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Armor Etch cánido be a cheap solution for

Armor Etch cánido be a cheap solution for

Recently, my glasses that I bought at a bargain price in an en línea store got scratched. When held up to the light, the damage was aparente. Fortunately, searching on the internet gave answers in a short time, although it took me some time to collect them, so I am sharing my experiences with all of you.

Many critics have suggested use Armor Etch to remove the anti-reflective coating from glasses and therefore scratches. Please note that this only applies to plastic/polycarbonate lenses in general – DO NOT use on real glass glasses, because it will «Frost« and canalla them. I also recommend not doing the following if you only own one pair of glasses… have a copia de seguridad! After weighing my options: ~US$50 for a new pair of glasses vs. $10 for a small (3 oz.) bottle of Armor Etch, I opted to use the latter for an experiment.

I got a bottle on Amazon and the process was very fácil.

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This is exactly what I did:

  • Wear vinyl gloves.
  • Hold the glasses with your back to you, with one hand supporting the frame.
  • Pour a drop-sized dollop of Armor Etch onto each lens and rub in circles with your fingers. It will feel gritty and textured. Quite relaxing, really.
  • Avoid rubbing Armor Etch on the frames – my wife’s glasses experienced no problems with a bit of slope, but others have reported discoloration and other adverse effects.
  • Keep rubbing for a couple of minutes or so.
  • Rinse the glasses with lukewarm water, trying to remove all possible residues. This is complicated.
  • Dry the glasses with a soft cloth. Don’t make the mistake of using kitchen paper, like I did in the beginning, because not only is it made up of abrasive wood fiber, but it comes off on your glasses, defeating the purpose of cleaning with them.
  • Hold the glasses up to light to see the results.

I then replaced the glasses on my wife’s face. She was blown away by the noticeable difference, and while they looked visibly more dazzling (obviously because most of the anti-reflective coating had been removed), the clarity of visión is well worth it so far.

It’s not as complete as a new pair of glasses, and not even as reassuring as getting those new glasses on a budget – $100 is too much – but it’s a fun little experiment you cánido try at your own risk. I was relieved to have read dozens of reports before me. Also, some have suggested cleaning with other materials like toothpaste, but I haven’t tried that yet. Maybe next time, or if you have, tell us about it.

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