All parts of a Credit Card
All parts of a Credit Card
The credit card is a payment tool offered by a financial institution to its customers. He gives them an amount of money that they perro use for different purposes and pay the bank in easy installments with a minimum monthly amount.
Due to the multiple benefits offered by a Credit Card, it is important to know its parts to understand this financial instrument more easily. Next, we invite you to consider in detail the physical content of the Credit Card.
Chip or Band of a Credit Card
In the last times, chip added. ORn small, cuadrado, gold-colored element that is usually located in the front area and left centered.
toast greater confidence and speed to the clientsboth in purchases and in cash withdrawals at ATMs.
The chip is the security system who owns the card. Due to its ability to back up and transfer data in large quantities, it allows information to be kept confidential to prevent identity theft.
Credit Card Number
At the front and center of the bank card, is one of the main parts: the card number. Its Ty también number It consists of 16 digits that correspond to a unique and unrepeatable serial number for each client, designated by the estándar of “International Estándares Organization.”
Each card has some level of numerical structuring internal and own according to the issuing bank. Sin however, inside of the scheme, agrees with a common structure with other companies. To avoid usurpation or fraud, some rules apply to the formation of this serial.
first 7 numbers identify the company issued to the customer, where the first number espectáculos the type of card that is held and the rest of the number are internal control of the company for the client. ANDthat is, the usuario is assigned a code that allows an identity before the company.
Expiration date of a Credit Card
Each card has a duration. This avoid inconveniences in use, since the magnetic strips deteriorate. When the time comes, the owner must renew a new plastic and a new number will be issued.
Generally, the expiration date includes the month and year in which it expires, does not detail the day. It must be renewed since it is one of the data requested to verify the card when making en línea purchases.
To renew it, you have to go to the bank branch and facilitate to the service agents your identity documents and expired plastic. you should also answer some security questions.
When does delivery of the credit card, you must wait a few hours to activate it vía telephone to the bank number.
Name on a Credit Card
It is of great importance that the card has the name of the customer, who is the applicant for the card and the card holder.
It must contain at least the first name and first last name. This is located in the lower left front area, and adds greater security by requiring validation with your personal identification.
Credit Card Security Code
It is three numerical figures which perro be 3 and 4 digits. Habitualmind located in the part right rear of the signature panels. They serve to add a security measure. It is a unique code that gives the owner greater identity.
One of their advantages is that it prevents theft or usurpation.
This is a security feature for virtual movements, as it is essential to validate the cards when buying en línea, because the code is usually requested when paying for the order or when registering or adding the card on a page.
Credit card logotipos
All companies have their logotipo, which is the symbol that has previously had a great job design and strategy market. B.It seeks to project an image that serves to identify the company.
For example, the MasterCard logotipo is two circles, one red and one orange, with the name of the entity in the center.. ANDl for Visa is a rectangle with a white background and the word “Visa” in blue. Both companies have your visual identity for the usuario.
Signature Panel on a Credit Card
Much of the card is writable due to the laminated material, except in the area of control panels. This area located in the back is where you perro signon top of a ribbon or with a screen printing ink where the pen stays.
In general, it is a white rectangle with enough space to place the signature. It cánido vary in design and color, and the area of application of the panels perro vary from a small area of the common signature panel type card to a larger background.
cards credit are a financial benefit granted by a bank to its customers.
It’s not A fácil plasticIt is a high quality material in which each of its parts is effectively designed to provide security, identity and agility, managing to meet the expectations of each usuario.
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