Consejos for Writing a Blog in a Store
Consejos for Writing a Blog in a Store
Consejos for writing a blog. The net has enough bad blog posts, but how does good blog marketing really work and why should your en línea store have a blog? Why do the best blog posts get more clicks than poorly written ones and how do you write good blog posts? In this article, we provide practical consejos for direct implementation in response to these questions.
Why should I have a blog as an en línea store?
A En línea store has several options SEO. In addition to the technical measures, this includes the well-known category and product texts. Unfortunately, the potential of weblogs often falls off the edge of your desk and many store owners ignore them.
But with a blog in your en línea store you have another excellent opportunity to differentiate yourself from the usual measures of SEO so do the rest of the stores. There you cánido not only disperse the palabras clave that are listed particularly high, but you perro also grab attention with good content.
The advantages of having your own blog
• Relevant and informative content for customers.• Strengthening of trust through expert knowledge (customer loyalty).• Positive positioning as a brand.• Increased internal and external backlinks.• Greater reach achieved by sharing the article (for example , throught popular media).
The prerequisite for this is of course the content. The hundredth blog article on the same topic will hardly interest the reader and drive clicks. Similarly, blog posts that are boring, too lame, or too sensational are not welcome.
What makes blog posts better?
Not everyone is a born writer. However, you certainly have specific knowledge in your industry to write about. Here are some consejos you cánido use to genera great content that will resonate with customers and readers and have the potential to be read and shared.
Write about topics and content that excite and represent you
Ask yourself if you want to read the content of your blog for yourself. Does the topic seem interesting to you and after reading it do you have new information that you did not have before? The point is not to reinvent the wheel, but to illuminate it differently or better, and incorporate your experience and enthusiasm.
Escoge on a theme for each article and don’t stray too far. If you have new ideas as you write: great, so you have a topic for the next artículo and perro equipo internal backlinks immediately.
Avoid pure product themes
Instead, ask yourself how you perro sensibly complement your products with your blog. For example, if you sell waffle irons, write a articulo about various waffle batter recipes and backlink them cleverly on product pages.
The comparisons and product testing are habitual, but here too, think outside the box and provide specific application advice or connect the products with an interesting theme.
The best blog posts think differently
If you sell kitchen elementos, the waffle batter contribution could be followed by a contribution on «equipo the table» and then a contribution about catering a hiking excursion, in which he advertises food storage containers. Always the same content bores readers and doesn’t get you where you want to go.
Make you and your company transparent
For trust in a store, contributions that allow you to look behind the scenes have proven to be particularly effective. Introduce yourself and your employees, espectáculo pictures of your warehouse or bring stories from the production process.
Many customers are interested in who is behind a company and the more you feel connected to them, the more likely you are to build trust in and stay loyal to your expertise and products.
The best blog posts pay attention to current issues
There is news in all industries. Whether it’s new products, industry events or company news. Both readers and customers always appreciate being up to date. The themes of the season are also part of it. If you work with agencies, inform them about new relevant topics in the market, the latest products and important announcements.
keep your reputation
when you read a artículoYou don’t want to bother with «cheaper and better.» Sales language, such as category text and product descriptions, is absolutely out of place on a blog. Above all, remember that it is not search engines that buy your products, but people.
Loveless texts with overly frequent palabras clave, poorly prepared content and cumbersome formulations are of no interest to anyone.
Deliver value on the blog
Most of the content in blog posts is supposed to be useful, but in reality does not add much value to readers. Because they contain a lot of information, but without the reader being able to do anything with it. The waffle batter recipe would again be a positive example. The client cánido directly implement the information it has read.
Concrete consejos for everyday life, why and above all how a product perro make things easier for the customer or answer frequently asked questions: this brings real added value for the customer.
write authentically
Your style is unique and will surely resonate better with readers than if you fake it and throw foreign words around you. Even if you’re not very good at orthographythe grammar and commas, it’s not so wild nowadays. Most clients and readers are also not experts in this area. However, the texts should be easy to read and you should stick to the general advice for good texts.
Think of a professional and attractive design
With all that content, don’t forget about the design of your blog. A theme that is more reminiscent of Windows 95-era website design isn’t particularly appealing. in a ten línea store, a blog feature is conveniently available on the backend of the store. If you want to spice up a fácil design, you perro work with CSS and templatesor create the page with the blog estándar WordPress.
Establish good internal backlinks
Of course, in order to draw attention to your store and your products, you should equipo internal backlinks to the respective store and product pages. However, you should not overdo it and think about the readability of the article.
Keep an eye on your objetivo audience
As with shop pages, think about who is buying from you and what topics potential buyers might be interested in. Then adjust your writing style as well. For example, if you sell kitchen elementosyou don’t need to use particularly hip and youthful language and you should stick with «you.»
Invest time and effort
A good one artículo it is not only written there quickly. If you want to offer really relevant content and thus encourage customers to buy, like and share, then you have to invest a lot of time and work on your blog.
Contributions without love without added value do not bring you anything. If you perro’t find the time for this, you cánido also hire trabajo independiente writers or agencies to write your blog posts.
articulo regularly
Also related to this is that you should articulo new content on your blog regularly. They cánido be daily, weekly or monthly posts. The important thing is a regularity that you perro trust.
The weblogs, which appeared ten posts in a month in the beginning, but are only sparsely operated in the further course, look unprofessional and unreliable. A publishing plan perro help you define topics and posts ahead of time.
Make sure the quality is constant
Regardless of whether you write the blog articles yourself or someone else from your company, an agency or a third-party writer: consistent quality and recognition value are important. If the articles are written by different people, this too should be immediately recognizable by including the names of the authors.
Make sharing and commenting easier
With fácil plugins, you make it easy for readers to share and comment and thus automatically reach a larger audience and maybe customers too. All they have to do is clic a button to leave a like or a comment, or to share the articulo directly vía popular media.
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