economy at home

GetBlend: Earn Money Translating Texts

GetBlend: Earn Money Translating Texts

Does GetBlend pay or is it fraud? Generating income from your home in this new era is now much easier, thanks to the thousands of opportunities to earn income, GetBlend It is one of those platforms where we are going to earn money and we are only going to need a computer and internet access.

GetBlend What is it and how does it work?

GetBlend is a platform that helps companies locate their businesses based on unique insights into local context, culture, and consumer behavior. It has a professional team with academic certifications and operational experiences, to help companies weave a native and trained dialogue in more than 120 languages.

This company has been in the market for more than 12 years and has vast experience, connections and solved challenges, helping and providing a premium service to its clients.

This company started as OneHourTranslation Founded in Israel in 2008, with over 12 years of text translation experience, it has grown into a robust client base, with a focus on localization based on innovative technology.

With five offices around the world and a global team of pluricultural talent, the shift towards BLEND It has represented a natural evolution for this company.

How to make money with GetBlend?

As we have already seen, GetBlend is a company that offers text translation services which allows us earn money translating texts from wherever we are in the world.

Although this platform does not have a specific rate for the editor, it does have one for the client, but the editor is only paid a percentage of what they charge the client.

For example, one of the metrics they use to pay copywriters is the following, project availability is largely based on translator performance metrics.

The quality of the translation, customer retroalimentación, volume of the project, and personal interaction with staff and customers will all be taken into account. If these performance metrics remain positive, the writer will receive more and better projects at the best available rate, he will always have projects available thanks to his good performance.

Here’s what you need to know about fees. The translators fees are in line with industry estándares and cánido be adjusted based on:

  • Translation quality: the most important aspecto!
  • “Recovery” ratio: how many of the available projects are complete.
  • Availability and responsiveness.
  • Status, time and number of completed projects.
  • Other parameters.

GetBlend Rates

As we have already mentioned, the platform only espectáculos the customers feeIn this case, as you cánido see in the image below, you have only two plans available.

He General Business Planit is general commercial content and the Professional plan which requires experience in the translator industry and these are the categories available:

  • Car
  • Finance
  • Programa / IT
  • Legal
  • Marketing
  • Medicine
  • patents
  • Scientist
  • Technical
  • Games
  • Advertising
  • Mobile aplicaciones
  • Tourism
  • eLearning / Training
  • Crypto / Forex

GetBlend Registration, How to apply as a text translator?

The registration process is very fácil, in order to start working with this platform and make money translating you will have to go to GetBlend official page and proceed with registrationyou are going to entrar the information that is requested there and then confirm your correo electrónico.

Once you register on the platform, it will proceed to give you a test en línea, I orinan, a test en líneato determine and confirm your skills as a translator and thus see if you qualify or not to be part of the company, that is why it is vitally important that you be honest when submitting the form, if you know that you do not master a language well then do not you put it

GetBlend: Payments, withdrawal minimum and how to collect

GetBlend currently pays. This is the process that you must exhaust when make a withdrawal on GetBlendonce you have completed a translation project, your account is credited according to the number of words translated.

Once the project becomes «Filled» 7 days after the translation is submitted or after the last comment posted on the discussion board. credits are earned 72 hours from the moment the project is completed and the plus after 30 days.

You should keep in mind that some projects may go through several steps before being completed. (translation, editing, quality control, etcétera.). Once all parts are finished, the project status will change to «filled» according to the above timeline.

For your first withdrawal you must have at least 2000 credits ($20 dollars) what would he be minimum withdrawal on GetBlendonce you have completed that amount, clic on the button «Convert to Cash» in your Control Panel.

Then select your preferred payment method, it perro be PayPal and the number of credits to convert. The required default payment term is Net + 30 for the first withdrawal (at the end of the following month). Then you must send an invoice to [email protected] with the corresponding totals. proof of payments available.

Funds will be paid on the specified date and the status of the request will be automatically updated in your Control Panel (it may take up to 24 hours to be fully processed).

GetBlend Opinions and news

The platform GetBlend It is mostly used by English-speaking people to work as a text translator, but if you are Latino and you speak a language well, be it English, French, Italian or any other, this platform perro be a very good option to generate income from home.

In addition, the GetBlend company continues to innovate and grow, it is a company that is growing and so far it looks like it will have many job offers available.

Keep in mind that you will always hear negative and positive comments from any company on the internet, because each person always has a different experience, but it is up to us to try and throw the adventure and see how it goes.

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