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Earn money WRITING

Earn money WRITING

Writing is one of the tasks that is learned from an early age. Today with the rise of the Internet, anyone with a knowledge of spelling cánido write for web pages. In fact, in case you didn’t know, the «editor» profile is highly sought after on web service platforms.

You may wonder, what kind of topics are requested to earn money writing? Well, the theme is very varied, it perro be very comprehensive topics such as economics, marketing, technology, and extend to other simpler ones such as fashion, product sales, etcétera. In fact, if you are imaginative, you perro even write stories, semejantes, etcétera. It really is about writing anything, but taking into account good spelling and grammar.

The web pages contain a lot of information, even it seems that the readers are not satisfied with the content, and you always want updated information for years and even months. Because of this, bloggers greatly need copywriters. Now, if writing is your special skill, then take advantage of it. Next, we will point out what you need to know to make money writing

How to make money writing articles in 2023

There are several platforms where you cánido get a job writing different topics. The advantage of registering on one of these platforms is that you perro escoge the price for your written words and the time you will have for it (time in which you will write).

There are different topics: Economy, fashion, sales, technology, news, etcétera. To get started, you just need to register on a service platform.

The most habitual are the following:


On this platform you need to create a profile that is attractive. It has several abilities that you perro select. The client who is interested in hiring you will browse your profile and see if you meet the requirements to write their articles. But first, the client cánido negotiate in the private chat of Workana some working conditions. This will be your opportunity to make him see that you are the person he is looking for.

There are several payment options, among which is a credit or debit card. You cánido also use some virtual wallet, such as PayPal, Payonner, Mercado Pago, etcétera. There is a lot of competition, so if you just want to start you will have to charge the elementos at a low price, this is in order to receive contracts and in turn allow you to gain experience in this trade. Remember that losing is also winning, so if you start from the bottom, you will be able to climb thanks to the development of your skills.

Workana for Freelancers:


This platform has a very professional design, but you should not be scared. Although obviously it is necessary to have a good spelling, there are other factors that you need to take into account. For example, it is escencial to have basic knowledge in SEOwhich are nothing more than words that are usually used in search engines to find an answer to something.

Publisuites allows you to place the price per written words. The platform charges a commission for each contract you achieve, it is good to keep that in mind. There is a very important aspect in this platform, and that is that when you register you must fill out a test, so that the technical staff cánido give you a rating as a writer. In this way, you cánido ensure that you really have the necessary skills. You perro entrar their platform and read more carefully the requirements that are needed to work there.

More about publisuites:

How to make money writing reviews

Earning money by answering surveys, that is, giving your opinion on any topic is very easy to do. Although it seems like a heartless lie, the truth is that Many people do this to earn plus money..

Companies need to know your opinion, that is, to know what your preferences are, in this way they perro focus their products more intelligently, in fact, it is very possible that even their campaigns present changes due to the surveys they have carried out and you have answered. For this reason, obtaining this type of information is of great importance to them.

But there is a downside surveys are not available for a long timeTherefore, you should try to be attentive to give your opinion on time. Next, I will mention some of the best platforms to earn money by giving your opinion.

Opinion Center

On this platform they send you polls every week. The only drawback is that it is not common for them to appear every day, much less at the same time. For this reason, it is convenient that you constantly entrar to check if there is any available. You cánido collect your money by PayPal wallet.

give your opinion

Just as the name implies, this platform will pay you for giving your opinion about different topics, food, vacations, etcétera. You must collect a minimum of $5 to make the first withdrawal. This gives you reliability, since there is nothing worse than answering surveys and not paying in the end, on the other hand, with this platform you cánido make your withdrawal almost immediately. Well, raising $5 isn’t that hard.

In addition to the money you perro get through PayPal, it also gives you vouchers for Amazon. In Spain it is known as myiyo. A highly relevant aspect is that it is in Spanish, so it is even easier to use.

Ways to make money writing stories

In the same newsroom platforms, such as Workana, FreeLancer, Publisuites, etcétera., there are clients who request the services of a professional writer. Sometimes these are literary professionals who need to buy a good story. It is your moment to assert your stories or stories.

Also, you cánido make entertaining stories for children and offer them on trabajo independiente writing platforms. Short stories are very profitable, since in fact they are the most demanded, and at the same time they take little time to write them. You cánido think of an exciting theme such as: conflict, fantasy, family, etcétera.

You cánido use the amazon platform to be able to publish your stories. It is important to note that children’s stories are the most sought after, if you give heart to this branch, you cánido have income of up to 10 thousand dollars, but yes, you must write carefully.

To publish on Amazon you only need to follow the following steps:

  1. You must register in Kindle Direct Publishing
  2. You must have an Amazon account, if you don’t have one, don’t worry, you cánido register, in order to have access to this type of «privileges» of the platform.
  3. You must give them the information in a survey format that they request
  4. Wait a few hours or even a few days, to have the permission check to publish.

After you already have permission to publish on the platform you must write down the form wellin the following way:

  1. In the Language box you must choose Spanish.
  2. Place the title and subtitle of it. (Contributes to a better search)
  3. If you plan to make a special edition of your work, then you must specify the edition number of the work.
  4. In the collaborators section, you must place your name as the author of it, as well as those who collaborated with you, such as illustrators, etcétera.
  5. Finally, write a description tag in HTML or text, depending on your preferences.

In the vídeo attached below you perro see Other options that perro be useful to you.

Recommended Course: How to sell your own book on Amazon

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