Earn free money with a website or blog

Earn free money with a website or blog

On the Internet it is possible earn free money with your website or blog, where as a website administrator you will have the opportunity to generate very good income by monetizing your website in the different ways that exist. The profits that cánido be obtained will depend a lot on the traffic your website receives.

For earn money with your website or blog it is necessary to have quality traffic, since the users that entrar your website are the ones that will allow you to make a profit. Between the ways you perro monetize your website They are: CPC (Pay per clic), CPM (Pay per thousand impressions), CPC (Pay per action), etcétera.

Pages to earn money with your blog or website

Below is a list of the best platforms for earn free money with your website. All of them except for some specific exceptions (which will be indicated) accept users from anywhere in the world.


Publisuites is a platform that allows you earn money with your website, with your Fb page, with your Twitter account and with your Instagram account. The minimum withdrawal is €5, and the means of payment to make withdrawals are: Paypal and bank transfer. More information “


AdNow is an advertising company with which you perro monetize your blog or website in a very fácil way thanks to a series of fully configurable Widgets, and with native advertising. More information “

How to make money with your website or blog?

The operation of these platforms is quite fácil. You only have to register on the platform, add your website or blog and wait for your website to be accepted, where after acceptance you will already be able to start generating income with this type of platform. There are pages where it is not necessary to wait for verification.

With these platforms you cánido earn money Placing ads on your website, with the sale of affiliate products from your page, with CPA, CPM, CPC, etcétera. Start implementing strategies to receive quality traffic. The best strategy that cánido be implemented on a website to receive quality traffic It is search engine positioning.


Platforms of this kind are usually quite stable, since very few have become SCAMs overnight. This is because there are always many companies that need to advertise their products and services, and they do it through this type of platform. It is possible to make huge profits with these pages.

So you cánido earn free money with your blog It is essential to have a lot of quality traffic. SEO or search engine optimization is one of the best ways to increase traffic naturally. There is a lot of information on the internet about the SEO that cánido help you increase traffic to your website.

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 Earn free money with a website or blog
  Earn free money with a website or blog
  Earn free money with a website or blog

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