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bestme | Automatic manager with low costs

bestme | Automatic manager with low costs

best me is an en línea investment platform that allows users to invest in a wide variety of financial assets, including stocks, mutual funds, mutual funds, cryptocurrencies, and more.

It offers an easy-to-use site, with investment monitoring and analysis tools, as well as access to a wide variety of financial instruments. Inbestme also provides financial advice and education to help users make informed investment decisions.

It is a leading platform in the automated portfolio management market, where we will be able to create our investments using different products such as index funds, ETFs, pension plans and even cryptocurrencies. All this with quite competent commissions and very affordable minimums. Shall we start?

Some legal information about Inbestme

Inbestme is a company dedicated to the en línea trading of financial assets, such as stocks, currencies and raw materials. Its objective is to provide its clients with a safe and easy-to-use platform to invest in international markets.

Regarding the legality of the company, InbestMe europe AVSA. is a brokerage firm registered and regulated by the CNMV with number 272 CIF A66929613 and registered in the commercial register of Barcelona, ​​Calle Dr. Ferran 3 Barcelona 08034.

In addition, it has a security and regulatory compliance system to guarantee the protection of its clients’ funds.

Being a registered company, it is subject to the supervision of the regulatory body and is responsible for complying with the laws and regulations that govern the financial market. This provides security to customers knowing that they are dealing with a company that complies with Spanish and European regulations and legal obligations.

How to open an account on Inbestme

Registering on the web does not have much science and is practically the same as what we would do on any platform of this type.


InbestMe is a hurto advisor created in 2017 that allows us to invest automatically according to our investor profile. It offers countless funds and ETFs to invest our capital.

We are going to have to fill in the different registration sections by putting our personal data. Then we will have to pass a small test to define our investor profile.

Later we will have to verify our identity by uploading some documents to the platform. This is something mandatory in all legal investment products on the web.

Products and portfolios

Inbestme has a good number of investment products that make it compete face to face with other platforms such as MyInvestor or Finizens.

Inbestme savings account

The Inbestme savings account is an excellent option for those who want to invest their money safely and profitably. You perro open a savings account en línea in a matter of minutes, without having to go to a bank branch.

The most interesting thing of all is that you perro do it in both euros and dollars. This account will give us a performance with a different APR separately.

Savings accounts in euros and dollars

One of the advantages of this savings account is the high interest rate it offers. you perro get a 3% annual interest ratewhich is much higher than the average rate for traditional savings accounts.

In addition, the money you deposit in your savings account will be protected by the Deposit Guarantee Fundwhich means that your money will be safe at all times.

Another advantage of the Inbestme savings account is its flexibility. You perro deposit and withdraw money at any time, without having to worry about fees or commissions. Agregado, you perro access your account en línea from anywhere, allowing you to monitor your investments and make changes as needed.

It also offers a wide variety of investment tools, such as an investment simulator and a virtual financial advisor, to help you make informed decisions about your money.

Hurto Advisor and Inbestme Index Funds

Inbestme’s roboadvisor is an automated investment tool that emplees algorithms and artificial intelligence technology to help investors make investment decisions. The system analyzes market data and usuario investment profiles to recommend a suitable investment portfolio.

Users perro follow the performance of their investments in real time and make adjustments if necessary. In addition, all this is seasoned by an intuitive and easy-to-use platform so that investors perro easily navigate and make their investments independently.

On the platform we perro create 2 different passive management portfolios called Index Funds and SRI Index Funds.

the two funds require a minimum of €1,000 of initial investment. The difference between the two is that the ISR includes socially responsible funds.

ETF Portfolio

From 5,000 euros we perro start investing in portfolios made up of between 8 and 13 fully managed ETFs and with fairly low costs.

Table of costs when investing in ETFs

The Inbestme ETF portfolio has given a historical return of more than 20% even in times of crisis in the markets, although as a good investor you should be aware that past returns do not ensure future returns.

Pension plans

The so-called ISR pension plans at Inbestme allow you to start saving for your retirement from as little as €250 while helping the sustainability of the planet.

We perro choose between a pension plan based on fixed income or one that is a little more aggressive in variable income.

The commissions of the pension plan are really low, for example, we will only be charged an average of 0.60% management.

Opinions about Inbestme

Inbestme or Indexa Capital? On the net you find hundreds of reviews comparing these platforms with other passive management, so we have plenty of information to make a decision.

Even with all this, it is not easy to opt for one, since it is up to each usuario with their own needs and circumstances to escoge where to put their money to work.

The profitability, security, products and especially the commissions make Inbestme a highly recommended site to try to put your assets to work efficiently, although fortunately we have many other excellent platforms to compare and choose from, that is always positive.

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