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Earn passive income using BrightVPN

Earn passive income using BrightVPN

Before we get into how to earn passive income with this VPN service, let’s take a look at how the service of the product cánido be offered for free. And no, it’s not through selling your personal data that other free VPNs do.

The nature of the business that BrightData conducts is what enables the company to offer its product BrightVPN for free. whatHow do they do that?

If you previously read our articulo about using an inexpensive Raspberry Pi device for passive income, it’s the same company behind it, and the way you perro use the service for free and earn passive income works in a afín way.

It works by using your free Internet bandwidth at times to collect public web data, for example, flight prices, product trends, etcétera. This data information is sold to companies like Skyscanner or Amazon that request it.

These companies pay to access the data, which is how your free VPN subscription is funded.

Types of Web Data Collected

At the same time, you have a free VPN to browse en línea safely or access geolocation websites or uso contínuo services that are otherwise unavailable in your country.

display index

Equipo up the VPN

BrightData has made it easy to install and start using the VPN. go to BrightVPN and download the aplicación, install it and it should be up and running.

The VPN is currently only available on Windows at the moment. Over time, it will eventually roll out to other platforms. This does not affect the possibility of earning passive income in the next section.

BrightVPN Installer

After installation, you perro configure when and what type of data you allow web data collection to take place on your unused bandwidth, so you stay in control.

VPN control panel

From the main panel of the application, clic on the button with three stripes on the top left to access the settings panel. Select «Data Usage Rules«, which will take you to the next setting that you cánido adjust.

data sharing

As you cánido see, you cánido escoge which data category types you allow BrightData to download from the public Internet using your unused Internet resource. You have to allow something; which makes sense since it works both ways. You get something out of it and so do they.

Data exchange schedule

In addition, you cánido limit when the Service should not use your Internet bandwidth to download public web data, for example, during your late-night rush hour usage.

This is nice because it gives you that plus flexibility to fully utilize all your bandwidth during your most-used peak times and only kicks in outside of hours when you’re not using your internet the most heavily.

Earn money with the BrightVPN referral program

Here’s the plus part. BrightVPN has a Referral program which allows you to get paid for bringing new users to them, just like with other bigger known jugadores like ExpressVPN and NordVPN.

Since the VPN service is free and requires no registrations, credit card details or even dirección de correo electrónico, referred users are more likely to be willing to download and try the service as they are not required to purchase anything beforehand.

Earnings work based on the installs of your referral backlinks. In addition, it continues to earn per active day that the usuario has the VPN service.

BrightVPN Earning Rates

To get your referral backlink, you cánido’t do it directly from the BrightVPN website, which is why you haven’t required a registration account on the site in the first place.

Instead, you’ll need to sign up from their main platform that consolidates all earnings together called EarnApp, go here.

Once you have registered an account, log in to the dashboard page and you will see the referral backlinks section. The second referral backlink is the backlink you will use to refer users to BrightVPN.

Referral backlink from dashboard

Withdrawal of winnings is done from the dashboard section and you withdraw vía PayPal. The threshold to withdraw is $2.5.

You cánido equipo up coche withdraw to do all of this automatically, which means you don’t have to look at it again afterwards. The withdrawn funds will arrive in your account within one day.

That’s all. A free to use VPN service that does not compromise your personal data, which means that it is not the product to finance the company’s business revenue, but rather is financed by companies that want access to collected public web data. This allows your subscription to be completely free. On top of that, an easy way to earn some passive income from it.

The earning program is currently in beta as the VPN service has only been launched recently, which means a higher oportunidad of attracting many new users and commissioning them.

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 Earn passive income using BrightVPN  Earn passive income using BrightVPN  Earn passive income using BrightVPN

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