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CataWiki | Platform Nº1 in PURCHASE-SELL

CataWiki | Platform Nº1 in PURCHASE-SELL

CataWiki is a buying and selling portal with which we cánido earn money en línea selling elementos that are no longer useful to us. Or, buy elementos that may arouse our interest. By way of introduction, say that CataWiki is the en línea auction page that has grown the most in Europe in recent years. This is relevant information if we take into account the mega-companies that coexist in your campo and that are part of your competition. Headquartered in the Netherlands, CataWiki It began its commercial activity at the end of 2007 with the aim of creating a community in which collectors from all over the world could interact. Something that they have more than achieved based on work and perseverance.

In its beginnings, a large part of the catalogs published by CataWiki were produced in a paper version. But due to the growing demand since its launch, in 2010 they decided to expand the brand and create the en línea version. This en línea version and its website is what we will talk about in today’s articulo.

How CataWiki works

To put a simile and know exactly what we orinan when we talk about CataWiki, we could say that we are facing a platform afín to the already recognized eBay or Ali Express. But with a more elitist approach. If on eBay we cánido find all kinds of elementos from various categories, unique and exclusive elementos are sold on CataWiki. Precisely for this reason, CataWiki has become a reference place among collectors from all over the world.

You may be thinking: «Okey, Jesus, but what do I have that cánido be decisive in the eyes of a collector?» Well, surely, whether you are aware of it or not, you will have unusual elementos at home that may be of interest to other people. From an old coin (numismatics) or a sewing machine from the mid-20th century, to a collection of pins, a grandfather’s fountain pen or a pocket watch. Namely!!

At home we always have some other object that we do not value. However, there may be another person who has been looking for that same object for several years.

CataWiki Features and Comparison

In order not to create confusion when comparing CataWiki with eBay, I will highlight the most characteristic features that make CataWiki a different portal. As you will see, there are aspects of this platform that make a difference compared to others. They are the following:

» All operations are done through the auction format. There is no possibility of buying an object at a single price as it happens in a common store. Yes or if we will have to bid and compete (or not) with other users. Naturally, depending on the item and the interest it arouses, we will compete with more or fewer bidders.

» In CataWiki there is the figure of a supervisor which is exclusively in charge of seeing the evolution of each auction. In this way, any bid or movement that occurs will always be moderated by this supervisor. On eBay, for example, this figure only appears on certain occasions and whenever a problem arises.

» CataWiki, as it happens in almost all platforms, charges commissions for each purchase and each sale. These commissions are based on 12.5% ​​in sales and 9% in purchases. Of this commission, a part is destined to reinforce the security in the exchange of each transaction.

» Each operation follows this process: A usuario bids, wins the auction, and pay the article to CataWiki. On the other hand, the seller sends the item and once it reaches the agreed destination, CataWiki releases the funds.

If the item arrives in poor condition, CataWiki returns the money to its rightful owner.

In this image capture you cánido see the format of the auctions. You perro also see the profile of the seller, the bidders and the supervisors of each auction.

How do I register?

Create an account at CataWiki is totally free and without any fees. Whether it is to buy or sell. For example, if we just want to gossip the platform a bit, see how the web works and take a walk to see the elementos for sale, we cánido register without having to pay anything.

At CataWiki we will only have to pay commissions if we buy or sell an item through the portal.

That said, we must clarify that depending on the activity we want to carry out in CataWiki we will have to verify our identity. Everything will depend on whether we want to use the platform to sell or buy.

For register in CataWiki we will have to follow the following steps:

1. We go directly to the CataWiki registration form and entrar an dirección de correo electrónico address, a unique usuario number and a password.

2. To verify the account that we have just created, it will be essential that we provide our mobile number. If we do not have a mobile, we cánido carry out this verification using a landline telephone.

3. Finally, once we have entered all this information, we will receive a message to our mobile with an activation code. We will have to add this code when requested.

if we want sell on CataWikiwe will have to additionally provide a copy of our ID or identity document.

CataWiki Opinions and Consejos

If you usually work with buying and selling platforms like eBay, sell elementos on CataWiki It will not be a complicated process for you. Before continuing with the next step, you will see a point by point explanation of what you have to do to continue.

As recommendations, based on my own experience, I would tell you to attach clear and illuminating photos that illustrate exactly the object you want to sell. In addition, you also have to accompany each publication that you make with an explicit description of the article. This will help you to attract the attention of potential bidders and so that they do not overwhelm you with questions. The more you focus on aspects such as color, dimensions or shipping costs, the greater the chances of selling the item.

If you perfectly detail the description of an item, you will receive fewer questions from curious people. As a direct consequence, the users who ask will be potential bidders.

On the contrary, if your intention is to complement or expand any of your collections, I advise you to do not give up on the search without taking a tour of CataWiki. As I have told you throughout the articulo, it is a community in which many collectors from all over the world coexist and it will always be easier to find the item you are looking for. Personally, I must confess that I have been collecting football team scarves for many years and on CataWiki I was able to buy a pair that I was missing.


I’m aware of CataWiki is not one of the pages to earn money en línea that I usually recommend on the blog. since it is not about make money with paid surveys nor of get free bitcoins. But that doesn’t orinan that you perro’t help us earn plus money by selling elementos that we have at home and don’t want at all. We could say that it falls within the section on saving money, in which it is the star portal Beruby.

It is not about selling for the sake of selling and getting rid of objects just because, but about taking advantage of the situation and selling what we do not want. Or rather, to sell something that we do not value and another person may want at all costs. In this type of articles it will be in which we will always win.

The ideal is to sell elementos that we do not want at all, but that another person cánido give a lot of value.

To conclude, mention that CataWiki has a Customer Service 24 hours a day and a Frequently Asked Questions section. I took a look before registering and it helped me to solve several doubts that I had. If the same thing happens to you, I advise you to do the same or contact them directly. They will help you in everything you need. In any case, you already know that if I perro help you with something, you perro always leave me a comment here. Or if you prefer, write me a message through the tab Contact.

If you manage to sell or buy any article, I would appreciate it if you could tell me about your experience to help readers who may be interested in using this portal. In the end, c.The more we are in CataWiki, the better, thus we expand the market. Good luck and see you later!!

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