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Get Chilean Passport: Prices, benefits

Get Chilean Passport: Prices, benefits

Whether you are Chilean or a resident of the country and are thinking of traveling outside of Chile. You must have a valid passport in hand issued by the Civil Registry of Identification.

If you do not know the procedure to obtain it, or you want to know the value, duration, benefits and more. Stay in this articulo that we are going to tell you about the necessary administrative procedures to get the chilean passport.

Requirements and how to get the Chilean passport

To carry out the Chilean passport application process, we must request this document in the Civil Registry of Identification previously mentioned. To do this, we must follow the following steps:

  1. entrar the Civil registration
  2. Once inside the site, entrar the section «En línea services»choose the option “Time reservations” and select the option «Identity Card and Passport».
  3. Complete the form with the requested data and select, region, commune, office and preferred hours.
  4. Once finished, the system sends a dirección de correo electrónico to the usuario with the reservation number.
  5. Go to the office on the day and at the stipulated timeshall submit the e-e correo electrónico with your reservation number (perro be printed or on your cell phone). Please note the following:
    • Verify that you Identity card is in good condition and current.
    • In case you do not have the official identification document and you need to leave the country urgently, you perro obtain a emergency passport, which only lasts from 6 months to 1 year.
    • If your identity card is expired, you must request it together with your passport.
    • If you have a record with the Investigative Policethen you will not get the passport.
    • Your fingerprints will be verifiedwhich must match those entered in the identification card.
    • If all is well, will proceed to take a color photo of you.
    • The Civil Registry has a degree of tolerance in the delay of people of up to 15 minutes, in the case of not arriving a new reservation must be requested to get the chilean passport (We recommend always arriving a few minutes before).
  6. Keep in mind that the data must be correct, for any tampering the Civil Registry Service will not be able to process the request.

How long does the process take to complete?

The estimated waiting time to receive the passport is usually about 10 working daysWhether it’s the first time or a renewal. In our experience, it usually takes a few days less. You will be notified by dirección de correo electrónico when the office has the Chilean passport to pick up.

Don’t lose the receipt They will give you the day of the appointment, because it may be necessary to collect the document.

Nota: Tienes que tener en consideración que los turnos son personales. Caso de que desees pedir el pasaporte para mucho más integrantes de tu familia, vas a deber sacar un turno por persona.

Withdrawal of passport of a minor

To make effective the withdrawal of the travel document of a minor. If applicable, the following must be present to collect the passport:

  • Both parents of the minor: if neither was present at the time of the request.
  • Father or mother who was not present to apply for the passport
  • Father or mother who applied for the minor’s passport with authorization: If the parent who was not present to request the document cannot be present to collect it, the parent who applied for the passport may come forward with a special power of attorney, stating that any of the following is permitted:
    • Approves the departure of the minor from the country.
    • Authorizes the application for the minor’s passport.
    • Authorizes the removal of the minor’s passport.

Said authorization cánido be granted in a public document or under a private signature before a Minister of Faith (notary or consul). If it is granted abroad, it must be duly apostilled or legalized.

Chilean passport application

The Chilean government, through the civil registry, had a virtual scheduling system to facilitate obtaining a passport. He himself promises:

  • Fast, efficient and safe attention for the usuario. In this way you will not have to approach the place without an appointment, or make long lines and unnecessary exposure at this time of pandemic.
  • The person only comes on the day of their appointment to carry out the procedure more quickly, comfortably and safely.
  • You cánido book an appointment at the convenience office and not just the one closest to the usuario. For example, if there is a shift in 2 weeks and perhaps in another city in 1 week, you perro choose the best one for you.
  • Decongest the offices.
  • Savings in resources and travel times for citizens.
  • The staff have more opening hours since they should not «waste time» taking turns.

You cánido request an appointment at the 312 civil registry offices available to obtain the Chilean passport. The agenda is always open in six months, so there are more than two million appointments available.

When do I need to have the Chilean passport to travel?

Any Chilean person or resident who wants to travel abroad must have their passport to leave the country, except if you want to visit one of the following countries:

  • Argentina
  • bolivian
  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • Paraguayan
  • Peru
  • Uruguay

For these cases, it will only be necessary to have your national identity card up to date and in good condition. You must bear in mind that if the flight to one of these destinations makes a stopover in another country that requires a passport to entrar, for example México, it will be necessary to travel with the passport.

Chilean passport requirements: Frequently asked questions

We know that one of the first questions we ask ourselves before applying is how much does the chilean passport cost, or how long is the duration. For this reason, here we are going to solve the main doubts for get the chilean passport.

What is the value of the Chilean passport?

Value of the updated Chilean passport according to the Civil Registry:– 32 pages: $69,660– 64 pages: $69,740

RevistaAutor’s recommendation is that you request the 64-page one, there is very little difference in price and you never know how many stamps you could have in the future.

How long is the Chilean passport?

As of February 1, 2020, the Chilean passport began to have a validity of 10 years.Passports issued prior to that date have a duration of 5 years.

What happens if my passport is stolen? What should I do?

In the case of not having the passport due to robbery, theft or loss, you cánido make a definitive blocking of the document. This request perro be made in person at Offices, Consulates or even on the website, using your Unique Password.


We hope this article has been helpful and easy to understand. Any suggestion or problem for get your travel document You cánido tell us about it below in the comment box. You cánido also ask us to make a especial item that you need.

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