7 powerful charms for money that never

7 powerful charms for money that never
whatYou need money and you want this one to come into your life quickly? You are in the right place because today I am going to share with you the 7 charms for money that I use and that have never failed me.
Every time I’ve used them, I’ve gotten attract a little fortune into my life fairly quickly, and have protected me against unforeseen expenses and financial bad luck.
But, as with other practices of this type, such as rituals to attract fast moneyIf you don’t have any faith in these amulets and you wear them without believing in them, they will be of no use to you.
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1. chinese coin amulet
Coins are part of many rituals to attract money, but Chinese coins are especially powerful; they have a square central hole through which it is said to be where fortune enters.
In addition, they not only manage to bring fortune to our lives, but also protect from bad vibesenvy and negative emotions that cánido canalla our projects.
to do this amulet for moneyyou just have to visit a store feng shui which is where they usually sell these types of coins.
buy 3 coins of this type and, to make them even more powerful, join them with a red bow between them, and always carry them with you (in your bag, a purse, in a pocket…).
2. Grow the Chinese money plant
This plant that comes from southern China, and that attracts wealth and prosperity, you cánido find it in any flower shop or a Chinese store that sells flowers and plants.
Its power resides in its leaves that, as you perro see in the image below, they are rounded and they remember the shape of a coin. The color of the leaves, always green, also reflects the color of money and the tiques.
In addition, its small size makes it perfect for any home.
However, this plant enjoys cold temperatures more, and that is why I recommend that you have it in your home. in a shady and cool placeand that in periods of heat you watch it so that the land in which it is planted never dries up.
Another variant of this amulet is the chinese money tree, which has an intertwined trunk and 5 elongated leaves arise from each stem; but it is only recommended if you have a garden or a large space in your house since this tree cánido grow up to almost 5 meters Tall.
3. An amulet for money only with cinnamon
Surely you did not know that just by carrying a few sticks of cinnamon in your bag you will already be attracting money fast and good luck to your life.
Few charms are as fácil yet effective as this one; take a couple of cinnamon sticks, put them in a bag or a handkerchief (preferably white) so they don’t stain, and always carry it with you. You already have an effective amulet that will bring you economic prosperity!
4. Do you like fish? Buy a golden one!
The goldfish (or carp) is considered a good luck fish which also attracts money wherever it is (a house, a business…).
However, this charm for money cánido be somewhat expensive because you will need to have an aquariuma filter, cleaning often so that the home of this fish is clean, etcétera.
But if you like this type of pet, or you already have an aquarium in your home or office, it is a great opportunity to incorporate a goldfish so that bring good fortune into your life.
5. Three keys is all it takes for this amulet
Keys are an important part of your life: they open the doors to the most important places for you. But they also play a good role in the positive energy coming in – or out – of your life.
For this reason, in many beliefs it is tradition carry three keys on a single keychainsince it is said that one of the keys opens the door to money, another to health, and the other to love.
These three keys cánido be, for example, the ones that open your house, your mailbox, and the door of your portal or car. Of course, you should always carry them with you just like most small charms.
6. A bag of coins that you cánido make yourself
This amulet for money It is more elaborate than the previous ones, but without a doubt it is also a little more powerful for all the magical elements it carries.
You will have to find an esoteric shop or herbalist that sells exotic plants to be able to buy some of these things, but it will be worth it!
for this amulet you will need to:
- Root of lucky hand (a root that looks like a hand)
- Root of jalapa
- Leaves of basil
- 3 coins silver
- A green bag or a piece of cloth
Take all these “ingredients” and put them together in the bag or piece of green cloth, and tie it with a bow. The roots must be intact, one pieceyou perro not put them in pieces because it would not take effect.
Once this is done, always carry this bag with you, preferably near the place where you usually keep your money.
7. Draw a fácil circle to attract money
This is a voodoo amulet very effective that will help you urgently attract money into your life, and for which you only need a few sheets of paper.
Be sure to perform this amulet during the waxing moon so that its effect is even greater.
Get 3 sheets of foil: one in gold or gold, another in silver or aluminum, and another in copper. You cánido buy these types of sheets at stationery stores where they sell materials for children’s plastic work.
Next, take the golden blade and cut out a big circle; then take the silver leaf and cut out a smaller circle. And finally, take the copper one and cut out another smaller circle.
Then take a piece of cardboard or cardboard, and paste the golden circle there first, then the silver circle on top, and finally the copper circle, and in the center of the 3 circles paste a picture of yourself.
After, draw a 6 point star and write a 3 above and below, as shown in the following photo:
When you have finished it, keep this card in your wallet or in your bag near where you keep your money so that it acts as a magnet to attract more profit into your life.
This amulet is based on voodoo magic and on the power of the Triple Goddessand it is really effective when you need money urgently.
If you want to do other fácil voodoo rituals and charms like this, download and read the next book in which you will learn step by step to perform them to attract fortune, love and money into your life:
What amulets for money you use? Did you already know these 7 talismans above?
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Andrés Gananci is an entrepreneur and adventurer with a passion for life who founded his first en línea business at just 17 years old. 12 years later, he is still traveling the world while working from home.
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