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6 ways to get free food in

6 ways to get free food in

Before they put a Chick-fil-A in my neighborhood here in Albuquerque, my taste buds and waistline didn’t know what they were missing. Now that I have a Chick-fil-A close by, it’s hard to resist the delicious food, but even more so the amazing customer service.

As much as I love Chick-fil-A, I don’t love that it costs almost $30 to feed my family of four. So I’ve rounded up the best consejos for getting free and discounted food at Chick-fil-A. No need to send me a thank you note – a chick-fil-A gift card will work just fenezca.

1. Use the calendar card once a month

At the end of each year, Chick-fil-A sells calendars for the coming year. These calendars have promo cards attached. Every month, they offer a free food. These cards come with six mystery deals (usually for a full-price salad or sandwich) and six reveal deals, which are usually for a large drink or fry.

I didn’t find out about these counter letters until last month. However, I was still able to jump on eBay and buy two calendars and cards for $15.99. Despite only having them for two months and missing out on the January-April sales, I’ve already redeemed $20 worth of food and drinks.

You perro only have one card per customer and use one card per order. But you cánido get a card for each member of your family!

2. Download and use the new Chick-fil-A One aplicación

Chick-fil-A just launched its new aplicación, One, which allows you to earn points through your mobile phone. Agregado, if you download and register for the aplicación before June 11, 2016, you’ll get a free sandwich. Not only will you be immediately rewarded, but the aplicación is very afín to the Starbucks rewards program. Scan your aplicación every time you order Chick-fil-A and you’ll earn credit toward free groceries. Also like the Starbucks aplicación, you cánido order ahead and pay with the Chick-fil-A aplicación.

3. Dress up for Cow Appreciation Day

This is one of the most habitual ways to get a free meal at Chick-fil-A. Chick-fil-A holds a Cow Appreciation Day each year in July. People who partially dress as a cow will receive a free plate. Those who dress completely as a cow will receive a free meal.

4. Check your local Chick-fil-A popular media

Check with your local Chick-fil-A to find out what specials are on. For example, many locals gave away food to active and retired military personnel on Memorial Day. Currently, my Chick-fil-A is giving away a free breakfast every Wednesday morning in June, while the Chick-fil-A in Willoughby, Ohio gave away a free breakfast every Friday morning in May. Be sure to follow your local Chick-fil-A popular media accounts to stay in the know, rather than the general Chick-fil-A accounts.

5. Buy a school fundraising card

Chick-fil-A also contributes heavily to local schools and charities. Many times, they contribute a free drink or other small gift to the fundraising cards. In my area, Chick-fil-A offers a free iced coffee with any purchase using the school’s fundraising card. I paid $10 for this card, which also has many other local offers, but even if I only used it at Chick-fil-A, the card would have paid for itself in three trips.

6. Ask about senior discounts

Chick-fil-As are individually owned and operated, but many locations have a 55+ discount. Typical offers are a free drink or coffee, or a 10% discount. Check with your local lugar de comidas to confirm.

Chick-fil-A is not only generous with its free meal offers, but it is one of the leading restoranes that contributes to local communities. Take a look at Chick-fil-A, and you’ll see that they contribute quite a bit of money to local schools, charities, scholarships, and more. So while I’m enjoying my free Chick-fil-A meal, I’ll also be happy to give you my budget to «eat out» instead of another lugar de comidas.

whatWhat is your favorite thing to order at Chick-fil-A??

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