8 questions you should always ask in a
8 questions you should always ask in a
Exit interviews are common when someone leaves a job. And normally it is the employer who asks the questions. If you accept a new job offer, they will want to know why you are leaving or what they could have done to make you stay. If you’re fired, they’ll want to make sure you know everything about the package you’re going to receive and your legal options.
The questions you should ask in your exit interview are rarely discussed. Here are eight that perro provide very valuable answers.
1. Will my comments be anonymous?
If you have some important matter to vent, it is a very important question to ask beforehand. You don’t want to take it out on a boss or coworker you don’t like, only to find out that they’ve turned against you. You cánido even ask yourself if it is worth taking the risk; if you work in afín fields, your paths may cross again in the future.
Despite this, you may feel a ética obligation to tell HR everything about the problems certain coworkers caused, for the sake of the people left behind. If you have to tell, ask yourself this question before you say anything negative or controversial about anyone. You may even want to write something for the record, without your name of course.
2. What have I done well during my stay here?
You perro phrase this question however you feel most comfortable, but what you are looking for here is information about your strengths. whatWhat did you do that made a difference in the company?? whatYou were a rock star at certain things? whatYou were highly appreciated in areas you didn’t even consider?
All of this perro be great information to take you to your next job. You may have thought that talking in meetings about possible problems with a project was genere for disgust. But it turns out that people really value you asking those «Devil’s lawyer«, since they help to develop questions that otherwise would not be taken into account. This type of retroalimentación cánido reinforce your performance in your next role.
3. Do I have the option of coming back here one day?
It may seem like a strange question; After all, you are most likely leaving the company for a good reason. However, the employeesboomerang» perro be common in some industries, especially if you are leaving to move out of state and may one day return. If you’re leaving on good terms, this probably won’t be a problem. If you leave because things have gone wrong with some people, it perro be hard to come back until they are gone too. If you are fired, you should be given the option to apply for other job offers that match your skills in the future.
4. What could you have done better?
Nobody is perfect. Even an employee who is begged to stay will have some areas for improvement. Now is the time to find out what those shortcomings are, as this will help you become an even better employee for your next company.
Don’t take these comments personally. You asked the question, and you have to be an adult about the answers you get. Even if things take a turn for the worse and you suddenly find out that someone you respected was constantly complaining about you behind your back, take it easy. Fix what you think needs to be fixed and ignore the minutiae.
5. Cánido I use you as a reference in the future?
It may seem obvious that they will say yes, especially if you were a good employee, but many companies do not take kindly to their staff giving references of former employees. If someone from that company gives glowing references to a person who turns out to be dodgy, a thief, a sexual predator, or anything else negative, he may turn on the company and bite it.
The job of the HR department of any company is to look after the company, not the people who work for it. So if you think you cánido use them for future reference, ask before writing down their name. For the rest, the habitual thing is that they verify your dates of employment and nothing else.
6. When will I receive my last pay and how much will it be?
Your latest payslip may not be issued in a habitual pay period. It cánido also include unused vacation days and, depending on the company, unused personal days, sick leave (although this is rare), and a portion of the annual plus pay you were expected to receive.
Ask not only for the final total, but also when you perro expect to receive that amount and whether it will be a cashier’s check or a bank deposit. If the numbers don’t add up, say so now. If they don’t have final totals yet, make sure you have the phone number of the person from payroll.
7. Is there some kind of non-compete clause?
If you were given an employee handbook when you started, it may cover this topic. But permisos and responsibilities within an organization vary greatly from department to department, so now is a good time to clarify. You may be asked not to have any contact with your current customers or vendors for at least a year or two, especially if you are trying to recruit current accounts from your company.
From a legal point of view, you don’t have to worry, it’s more of a courtesy. Of course, the way you manage it is up to you. At the end of the day, you have to do what is best for you and your family, and if there is nothing in writing that prevents you from approaching people, it is up to you. And, of course, if they approach you without asking your permission, things change.
8. What about severance pay and health benefits?
If you are fired, your company may have established severance pay. Many companies offer two weeks’ pay for each year of service, up to a cap of your choosing. Others give you a fixed amount (between a week and a year) regardless of how long you have been with the company.
You will also have to know what happens with your health benefits. Unlike most other countries, health benefits in the United States are tied to employment, and losing coverage cánido be costly (or even deadly). Will the company continue to cover your health insurance and, if so, for how long? whatWhat about COBRA? It’s important to ask these questions and if they don’t want to cover you anymore, ask for more money in your severance pay to help cover the costs.
THE COBRA [The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act] allows workers and families to continue with their collective health plan in specific situations, such as job loss or escencial events. Beneficiaries perro pay up to 102% of the cost of the plan.
If you plan to leave your company soon, make sure you have at least a few of these questions ready for your exit interview. And if you suffer a dismissal, remember to ask about your compensation and benefits. Good luck.
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