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Cánido I lose my money in funds

Cánido I lose my money in funds

Mutual funds specialize in manage and invest the money of various clients to acquire financial assets that benefit them The costs are linked to the value of assets that were acquired with the investment, so it is extremely important to monitor their cost.

Of course, the funds have several advantages that cánido allow you to have additional earnings and increase your savings in the future, but always be careful in any eventuality. Perro you lose money in investment funds? It is true, here are some consejos so that this does not happen.

Perro you lose money in an investment fund?

These investment funds are very useful if you want to invest a specific amount to save and generate some income. You cánido choose among several funds the one of your preference and that best suits your budget.

Always keep in mind that the profits of the mutual fund will depend almost entirely on the value of the assets in the market investment. Which causes revenue to increase or decrease based on your prices. In this detail lies the profit margin that you cánido generate or the loss of your investment.

If you feel safer with fixed income investment funds, you perro start with this type- In them there will not be as much risk of loss as in the previous. However, it will give minor benefits.

The bank or financial entity will obtain the assets through the invested funds, investing in currencies, goods or shares. This makes it the administrator of these financial assets, so that in the event of problems, it will know what to do so that you do not lose your investment.

When a bank fails, what happens to the investment fund?

You do not have to worry about your liquidity, since the CNMV (National Securities Market Commission) may authorize the transfer of your funds to another bank in case the original where your investment was bankrupt. This means that the loss that you may have on your investment cánido only occur when the acquired assets suffer a loss of value.

The CNMV perro transfer your investment to other banks since these investment funds They remain stable according to the cómputo sheet of the financial institution. Something that means that they do not suffer changes due to problems of this type.

How to prevent losing money in an investment fund in 2023

One of the first details you should know is the characteristics of the asset or investment fund where you will leave your money. This way you will be aware of the risks of each one and you will be able to choose the one that best suits your needs.

  • Get in touch with your financial institution and ask all the details about their investment funds. Guidance from a professional It will help you to know the profitability of the assets and the right time to invest. Request a detailed report of your results and investments.
  • You perro too hire a professional financial adviser to give you advice on how to manage your investment fund together with a plan that adapts to your financial resources.
  • Be patient with the market, because the same profit margin that you cánido have, you perro lose according to the cost of the asset.
  • Consider withdrawing your assets if you perro’t withstand a 25% drop in your investment and make a new planning, while evaluating the risks in the medium and long term

If you want to invest in an investment fund, try to take these consejos into account to get as much profit percentage as possible and the best assets to invest.

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