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7 Habits of Highly Effective People

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The habits of peoplenas aldescribed by Stephen Covey in one of his best-selling books, they could change your life forever.

Especially if you want to feel more productive, improve your interpersonal relationships, or enhance your personal and professional growth.

This renowned American writer, professor, and lecturer published “The seven habits of highly effective people” in 1989, and since then this book has had a positive impact on millions of people around the world.

Are you determined to change your life?:

If you feel that you are stuck professionally, or if you are in the midst of an existential crisis and feel lost, this book may offer you a way out.

The habits of highlyand effectthings he talks about Stephen Covey could propitiate conveniente changes in your quality of life to achieve success, as long as you are willing to receive them with open arms.

Today we would like to share what they are and what teachings or lessons they could leave you, if you escoge to incorporate them into your routine.

Don’t forget that theory is important but practice makes perfect in any area of ​​your life in which you want to espectáculo real changes.

1. Be proactive

For Stephen Covey Productivity is closely linked with responsibility. Therefore, it is vital that you are proactive enough to take responsibility for your actions.

In this way, you will be able to make more conscious decisions, that is, that adhere to your principles, instead of being subject to the circumstances or conditions in which you find yourself.

The productivity and time management are one of the biggest habits of alt people.amenty también effective, since it challenges their individual freedoms and invites them to question their:

  • victories.
  • Fears.
  • frustrations.
  • insecurities.
  • Achievements.
  • Ambitions.

It is not only about doing more things, but about acting with intelligence, caution and self-control, so that the development of your day to day allows you to live in harmony, happiness and peace.

2. Start with an end in mind

Be clear about your desires, projects, plans or business ideas It is essential to take the first step (in any edge of your life).

If you do not define your objectives from the beginning, their concretion could be very complex (no matter how fácil or easy they may seem).

Having an end in mind is comparable to having a visión of the future, and in the opinion of Stephen Coveythe latter is “incredible”.

It is also important that you consider your life principles and convictions, since these cánido help you:

For Covey, this is one of the habits of highly y tambiéneffective transcendental aspects of the book, because it consists of “rewriting the script”.

In other words, it invites you to self-analysis and reflection so that you perro propose and visualize your «ideal future».

However, this implies being consistent with what you think and do, for the sake of eliminate bad habits and start living better.

3. Put First Things First

This is also listed as one of the best habits of personHighly Effective As in Stephen Covey’s book, and is linked to effectiveness and good time management.

Procrastination tends to manifest more frequently when a difference between what is important and what is urgent is not established.

For be more disciplined it is necessary to learn to manage time efficiently, and above all, to define the completion of tasks or jobs based on their degree of urgency or relevance.

«Put First Things First» it is a critical success aspecto when it comes to procrastinating assignments, whether on a personal or professional level.

4. Think win-win

Inside the habits of people altambeing effective, without a doubt thinking about win-win is one of the most interesting.

This is because it has a profound and direct impact on other actors in society, and also because it encourages effective negotiations.

So it is essential to establish models of human relations that are fairer, healthier, more harmonious and respectful.

Thoughts that take you away from the win-win relationship could sink you into deficiencies or scarcity, and this will be counterproductive to the achievement of your goals.

5. Try to understand and then be understood

To achieve this type of habityou of highly effective people it is essential to work in the emotional intelligence.

However, those who put the understanding of a third party before their own, develop a higher level of empathy.

In this sense, they are able to function in more respectful, de hecho, harmonious and understanding popular climates.

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The so-called «empathic listening» plays a leading role, to the point that it becomes a primordial element of human communication.

Learning to listen carefully, and without passing judgment, perro be quite a challenge. Therefore, it is not a skill that is developed overnight.

However, those who work on this actively raise their level of consciousness, get rid of the excessive ego and manage to put themselves in the other’s shoes without complaints or selfishness.

According to a report from CNBC, The last point does not have to do with the values ​​of each individual, but with their principles, since these do not depend on emotionality, but on objectivity.

6. Achieve a state of synergy

The concept of synergy goes beyond “collaborative work”. So it is one of the habits of tall peoplemind effective most challenging of the book.

Somehow it has to do with respect for the independence of each individual, in order to generate a state of calm, inclusion, respect and optimism in the whole team.

The more confident individuals feel with their own freedoms, the more willing they will be to develop healthy relationships of interdependence, which advocate for the common good of a given:

  • Cluster.
  • Family.
  • organization etcétera

7. “Sharpen the saw”

That’s the así term Stephen Covey used to refer to the latest of his tall people habits.menyou effective.

It seeks to drive human effectiveness through self-renewal and continuous improvement. But deep down he pursues the Personal development in all its dimensions:

  • Spiritual.
  • Physical.
  • Popular-emotional.
  • Mental.

«Sharpening the saw» implies taking breaks to renew, reinvent yourself and charge yourself with new energies, which has positive impacts on many aspects of life.

Habits of highly effective people that you should adopt:

We have just shared with you the seven habits of tall peoplemind efectives proposed by the famous American writer and lecturer, Stephen Covey, at the end of the 80’s.

If you make sure to incorporate them into your daily routine, you will most likely start attracting more abundance, prosperity, harmony and happiness towards your life.

Continue reading: Habits of 25 successful people who succeeded regardless of age

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