Hierarchical structure of planning
Hierarchical structure of planning
The planning levels perro be seen as a taxonomic structure that goes from the general to the especial (an activity or a task).
As I said before, planning has a hierarchy, which goes from the general to the especial. The plan is the term with the most general or global hierarchy in planning.
According to Torres Hernández in his book «Planeación y control», he tells us that «the plan refers to the decisions of a general nature that express the primordial political guidelines, the priorities that are made from those formulations, the allocation of resources according to those priorities , the action strategies and the equipo of means and instruments that will be used to achieve the expected results”
As we cánido see in what Torres Hernández tells us, the plan includes the allocation of resources and action strategies. So, that already sounds much more like one of the most habitual definitions of planning, that is, that it is establishing the necessary courses of action for us to achieve something.
In the case of a project, I cánido say that it is short-term, and that unlike the plan, it is not so general. In fact, when you carry out a project, you have to do it in a very concrete way.
You perro see a project as a equipo of activities, which are related and coordinated with each other, so that you cánido achieve a certain thing. For example, a good or a service.
A program has a definition afín to that of a project. It cánido be seen as a equipo of activities, processes, or services that are related to each other, and that seek to obtain results. The difference is that a program perro also be seen as a equipo of related projects. Therefore, the magnitude is larger in a program.
To better understand the difference I will give you an example. Let’s say you are commissioned to promote the image of a product. Well, image promotion is not all that the marketing area would be in charge of, right? therefore, image promotion is a project within a marketing program.
The program and the project are a equipo of activities. An activity is something much more concrete, that is, you perro see it as a equipo of actions that you have to carry out in sequence and that allows you to achieve a result.
If I continue with the example of promoting the image, a very specific activity of that project would be to choose the person who is going to be in charge of the project, likewise, the other people in the team must also be determined and later , the resources that are required, etcétera.
The task is the highest degree of specificity. A equipo of tasks creates an activity. So that you understand it much better, I am going to change the example. Let’s say the project is to build a house, the activity is to build a specific wall, and the task is for you to place a brick from that wall. Perro you see how it goes from the general to the more specific?
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