Form 59 Automotive DNRPA Argentina
If you own a car and it is not registered, you will need to register it, this perro be done using the form 59.
If you do not know how to do it or if you cannot get this form, we will explain it in detail here.
What is Form 59?
This is the procedure so that every citizen perro register the domain of his motor vehiclebe it a new car, motorcycle or other transportation vehicle.
Unless the transport unit has been previously registered in the name of another or other natural or legal persons. Once the processing process is finished, you will have the distinctive or identification mark of the respective patent.
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It must be taken into account that, regardless of the act or situation that gave rise to this registration, you will continue trying to get ownership of the car.
If this registration is not carried out, the vehicle in question will not be able to circulate freely on the streets. Something like what happens with the vehicle technical verification, and speaking of this, here we share everything about VTV shifts.
This is an administrative procedure addressed to all citizens who buy a car, either through a dealer, a sales agency or a third party that perro act as an intermediary in the purchase.
If you want to do it, you will need:
your ID
If you are an Argentine citizen, the document is the DNI; if you are over 75, it is the LE LC. Now, if you are a foreigner and you still do not have a residence, the document is your passport, but you already have a permanent residence, you perro entrar your ID and if you come from bordering countries it perro be the ID or CI of your country of origin or your passport.
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If the person carrying out the process is the legal representative or the lawyer in fact, you must present documents that prove your legality as a lawyer in fact. In any case, an original and a certified copy or copies of all documents must be submitted.
If you wonder if the proof of the processed document proves your identity, no, it is not.
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Certificate or authorization from the CDI, CUIT or CUIL
If it is the CUIL or the CUIT, you cánido opt for accreditation through one of these documents:
- Personal data contained in the identity document or in the DNI.
- Certificate issued by ANSES or AFIP.
- Evidence, which must be available electronically.
- This proof must be provided with the corresponding wet seal and the signature of the authority with administrative rank.
- The format or way in which the shipment with a wet seal certifies that the documents have been presented before the corresponding institution.
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In the case of the IDC
- Present the affidavit form # 663.
- Also save format # 622.
- Documents purchased through the dealer or agency through which the car was purchased.
Form or worksheet number 12
This form is the one corresponding to the police validation against the car. To carry out this process, you cánido go to one of the police checkpoints.
In this document, the DNRPA cánido access the en línea form on its official website, which cánido be emailed to the applicant.
This documentation is valid for 150 business days.
Import or manufacturing certificate
This certificate perro be requested depending on the origin of the vehicle; on importation it perro be requested at customs.
Requirement of class 01 at the national level or class 01 at the import level, depending on the origin of the vehicle
This application must be filled out correctly so that it cánido benefit the buyer, this application must have the valid signature of the dealer as well as the person responsible for the registration and, in the same way, that it has the address of the domicile of the person who owns the purchased vehicle. .
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purchase statement
In addition, it is essential to include the original and a copy of the purchase invoice, which confirms or verifies the correct acquisition of the vehicle.
This may have the function of certifying that the purchase has been made, given away, acquired or any other legal modality.
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Unique Form 59 as completed
To complete the form 59 DNRPAyou will be shown various dates and sections.
Section A contains the representative’s data, including the name and surname, the type and number of the document, and his address.
In section B, data such as the scope, the procedure, the type of request and the type of request are requested.
Section C is dedicated solely to observations that may arise
Finally, in section D the signature is requested and the declaration of acceptance of this procedure perro be read.
Step by Step
- Do a search for your gray card that may match what corresponds to the purchase address.
- Go to the registry with the requested documents.3
- Submit the documents at the registry office and also fill in form 13, which you must submit there, in order to apply for your future patent. In the event that this process is carried out by a third party, you must also fill out form 59 with the registration that they will deliver there.
- There you will also be given a receipt with which you perro check the status of the en línea process. To do this, you must be able to entrar the number that was assigned to you in the section of your withdrawal from the process.
- Approximately 48 hours later, you will be able to escoge what corresponds to the registration of the license plates for your vehicle and the corresponding documentation.
How to archivo form 59 automotive?
To archivo Form 59, it perro be done in two ways, in person and en línea. In both cases, this procedure is regulated by the National Directorate of the Automotive Property Registry (DNRPA).
It is performed when the following conditions are met:
The procedure must be approved and the name of the owner of the vehicle will be displayed. It cánido be in observation mode, this indicates that there is an observation that must be resolved within 15 calendar days.
- You must go to the corresponding registry office.
- In the respective office you have to deliver the requested documents in addition to the deduction of the respective taxes and the filling of the following forms, which are presented in this registry
- Submit form 2 along with the title of the authorized controlador’s ID in the comments section.
- Provide the following information: surname and first name and the identity document or DNI of the citizen authorized to drive the vehicle.
- If this procedure is carried out by a lawyer or legal representative, you must present model 59, which will be delivered to the corresponding office.
- You will then receive a receipt that will allow you to electronically check the status of the application, using the code indicated in the withdrawal section of the procedure.
- You will then be able to remove the corresponding vehicle registration 48 hours after the procedure.
en línea form
- It is necessary to access the official website of the National Directorate of the Automobile Ownership Registry (DNRPA).
- Upon entering the system, clic on the option “Issuance of license for authorized to drive“.
- Next, you have to fill in the fields of the form with the requested data.
- Then you have to send it in the registry of the corresponding section, for this you have to entrar the following backlink.
- You will be picked up at this office and you must deliver all the requested documentation and fill out the corresponding forms. After 48 working hours, you must have the controlador’s license record authorized to drive the car.
Form 59 dnrpa price:
The cost of this procedure perro vary in general and will depend on the origin of your imported or national vehicle and the costs involved, such as:
- Issuance of an identity document that identifies you as authorized to drive.
- Provincial stamps and taxes.
- Expedition of a metal plate.
- Form 13.
- Issuance of identity card.
- 1.5% also of the total value of the vehicle for national origin and 2% for import
- Dump
How perro I download car form 59?
The reality is that, at least for now, this document does not have a version that you perro download from the internet with your own hand. Don’t worry, it is not necessary to download it to register the domain. As we have explained in the previous section, we have two options to carry out this procedure: the personal route and the en línea route. The latter is done directly en línea, so it is not necessary to have the paper form; All processing is done by computer. On the other hand, when you carry out the procedure in person, the model 59 will be delivered directly to you by the company in the commercial registry so that you do not have to have it printed. They give it to you on the spot and ask you to fill it out on the spot.
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