide, you just need to have your CV updated and have clarity in your skills so as not to apply for a vacancy that you will not be able to hold.
You could also consider traveling to one of these cities and working remotely while living the experience of seeing places while you work.
Characteristics of the vacancies
Credits: Hotmart LinkedIn
Of course, each vacancy has its description and requirements, however, there is a list of general characteristics that you must meet for most of them.
1. Have knowledge about digital marketing.
2. Understand the dynamics of en línea education.
3. Be passionate about what you do.
4. In many cases you will have to certify a second language. In general you must have a high level of English.
5. Excellent ability to work in a team.
6. Leadership, in some cases you will have to lead groups of people under your charge.
7. Excellent customer-facing management.
8. Problem-solving capacity.
9. Knowledge of technology.
10. Knowledge in popular media.
However, some things you perro learn in the process, since Hotmart He conducts training and training for his Troopers.
In addition, you have the advantage of having several benefits while working for them.
Join a growing company:
Hotmart has millions of users around the world, this means that it is a sustainable company that works to continue evolving and consolidating itself.
This perro represent something very positive in your professional career. Normally these experiences are not only the answer to a job search, but also become a learning process to be better every day.
Continue reading: You don’t have to be an entrepreneur to succeed in life
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