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Differences between ETORO vs INTERACTIVE

Differences between ETORO vs INTERACTIVE

Investing in stocks is a very important decision., and in the investment campo you will find various platforms. How do you know which one is best for you? We are not going to talk about all the platforms that currently exist, rather, we will make a comparison of two of the best to make your choice easier.

In this article we will talk about the main differences between Interactive Brokers and Etoro.

Main differences between Interactive Brokers and Etoro in 2023

Both interactive Brokers and Etoro are platforms that have had remarkable growth in the investment ámbito. However, there are differences between them that are worth analyzing. So you know which option to choose.

When viewing each platform, you will realize that Interactive Broker is a traditional investment Broker, and Etoro is a CFD.

It means then that when you buy in Etoro, you are not really buying a share directly, but you are acquiring an asset that simulates that price (CFD). Instead, at Interactive Brokers if you are making a real purchase. These are just a few points you should know.

Now let’s talk about five main differences.

The commissions

  • Etoro. Compared to the commissions of Interactive Brokers, those of Etoro are a little higher. You will find at least 5 types of commissions in Etoro: Commission for investment, differentials (Spreads), Night fees, commission for withdrawals, and fees for inactivity


  • Etoro. Its interfaz is super comfortable, fácil and easy to use. That is why if you are starting in the world of investment, Etoro will make things easier for you. For example, you have the option to search and filter different types of assets, as well as establish orders quickly.

Regarding the issue of leverage, this is very easy to do. Etoro allows you to select leverage directly, even different types without having to have a specific account.

  • Interactive Brokers. This platform has many more functions, therefore, it is more difficult to mobilize within it. Although it also allows you to leverage, Interactive Brokers asks you for a specific account to be able to do so, and the process is longer.

available assets

  • Etoro. Among the available assets that you have in Etoro, there are stocks, cryptocurrencies, ETFs, raw materials, among others. This is a point in favor of this platform because Interactive Boroker only has a few of these.

Payment/Withdrawal Methods

  • Etoro. Both to make deposits and withdrawals, Etoro allows you to use alternative methods to bank transfers, such as PayPal, Neteller, Skrill, among others. All these in addition to the option of banks.

  • Interactive Broker. You don’t have many options available. For example, when you are going to make a deposit, you cánido only do it through a bank account or card. The same happens if you want to make a withdrawal.

Copy trading (popular trading)

Pre-Market and After-Hours

  • Etoro. It is an option that is not available on the Etoro platform. In this case you have to wait for the markets to open.

  • Interactive Broker. You will be able to make your operations a few hours before or after the commercial markets open. Interactive Brokers enables you some options to open, close, or even execute orders outside business hours.

The bottom line is that you have at your disposal two excellent platforms if you want to move in the world of investment. We have analyzed some of the main differences between Interactive Brokers and Etoro. Evaluate carefully which is the most convenient for you.

You perro consult a professional in the field and view the following vídeo for more details regarding both platforms.

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 Differences between ETORO vs INTERACTIVE  Differences between ETORO vs INTERACTIVE  Differences between ETORO vs INTERACTIVE

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