economy at home

Earn money with Lbry (Cryptocurrencies)

Earn money with Lbry (Cryptocurrencies)

Earn money with Lbry! If you are looking for a posible option to generate income from home and with the internet or an alternative to YouTube, this is the solution as well. lbry pays in cryptocurrency. Although it is not a new website, since it has been operating since 2015, the truth is that it experienced an increase in 2019 and positioned itself as a great alternative to obtain rewards.

What exactly is Lbry and how does it work?

lbry It is framed within the decentralized platforms, with the advantage of allowing two modalities in which remuneration cánido be obtained.

In addition, it has its own cryptocurrency official, called Lbry Credits (LBC)with which it is also possible to receive the profits.

Earn money with Lbry How to register in Lbry?

As already mentioned, there are two ways you cánido make money with lbrythese are creating your own channel in which you will upload material and viewing content directly on the platform.

Of course, those people who are publishers will receive much higher consejos, while those who do not have their own channel receive rewards for consuming products.

The first thing you need to do to start earning on this platform is to go to the official Lbry page and create your lbry accountonce you have created your account, you are going to create your channel, you are going to customize it and that’s it.

Earned LBC when you are a usuario

Earn money with Lbry being a usuario and watching other people’s vídeos. To do this, there are several ways, one of the preferred ones is by entering daily and viewing the indicated short.

For this, you must entrar the tab “rewards” from the menu, opt for the “Daily vigilance reward” modality or “Daily Watch Rewards”. Finally, you will have to watch a vídeo (any) and you will be able to receive a reward of between 1 and 10 LBCthe amount obtained will be notified to you by a message.

Apart from this reward, there are other easy methods with which you perro earn money or Lbry Credits on this platform, some are:

• Inviting friends: The referral system gives you 15 LBC for each new usuario that registers through your invitation. Being limited, if you are not a creator of material, to a maximum of 20 referrals.

• With many views: This platform works by levels, that is, as the number of vídeos you watch increases, you will be able to level up and claim other rewards that are unlocked.

• Becoming a loyal follower: As in the previous case, these prizes are unlocked by levels. Therefore, by following the creators that you like the most and reaching the established numbers, you will level up and have greater rewards.

Earn Lbry Credits if you create content

Are you a publisher? Earn money with Lbry! By creating your own channel and placing your content on it, you receive consejos on your vídeos.

Also, if you backlink your YouTube channel to this website, an action that will automatically synchronize all your material, you cánido earn LBC. Of course, the amount you cánido receive will depend on the number of subscribers you already have associated with your YouTube account, for example, 1,000 followers correspond to 1,080 LBC.

Does Lbry pay and is it a scam?

The platform Lbry currently pays And no problem, there are thousands of users who have even imported all their YouTube vídeos for Lbry, since the platform allows you to import all your YouTube vídeos without the need for you to re-upload them again.

lbry awards

1,000 SUBS = 1,000 LBC = 36.48 USD10,000 SUBS = 5,000 LBC = 182.42 USD50,000 SUBS = 12,500 LBC = 456.04 USD100,000 SUBS = 20,000 LBC = 729.66 USD500,000 SUBS = 40,00 0 LBC = 1,459.32 USD1,000,000 SUBS = 75,000 LBC = $2,736.23

How cánido I withdraw from Lbry?

In order to withdraw your income, you must exchange the coin (LBC) for Bitcoin or any other Cryptocurrency you want. In this sense, there are several Exchanges that allow it, such as Coinex (highly recommended). This is done from the option to send credits found in the «Cómputo».

Opinions about Lbry

Like the YouTube platform, in Lbry we perro generate money with fewer restrictions than in YouTube, and according to some comparisons to the value of the current currency, you cánido earn in Lbry almost the same as in YouTube, also we do not lose anything if we have our channel from YouTube monetized and we backlink it to this platform to double our income. create your account in lbry.

Lbry Comparisons

Alternatives to Lbry

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