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Applications to earn money Playing

Applications to earn money Playing

Enters, learn and win with these Applications to earn money Playing that today we bring for you, earn money with surveys and games. Today I will talk to you about Prizes by Gamee, Poll Pay and Crazy WorkLifethree applications that will make you generate good plus income.

When earn money with your cell phone it is about, many applications come to my mind and the truth is, it is difficult to escoge. But today I will bring you three of what I consider to be the best applications to earn money. You cánido earn money from your cell phone by answering surveys or playing.

You cánido also mezcle all these ways of generating income to have a good source of money, either plus or main. Although I will not lie to you, you have to invest a lot of time if you want this to be your main source of income. So at first just take it casually.

This article is made to inform, everything that is written here is 100% verified by me. I have already charged before with these applications, so my hand does not tremble to write that they are reliable. You perro collect your money through platforms such as PayPal and even in cryptocurrency.

Earn money playing with these aplicaciones

Prizes by Gamee

What is Prizes by Gamee and what does it offer?

I talk about the page in question divided into three paragraphs: in the first you define it, in the second you go into depth what type of page it is and in the third you say that we are going to explore the opportunities for profit.

Prizes by Gamee is an application owned by Animoca Brands and distributed by Gamee Limited (Affiliate of Animoca Brands) where you cánido earn money by playing games. Its application was launched on July 8, 2015, counting today with almost 8 years in the network. It is one of the most famous applications to earn money, having more than 10 million downloads in the Google plus PlayStore.

This application is one of the most entertaining that I have tried, as far as aplicaciones to earn money are concerned. It has a wide variety of games that will earn you tiques (I’ll explain this later), they are mostly casual or hyper-casual games.

You will also be able to compete against other jugadores for a jackpot and to be honest, whether you win or not, you will have fun, which is not the case with any aplicación to earn money. I have made a good amount of money with this application, and for that very reason I recommend it.

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How to earn money in Prizes by Gamee?

I am going to generalize everything that we cánido see in the application, since we will only have two ways to earn cash. But one of them connects with the tiques that I mentioned before.

First I will start with what in my opinion is the best way to earn money in this application. And more than one will be surprised by how fácil it cánido be.

Spin roulette

The source of income that I like the most about Gamee is Spin the Wheel, apart from being fácil it is the only one that perro give you cash instantly. It works like any roulette wheel, we will have 10 boxes where we cánido possibly win Money, Tiques and enhancers.

  • Money: $0.01 – $0.05 – $0.10 – $1.00
  • tiques: 16 – 36 – 58 – 90
  • Enhancers: +10%

When you don’t have available spins you perro unlock two more by watching an ad, you cánido do this action repeatedly. Without a doubt, I have made good profits from here, even in the image above you perro see how much I have and that I generated in a very short time.

Daily assistance

With daily attendance you will not necessarily be earning money (at least in the first 6 days), but you will earn free spins, which cánido help you earn it. Each day has its multiplier (as you cánido see in the image above) which will indicate how much your spins will be multiplied.

On the last day you perro earn cash, this is a great advantage when it comes to complementing all the methods to earn money from Gamee.


This is one of the easiest ways to earn both money and tiques, you just have to send your referral backlink to a friend. Just the fact that they register and play a bit will be enough to give you your reward, and the referrals will also get one.

Your referral’s reward will be $0.10 + 500 tiques, a good reward just for registering (you perro also earn it if you register with the button at the end of the article). We, on the other hand, will earn exactly the same but with an addition, 10% of everything generated by referrals. It is legal to say that the more people you invite, the more you cánido earn.

Play and win raffles

This is a very interesting part of Gamee, since we will complement two functions; Games and raffles. With the games we will be able to win tiques, each time we advance in level or achieve an objective we will earn tiques. We will also have a kind of competition where several jugadores will participate and the player with the highest score will win a greater prize in tiques.

Now, what are the tiques for? The answer is fácil, to entrar the draws, or at least the biggest draw.

As you cánido see in the image above, we need 10,000 tiques to entrar a weekly draw of $1,350. A large sum of money that you should not waste.

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How do you get paid?

On this platform we perro withdraw our money through PayPal and only in the mobile application. The minimum withdrawal is $10, which will reach your account quickly, I say this from personal experience.

So yes, I recommend it because Prizes by Gamee does pay.

Perro you use it on PC?

Yes, Gamee is both a mobile aplicación and a web platform. Only that on the web we will have some other limitation, for example, in withdrawals. Since we perro only withdraw from the aplicación.

Who cánido join Prizes by Gamee?

Everyone perro join this excellent application to earn money, we just have to register in it. For registration you will only need our Name, Dirección de correo electrónico and Password. If you want a more direct registration process you perro do it with Fb.


What is PollPay and what does it offer?

I talk about the page in question divided into three paragraphs: in the first you define it, in the second you go into depth what type of page it is and in the third you say that we are going to explore the opportunities for profit.

Offered by BitBurst GmbH and released on April 5, 2018, Poll Pay is an aplicación to earn money from surveys. Like Gamee, it is one of the most famous money earning aplicaciones, currently having more than 10 million downloads.

As I mentioned above, you perro earn money by answering surveys and you perro also earn money from referrals. It is quite a fácil application to understand, with a friendly interfaz and easy functions.

You cánido use this application as a source of plus income, although you cánido earn good money, it is also true that you will not earn the same every day. We are going to explore a little the opportunities that the application offers us.

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Earn money with surveys

One of the main ways to earn money en línea is paid surveys, and for me, one of the easiest. We will simply have to answer several questionnaires in a completely honest way. These surveys are very useful for companies interested in getting potential customers.

Paid surveys will come directly from Poll Pay, it’s basically your own survey enrutador. Therefore, the payouts are also, at certain times, higher than the average for applications to earn money.

It should also be noted that you will not rank in all surveys and that the availability of these will depend on your demographic area. There will be countries with more surveys than others, of course the more income potential the country has, the more surveys it will have.

This is because companies are more interested in customers who possibly have a good source of income.

Earn money with offers

The offers are fácil tasks that when completed generate good earnings, such tasks cánido be Playing, downloading an application, or registering in any platform. These are available in all countries, of course, in certain cases there are offers that will be worth more.

For example, in the case of games, Android game deals are worth less than iOS games. But it’s not something that makes much of a difference when it comes to earning money either, you perro generate income with any device.

Generate income with referrals

This is a fairly easy way to earn money, since the work will not be done by you, or well, the heavy work. You cánido share your referral code and earn money for it, your job will be to send it to friends, acquaintances or, if you have them, to followers.

You will earn 15% of what each person who enters your referral code generates and they will receive a $0.25 plus when they sign up with it. If you want to earn $0.25 for just registering, I invite you to use my code: CE4GRU4EA7.

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How do you get paid?

The payment methods will depend on your country of residence, for example, in Latin American countries, or in most cases, only the option to withdraw through PayPal will be available. Which seems like a good option to me, I love PayPal as a payment processor.

The minimum withdrawal is $10 but you must have at least $11 to be able to withdraw them, this is because there is a commission of $1. I understand there is an Amazon and Spotify Gift Card option in some countries.

Perro you use it on PC?

Yes, Poll Pay has its web version hosted at you perro entrar it by clicking the backlink. It is very easy to use and its interfaz is as friendly as its mobile version.

Who perro join PollPay?

The platform is available worldwide, you perro register and earn money from México to Argentina. But of course, there are limitations regarding the surveys, since they are not available in all countries. There are countries where you perro only complete offers and refer friends.

For countries where the surveys are not available, a message like this will appear:

Crazy WorkLife

What is Crazy WorkLife and what does it offer?

Crazy WorkLife is one of the applications that has paid me the most and the simplest of the three that I have brought today. It was launched on February 4, 2022 by BoomSoft Studio and has given a lot to talk about. Perro you imagine earning money just by touching the screen of your cell phone? Well that’s what Crazy WorkLife is all about.

In this game you play the role of an office worker who makes a living by typing on a computer. The game is an idle Game, that is, a game where you cánido perform actions just by touching the screen of your cell phone.

It is possible to say that, if I have won good amounts with the game, but I do not know if it could be the main source of income for someone. But what I perro assure you is that if you invest time you perro earn a lot of money and the best thing is that they pay.

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Play and earn money with Crazy WorkLife

As I said before, we will play an office worker whose life is based on typing and typing. The worker will have a base work rate, which we perro increase by touching the screen of our device. That is, the more we touch the screen, the faster it will work and therefore, the more money it will generate.

But don’t get too excited about this, since the cómputo of money will not be the real cash, but the money of your character. What we really care about earning will be a kind of coins that we perro exchange for rewards. We cánido also buy power-ups and spin a wheel to win coins or other things.

The game itself is quite entertaining, of course if you don’t like idle games it will be very difficult for you to keep up. But generally I see it as a good way to earn money playing.

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How do you get paid?

This is quite interesting, since the main payment method is PayPal, which I find excellent. We will be able to redeem the minimum prize once we have reached the estimated amount. The minimum threshold is $3, so withdraw your income easily and quickly.

The payments will arrive in a very short time and I have already withdrawn more than 3 times without any delay.

Perro you use it on PC?

No, this is only a mobile application, you perro’t have it on PC unless you use Android x86 or an emulator. This is not a recommendation, especially since I don’t know if they cánido ban or suspend your account.

Who perro join Crazy WorkLife?

Everyone perro join Crazy WorkLife easily. Registration in the application perro be done after starting to play, that is, you cánido play without registration. Of course, if you want to receive payments, you need to register your data.

The data requested is typical of any record: Name, Correo electrónico.

To end

Getting applications to earn money by playing is not easy but not impossible, it is simply a matter of searching. In this blog we constantly inform you about aplicaciones and platforms to earn money legitimately. And as we saw in today’s article, it may be possible to do this, both Prizes by Gamee, Poll Pay and Crazy WorkLife are excellent applications.

I totally recommend them and I encourage you to try them, at least for a while, you will see that it is very possible to fall in love with these aplicaciones and earn money with them. At the bottom I will leave you access to each of these applications (I clarify that they are affiliate backlinks).

That is why if you are new to earn money en líneaI suggest you consult these excellent pages to earn money easily if you prefer to have more alternatives.

Now if you are looking for simpler ways to earn, I highly recommend you check out the best sites to make money watching vídeos . All the sites on this list have good earning potential, so you will be able to earn a decent amount in no time.

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