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Earn money with Exoclick – $10 DOLLARS

Earn money with Exoclick – $10 DOLLARS

Earn money with ExoClick. We are going to learn how to earn more than $10 dollars daily using a work plan and a strategy that will give us good results.

What is exoclick and how does it work?

exo clic is an ad network just like google plus adsenseit has all the Adsense ad formats and on top of that it has other ad formats that perro be very interesting.

One of the advantages of this company is that it allows you to monetize Web of movies, warez, and animealso offers the option of placing adult content advertising on our website.

How to make money with Exoclick

The first thing to do is go to the exo clic official page and sign upOnce registered, the next step is to register our website and place the advertising code for it to be approved by the company.

Exoclick Main Features

  • Assessment: Good
  • Payment Methods: Paxum, Wire Transfer and Cryptocurrencies.
  • Paydays: Weekly
  • Withdrawal Minimum: $20 dollar
  • Language: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, Japanese, Others
  • Referral system: Yes, earn 5% of your referrals
  • Advertising for all countries: Yeah

We cánido work with this company and collect our money in different ways, especially for those of us who work with cryptocurrencies, one of the good things is that the payments are weekly, if you reach the minimum of 20 dollars.

Exoclick has all the advertising formats available, we have a wide variety to choose what type of advertising we want to place on our website.

Exoclick Advertising Formats

Web Advertising

  • banner
  • Instant message
  • popunder
  • sticky banner

mobile advertising

  • Mobile Banner
  • Mobile Instant Message
  • Mobile Interstitial Banner
  • Mobile Popunder

Vídeo Advertising

  • In-Stream Vídeo (VAST)
  • Vídeo Slider
  • In-Vídeo Banner (JavaScript)
  • In-Vídeo Banner (VAST)

Native Advertising

  • Exit Widget
  • Interstitial Widget
  • Push Notifications
  • recommendation widget

As you cánido see, it not only has the traditional banner ads, there is also a whole category for vídeos, in case we want to place this type of advertising on our website.

Does exoclick pay or is it a scam?

Exoclick is a prestigious company, it perro even be said that after Google plus Adsense Exoclick is the second most suitable advertising company for publishers, of course it cannot be compared since its cpcand cpm it is much lower.

Exoclick Proof of Payment

exoclick pays to its users, it is a company that continues to pay, there are many payment vouchers by them, you perro confirm it in Youtube and in forums, I was investigating these days.

In order to get the $10 dollars a day from this platform we are going to have to do two things, first quality content and second, 100% organic traffic, you should know that warez content is cheaper and if you send illegal traffic to your account it cánido be closed.

Things to Avoid

As I mentioned before, avoid sending illegal traffic to your website or paying traffic, avoid butting, cheating and anything that breaks company rules so you don’t get your account closed.

There are many users who complain about the platform saying that it pays little, or that they closed their account when they went to request paymentbut most of them did not work legally and that is why the company closed their account.

How to make money with Exoclick

The best way to earn money with Exoclick and avoid closing the account is working legally, focus on working the SEO to your blog, use palabras clave that have a lot of searches, create many articles, position your site in Google plus and you will see the results of that work.

Since if you work that way you will position your website, and at the same time you will be able to monetize it with any company and you will get good profits, since a website that has thousands of visits is a permanent source of income.

So don’t focus on learning tricks either methods to winworry about position your websitebecause it will be a safe source of money.

Exoclick For Advertisers

In this company we perro also promote our website, I myself have no experience in this platform since I have never used it to promote a website or vídeo, but we have that option available.

Exoclick Vídeo Tutorial

Exoclick Opinions (Review)

Although many people do not consider Exoclick to be an alternative to Google plus Adsense, we perro say that it is a good option to monetize our blog, because even if it does not pay much, at least it is one of the safest companies to work for.

You cánido register without problem, I personally recommend it, it is a stable company, it has been working for years, it is reliable and profitable if you have a site that receives many visits, earn money with Exoclick today.

Sign up for ExoClick

to start make money with exo clicgo to the official page and register in the followingyou just have to entrar your correo electrónico, a nombre de usuario, verify your dirección de correo electrónico and that’s it, you cánido send to request the approval of your website to start generating income with Exoclick.

Alternative to ExoClick

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