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Free aplicaciones | Which ones do I use to win?

Free aplicaciones | Which ones do I use to win?

In this blog dedicated to making money en línea, we have already published lots of websites where we cánido get any cryptographic currency, but few Aplicaciones to earn free cryptocurrencies.

That is why today I bring you an article where I am going to talk about several of these applications, aplicaciones that I am using successfully and that surely you have come here looking for that information to get some plus money, surely They will serve you to achieve that purpose.

Of course, the first requirement that an Aplicación must meet to entrar this list is to be free, we are not going to espectáculo you sites that necessarily need an investment, they are all free and you perro generate benefits without having to invest anything at all.

Clearly, Bitcoin is the star cryptocurrency, we all want to own it and in fact, in most of the sites that we are going to espectáculo, Satoshis cánido be generated for free, but it is not the only one, there are several interesting coins apart from BTC that we will be able to earn in these applications, some with more value than others but all of them with great potential for future growth.

Requirements to earn cryptocurrencies with the Aplicaciones

Everyone cánido earn free cryptocurrencies with mobile applications, the biggest and most obvious requirement is to have a móvil inteligente that works and has a minimum capacity to install them, it doesn’t matter if it’s Android or iOS, most of these applications are available for the two operating systems par excellence.

Another obvious requirement is to have one or more cryptographic wallets where you perro receive payments from these applications, it is generally better to have more than one, since by charging from different cryptocurrencies, we make sure that our wallet is coincidente, I leave you with some of them. the best.

Although in these sites you will find most cryptocurrencies, it may be that you will not find a minority token that you need to withdraw, for this it is best to also create a wallet that supports Ethereum ERC20, such as Metamask, MyEtherWallet or the best option, get one Ledger hardware wallet to avoid theft or scams.

But without a doubt the biggest requirement is to have the determination to want to work the sites and want to earn cryptocurrencies, if you don’t have that, don’t even bother reading.

Applications to earn free cryptocurrencies

Well, these applications number in the thousands, but really only a few pay or are moderately reliable.

In the list that I am going to offer you are some of the best or at least the ones that are working best for me, all of them are paying today, so in that sense we perro rest easy.


Earn a multitude of cryptocurrencies with various games. Minimum payout of only $0.01.



Tap every 60 minutes, multiple ways to earn BTC for absolutely free. Web that also has an apk to install on the phone



Real money to Paypal by playing games, watching vídeos and participating in sweepstakes. Oportunidad to win GMEE token. Use this invitation code: ZB7F83SL


Free Litecoin

Aplicación to earn free Litecoin addictive game every hour, it is automatically charged to your wallet every Tuesday, it also has other options to increase the cómputo.


Free Bitcoin Cash

Aplicación to earn free Bitcoin Cash same operation, it is automatically charged to your wallet every Tuesday, increase your cómputo with many other tasks.


Satoshi Hero

APK to earn free cryptocurrencies, with your faucet, offer walls and playing games.



Get Bitcoin and Dogecoin website with its own aplicación, many free options to earn, ads, surveys, dividends, referrals and much more.



It is a website although it has an aplicación where we perro earn various cryptos, a daily faucet for Zcash, Flare and MATIC, it also has free games to earn more.



Mine a new token, without battery consumption mined every 24 hours completely free, take the opportunity to accumulate free Pi coins, a new digital currency that will be released to exchanges soon.



Game where to get Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and USDCoin cryptocurrencies, we need Coinbase to collect, Use this invitation code: L1OY5R



Another game where to get Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and USDCoin cryptocurrencies, we need Coinbase to collect, Use this invitation code: L1OY5R



Install and play easy games to earn Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Dogecoin and USDCoin, we need Coinbase to get paid, Use this invite code: ELREC8



Game to exercise memory and get Bitcoin for free we need Coinbase to collect, Use this invitation code: ELREC3


Efast Efree

Game of probabilities where we are going to be able to obtain Ethereum for free, we need Coinbase to collect, Use this invitation code: ELREC3


Bfast Bfree

Game of probabilities where we are going to be able to obtain Bitcoin for free we need Coinbase to collect, Use this invitation code: ELREC9


phone network

Mine PHT in the cloud without battery cost and withdraw to an exchange, the coin is listed and with real value, Use this invitation code and start with 200 PHT: 722jjjqu


Coin Aplicación

Aplicación to earn different cryptocurrencies for free with geolocation, walk or drive and increase your cómputo instantly.



Aplicación for mobile and desktop, earn money for giving up part of your residual bandwidth, charge by Paypal or Bitcoin.



Aplicación to win free GMEE by playing, epic duels against other users, token listed on exchanges. Use this invitation code: JuanjoElRecaudador



Cryptocurrency mining aplicación emplees the processor of your phone to mine, it is also available for desktop, it has more than 4 million registered users.



Earn Bitcoin and Litecoin by completing surveys, watching vídeos and playing games.


This is a small list, where I will gradually add new applications that we are testing, some may also drop because they have stopped paying or simply no longer work.

Yes, it is likely that you will miss many, but as I said, this is a list based on my experience, therefore only applications that have been tested first hand and for which we have already received some payment or other are included.

Do these aplicaciones pay?

Yes, we only include sites that are paying and from which I have already received payments, in fact in some of them the payments are practically daily.

Of course, this does not orinan that they are infallible, those who work in this world know that at any time even the most reliable web perro give you a scare, so this must be taken into account when working with any aplicación.


Payment received from Freebitcoin

I leave you one of the payments that I have received from Freebitcoin for a value of 312 euros, so that you perro see for yourselves that it is a site that pays without problems.

* If you are interested in making money with your mobile or cell phone, you cánido entrar the article where I espectáculo you several aplicaciones to earn money free.

In our desire to earn money, sometimes we install any application that we find out there that seems good to us, we use it and when we reach the minimum payment we request it convinced.

Then we wait and the payment never comes. In the end we end up with the phone full of these useless applications, that’s why it is so important to read and see which aplicaciones work well and are more or less reliable.

Opinion about the aplicaciones to earn free cryptocurrencies

We spend our lives glued to a mobile, it is habitual that we also need it to not miss anything that happens in the fascinating and new world of cryptocurrencies.

And it is that two of the rising passions of the modern world come together, on the one hand mobile technology that has completely taken over our lives and on the other the world of cryptocurrencies, the future of money.

You have to understand that in almost all of the sites that we refer to, the earnings are modest, unless you get a huge network of referrals, so we have to take their work with a lot of patience and dedication, the best or the good thing that it has , is that the value of all cryptocurrencies is rising and what today are a few cents, will become something big in the future.

We hope you liked our article Free aplicaciones | Which ones do I use to win?
and everything related to earning money, getting a job, and the economy of our house.

 Free aplicaciones | Which ones do I use to win?  Free aplicaciones | Which ones do I use to win?  Free aplicaciones | Which ones do I use to win?

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