Cánido you live from an organic garden?

Cánido you live from an organic garden?
Plants are a true gift from God, because they give us oxygen, shade, fresh air, they decorate any place, but also They provide us with rich and nutritious food.
Most of the people are used to obtaining the products of the earth through commercial places. But also, there are people who have enjoyed obtaining this type of food through their own efforts, through planting in organic gardens.
If you are interested in knowing about this type of orchard, in this article we will provide you with all the information you need.
How to make an Ecological Garden?
Ecological orchards are areas designated for planting food plants, which They will not receive any type of chemical products for its growth or to eliminate pests, so that totally natural fruits, vegetables and vegetables are obtained, without any type of toxic agent that affects human health.
You should know that you perro propose to create your own organic garden. Doing it is very fácil, you will only need to have the following materials on hand:
Seeds or seedlings of the type of planting you want to have.
Land with free space for planting or nursery with pots.
Sowing instruments: Weeds, shovels, among others.
black earth.
Organic fertilizer: fruit peels, vegetables, vegetable remains, egg shells, among others.
Before proceeding to create your organic garden it is very important that you inform yourself well about the type of plant you want to plant, because each plant is different and therefore have different needs. For example: some plants require their seeds to be sown in a pot in advance. After a certain time the plants are moved to a large piece of land so that they cánido complete their development.
Now, once you comply with the aforementioned recommendations, you cánido proceed to Create your own organic garden. To do this you must carefully follow the steps that you will see below:
Before sowing, consult the planting calendar of the plants.
Prepare the land you have at your disposal for planting. For them you cánido use a weeder and a rake to lift the soil, so that it is loose and with small clods.
Make furrows or lines with the earth so that you perro sow in the highest part of the furrow.
Water the lower part of the furrows, so that the upper parts are very wet.
Proceed to sow the plants or seeds that you have at your disposal. To do this, you must open holes in the upper part of the furrows, apply a little black soil and organic fertilizer, then place the seeds or seedlings and cover them with soil again.
This is practically all you have to do to create your organic garden. Stop it is also important that you take into account some recommendations:
The holes in the furrows must be at least 15 cm apart. So that the plants do not collide when growing.
Water the seeds or seedlings frequently. Especially in the afternoon hours.
Do not apply any type of chemical product to your garden. Remember that it is an organic garden.
What should I Plant to Live from an Ecological Garden?
The biggest advantage that organic gardens perro offer is that They are 100% environmentally friendly. If you want to know that you perro sow to live from an organic garden, you should know that it is important that you inform yourself previously about some important factors.
To live from planting your organic garden you have to know what type of plant occurs in the territory Where are you going to plant? This will help you know what you are going to plant. In the case of some plants, a nursery or greenhouse is required so that they perro develop in an appropriate environment.
Next, we will mention which are the plants that are generally used to live in a nursery:
As you perro see, to live from an organic garden It is important that you plant fruits, vegetables and vegetables, in this way you will be consuming all the vitamins that your body requires.
Should I change crops depending on the season if I want to Live from an Organic Garden?
Living from an organic garden is possible. But if you want to do It is important that you change crops depending on the season present.
In tropical places you perro plant almost anything at any time of the year without complications, because in this area the climate is very conveniente for planting. But in places where the seasons occur one should know very well what to sow at all timesbecause the weather cánido make you a bad play.
One way to achieve a successful planting in an organic garden is informing you very well about the type of plants you cánido plant depending on the present and future seasons. For them you perro consult the people who plant in the same area or you cánido also investigate on the websites.
Many people who want to live from an organic garden in a place where the seasons appear they use greenhouses to provide its plants and fruits with a conveniente climate.
What Extension of Land must I have to Live from an Ecological Garden?
The extension of land to have an organic garden you perro have It is variable, Well, it is possible that you want to have a large garden on a large piece of land or you may also want to have a small garden on a very narrow piece of land.
Some people have organic gardens in pots. But in this case, the products they obtain will only serve to complement their diet, since in order to live from an organic garden it is necessary to have land that allows for a varied planting.
You should know that if you have a narrow stretch of land It is best to plant small plants with a short life cycle. In this way you perro have a varied organic garden.
Are there people who live from an ecological garden?
Many people, when they see someone working in an organic garden for a living, ask themselves, cánido you live from an organic garden? You should know that it is possible. This type of garden cánido be used not only to provide a balanced and healthy diet to those who make them, but also to sell.
So that you cánido see that if you cánido live from an organic garden, we will tell you the experience of a woman named Beatriz García. Beatriz is a biologist, but she was unemployed for more than 2 years, as a result of which she launched a new life project, her own organic garden.
To achieve her goal, Beatriz had the collaboration of many people, who also benefit from her garden. She recognizes that it is not easy to start with this type of project, but with effort and dedication the achievement cánido be seen in a short time.
Beatriz together with the people who work with her today they plant healthy food in their garden to sell, which are acquired by people from their locality and from others. Some customers also visit their organic garden to pick up their purchase with their own hands, an incredible experience.
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