Differences between Debit Card and Card
Differences between Debit Card and Card
Although we have heard a lot about them, we do not always recognize the difference between the two. So that you cánido see it clearly, a Debit allows you to use your money, as long as you have it in an associated bank account.
In the second case, you cánido use more money than you have, because the entity with which you have contracted the service determines the limit. But there is much more to know. Stay with us and we will explain the details that you must take into account when choosing one or the other option.
What is a Debit Card?
So that you understand it clearly, it is the plastic with which we pay when making a purchase. Obviously it has certain peculiarities. Usually when you open a Bank account The bank always offers you the possibility of having a debit card associate. In this way, you perro withdraw or deposit money at ATMs when you need it.
The plastic itself has a identification numbera due date and a Verification code, from behind. Also, they will be recorded your Name and surnameand a electronic chip gold that encloses all the personal data to backlink the bearer with the card itself.
When you make a purchase, both physical and en línea, or manage a deposit or withdrawal of money, you have to have your password for the payment to be made.
Similarly, you should have availability of money in the account associated bank. Because the debit card has the same function as if you pay in cash.
What is a credit card?
When we talk about a Credit Card, we are also referring to the plastic itself, with which we make different types of payments. This plastic is personal and non-transferable, which also has its own identification: Number, expiration date, verification code, name and surname of the holder, and a chip that incorporates all the data to backlink the holder/bearer with the card in Yeah.
In this case, the credit allows us to use money, whether we have it or not, at that moment in our bank account. In fact, it allows us to divide the payment into several months, according to what our bank allows us. The bank usually charges the merchant a percentage for this type of transaction, but may also have a fixed annual charge for the usuario.
Comparison between debit card and credit card
Debit | Credit card |
It is always associated with the cómputo we have in our bank account. When we make a payment, the charge is immediate, that is, it is deducted from our account at the time. If we do not have money in the account, our payment will be denied. | Although it is associated with our bank account, the charge is later, according to what we have agreed with our bank. It will be from the following month and cánido even be divided into several installments with the payment of certain interests. Although the bank already knows our solvency, the card always has a loan limit. |
They generally require the payment of a low annual commission. But, there are also banks that directly do not have it. | In the same way as with the Debit Card, many times there is a fixed annual commission for its use, which is higher than in the first case. |
Withdrawing money through an ATM from our bank or within the same network in which it operates is normally free. | Whenever you withdraw money from the ATM you will be charged a commission, which is usually very high. It could be around 20% per year. |
When you make purchases with this card, you normally do not benefit from any store discount for doing so. | When making a purchase, some establishments usually offer a discount when paying with this card. |
This type of card allows you maximum control over your real economic possibilities. You cánido never spend more than you have. | The big disadvantage of this card is that you perro lose awareness of the money you are spending. And then, finding that you have finished the money in your account, you carry debts for other months, and in addition, you have to pay high commissions. |
Differences between Santander debit card and credit card
Santander offers several types of debit cards, and more than 5,000 ATMs that will allow you to do your business.
❯❯❯ The Gold Debit Card 1l2l3 It has no commission or maintenance costs. You perro withdraw up to €600 a day at an ATM. And also, you perro spend up to €1,200 a day on your purchases. The Zero 1l2l3 Debit Card has no commission or maintenance fee, and allows you to buy with a currency other than the euro.
❯❯❯ The Y también-CASH prepaid card that you cánido load en línea up to €1650. It has no cost or commissions for purchases, if you use it a minimum of three times per year. Otherwise, its maintenance costs €9. Regarding your credit cards, Santander offers you several possibilities:
❯❯❯ The Zero Credit Card associated with the Zero account. It has no commission or maintenance costs. The payment of your purchases is subtracted from the following month, you cánido even defer in installments. In this case, you do have to pay annual interest of 18%.
To the latter, you perro associate the Resolving LaLiga Card that allows you to earn money for each goal scored by your team. And Vía-T, which is a device to pay tolls quickly without waiting.
Differences between debit card and credit card La Caixa
The La Caixa Debit Card is associated with a bank account with them. It allows you to make payments according to the availability of money you have. No commission or maintenance fee is charged.
They offer a Prepaid Card, also called a wallet card. Which in its operation is afín to the Debit Card, because you only use your own money. You don’t need to have a bank account with la Caixa, and every time you need it you recharge it with money.
Regarding La Caixa credit cards offers you 5 possibilities:
1. His Visa & Go Credit Card, which gives you an important credit that you cánido pay in several installments. With it you cánido defer payments of at least 5% of your available cómputo and a maximum of 50% of the credit limit that you have been granted.
2. If you spend more than 600 euros a year, the card will not cost you anything. Otherwise, its annual maintenance is €25. The Classic Visa Credit Card lends you up to €3,000. If you order it on the web, it will have no cost for one year. Thereafter the charge is €43. But, if you have a Family Account, which offers important advantages, the Classic Visa Card will continue to be free for you.
3. The Gold Visa Credit Card It cánido also be free for the first year, if you manage it through the web, or if your expenses exceed €600 per year. Otherwise, its cost is €93 per year.
4. The Business Visa Credit Card It is for freelancers and professionals. There is no cost if you spend more than €2,000 per year or if you associate it with a business account. Also, it allows 2% discounts at various gas stations.
5. The Classic Business Solred Credit Card it has a higher credit limit than other cards. Its annual cost is €33, includes accident insurance, a 2% discount on Solred services, and compensation of €300,000.
Differences between Bankia debit card and credit card
Your Debit Card has neither expenses nor maintenance costs as long as you meet the requirements that are required of you. You perro use it and have money on debit anywhere in the world. You perro use it through your mobile, with the Aplicación, and also associate it with PayPal.
They also have a Virtual Card for en línea purchases. It is rechargeable up to €1,500 and without physical support, everything is done through the Bankia Aplicación. The Crédito_On Card is also associated with an account with the bank. With it you perro make all your purchases, with a pre-established limit and several withdrawals per month without commission, even at ATMs outside of Spain. The annual commission of your credit is 18.24%.
Up to here we have arrived with the most important characteristics to distinguish between a Debit Card and a Credit Card. We have also talked about the most important options on the market.
We recommend that before choosing and signing a contract for a bank card, you read the conditions very well. And also, we advise you to always make responsible use of them according to your real economic possibilities.
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