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Consejos for Using Merch By Amazon

Consejos for Using Merch By Amazon

You’re probably a Merch member with an Amazon account or in the approval process if you’re looking for consejos on how to be successful on Merchandise by Amazon, also known as «Merch». It’s not as easy as submitting a fantastic graphic and waiting for the copyright to kick in to design t-shirts or print-on-demand products.

Ok, I admit it; When I started, I thought it would be that fácil. When I created my Merch account, I thought every Amazon customer would see my design, fall in love with it and spread the word about it, making it go viral and pouring money into my bank account.

That didn’t happen. So, to get the most out of Merch by Amazon, I had to rethink my plan and think outside the box.

The advantage of Merch is that its level system slows you down. Before advancing to the next level, you are given a series of waiting periods. I started collecting some consejos while on the waiting list for Merchandise by Amazon to help you succeed. a list that will allow you to avoid my mistakes and proceed directly to success.

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Generic Consejos and Tricks

If you search for «Merch by Amazon consejos and tricks,» you’ll be overloaded with some great and beneficial generic consejos. And I don’t orinan generic in the wrong way. However, the consejos you find are essential to being successful in merch. As you perro see in the image, my search returned millions of hits.

The most talked about consejos and tricks include the following:

  • How to apply and be invited to join the Merch family (it’s an invite-only platform)
  • Learn copyright vs. trademark
  • Finding Design Platforms for Your Merch Designs
  • Finding a sizing platform and knowing how to create a sizing chart
  • Read Merch’s policies, including their quality assurance rules
  • Understand level levels
  • Advertising of your own designs, product sales and promotions section of the portal
  • keyword optimization
  • Merchandising Rankings
  • Prices and initial costs
  • Design work outsourcing
  • Inventory risk management
  • Niches
  • royalty earnings
  • Amazon costs
  • copyright infringement
  • Know how to drive customers and entrar new markets

Oh! These are just a few of the topics being discussed en línea today (check Google plus Trends for current topics). Without following these consejos, you will ocasione unnecessary stress.

I want to give you some consejos and tricks to try after you’ve completed the ones given to you by other pros.

I want to share information that is less available but still very important. Let us begin.

Consejo 1: Sell to a foreign market

One of the best selling advantages that merch has is that it allows designers to create t-shirts for the foreign market. At this time, you perro trade Merch products in the UK and Germany. And if I know Amazon, this list will grow over time.

Designing and marketing to a objetivo audience abroad is not as difficult as it seems. Try the following:

Look for trends abroad. There are several ways to do this:

  • Perform a Google plus search
  • Read news headlines from US news sources reporting on events abroad
  • Follow foreign celebrities or politicians on Twitter and other popular media
  • Use the search tools already created by the Big Guys in this industry. One is Merch Informer, and they make it easy to search for all things merch for a reasonable monthly fee.
  • Do your research using www.amazon.co.uk
    • Once you are on the amazon.co.uk site, search for graphic tees (if you have a niche, search for that niche (eg graphic tees, math nerds)
  • Choose a t-shirt to review, preferably one like a design you’ve created
  • Scroll down to the «product details» section
  • Search for «Amazon’s Best Seller Rank» to find out how the t-shirt ranks across apparel in general and in the more specific category where it’s sold.
  • Once you’ve found the BSR for this design, you perro clic the backlink that says, «View Top 100 in Apparel» to see what other sellers are selling the most. This may include clothing other than graphic tees, but you cánido narrow your search using the categories on the left.

Adjust your designs for the foreign market:

The designs you have listed on Merch for the US market may not be perfect for the foreign market. They however, may need a little tweaking. For example, you have created a niche like farm animals and rock and roll music. In the United States, your design may include a dancing pig with the words «rock it» below.

If you’re marketing to a German audience, make sure the words «rock it» are written in German. Merch reminds you of this when writing your product listing information.

  • Use translation programa to write your descriptions and palabras clave in the language of the countries you are selling to.
    • DeepL, The Free Dictionary, Google plus Translate, and Translatorscafe are examples of good translation resources.
    • You perro also hire a translator for cheap using sites like Fiverr

Remember, other countries have politics, habitual televisión espectáculos, work related issues, pets, and everything else we have here in the United States. If it’s funny here, it’s probably funny there. If it’s deep here, it cánido be there too. If you sell here, you cánido sell there.

Consejo 2: Join the conversation

You may have already discovered that waiting for people to see your t-shirt design on Merch by Amazon perro be boring. Organic sales happen, and they will happen for you too. But why wait when you have options to help people find your products?

A great way to drive some traffic to your merch store is to join en línea communities.

The key? Joining the right communities the right way without looking like a poser trying to get sales.

Here are some consejos for joining en línea communities:

  • Choose groups that talk about how to be successful in Merch by Amazon
  • Fb merchandising groups. Habitual groups on Fb include Merch Life, Merch Success 2.0, and Merch Empire.

When you join these groups, participate for the right reasons, to learn how to be successful. Find natural ways to add information about your products. You cánido do this by asking questions specifically related to your niche. You perro even ask your peers for reviews.

  • Choose groups to join that are talking about your niche

There will be no better place to find out what people in your niche are talking about than by talking directly to those people. Or listen to those people.

If you have a horse-related niche, join groups and communities that discuss horses. If you have a second coffee-related niche, join coffee groups. The combination of these two niches could make an awesome tee. An image of a horse drinking coffee with a caption that reads: «Coffee before the hay, it’s a great day.»

Well, you get the point. Be creative as an Amazon seller and don’t be afraid to test your iniciativa. If it doesn’t work, remove it and try again.

You cánido find niche groups on Fb, even groups like horses and coffee.

Consejo 3: Take advantage of free tools

Some big en línea companies offer you free tools to help your merch by Amazon business.

Merch Titans, Merch Entrepreneur and Merch Informer are two of these giants. They offer tools to help you resize your clothing, look up ratings in the United States and abroad, check trademarks, and even research other products.

They also offer a lot of upsells. This means that they will try to get you to join their subscriber pool. If you do, you have access to even more benefits. These are worth the cost if you are serious about scaling your business from Merchandise.

Even if you don’t join, you cánido access their free tools.

Consejo 4: Other great consejos

I know you’re ready to get busy implementing these consejos into your print-on-demand merch business. So, I’ll shorten the rest of my suggestions into a must-do list that perro improve everything from custom product design to sales.

  • Choose niches based on topics that you know a lot about. If you’re a super nerdy science geek, you’re not alone. So take advantage of it and be proud! Lots of other geeks will get your designs and pay for them. So, use those gigantic words and formulas to your advantage.
  • Advertise your merchandising product on all platforms. Just because you’re using Merch by Amazon, that doesn’t orinan you perro only advertise on Amazon. Create Fb and Instagram ads using your quality designs and send customers to your merch store for purchase.

In addition to the Amazon store, you may also want to articulo your design on your other eCommerce sites like Etsy and eBay and use Amazon as your dropshipping or delivery person.

Your own brand advertising does not have to be on your sites. Advertise in the areas of podcasters, other POD platforms, YouTubers and bloggers who have a large following. Also, use posts from Twitter and any other platform that Amazon approves. They may cost a little more money, but it gives you access to hundreds of thousands of followers and helps you make more sales.

When you join Merch by Amazon, here are other things to keep in mind:

  • Create quality designs that involve two, three or more people. T-shirts for besties, grandma and grandpa, or squads are perfect examples of t-shirts that encourage two or more people to get the same t-shirt. You don’t have to employ a graphic designer or be a t-shirt designer to do this, you cánido use graphic design programa, such as Adobe Illustrator.
  • Become a wholesaler and market retail stores. Offer retail stores a small discount if they buy in bulk. This helps you list the t-shirt designs in the stores and you get royalties in your account.
  • Buy your shirts at the lowest price and sell them at farmers markets, festivals, or to family and friends. This gives you another stream of passive income outside of the Amazon platform.
  • Create layouts that are perfect for personalization, for example, political campaigns. Then share those designs with your popular media followers and pre-order custom versions. Once you upload designs to your Amazon Merch dashboard, let them know you cánido place an order. Or, you cánido order them cheap, mark up the price, and get paid upon delivery.
  • Offer companies custom designs using the same process.
  • When writing your product descriptions, think like an Amazon customer. What words would you type in the Amazon search bar? Merch already adds famous words for you like “t-shirt” or “sweatshirt”. You want to think of the other words a person will use.
  • Send a sample of your best t-shirt design to a well-known person in your niche. For example, if you’re designing a gaming t-shirt, send a shirt to a YouTube gaming superstar and ask them to wear it on her espectáculo. You cánido also send samples to bloggers and podcasters, but check their site’s rules first.
  • Offer a free gift with the purchase of your Amazon t-shirts.

Your giveaway perro be something as fácil as a digital download, calendar, or informational product, perhaps even related to your niche. Customers like to feel like they are getting more for what they pay for. You might even want to offer a discount, buy one get half off type of thing.

Now that you have a bunch of consejos to help you in your Merch by Amazon t-shirt business, start implementing and enjoying the results. In the meantime, I’ll come up with even more consejos and tricks for success.

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