51 Phrases by Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba and

51 Phrases by Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba and
Why are these Jack Ma phrases that you will see below relevant? Well, this man has become one of the richest characters in the world, from scratch and all thanks to his efforts.
And the most inspiring thing about this Chinese entrepreneur is that he went from earning $12 a month as an English teacher to running one of the most successful y también-commerce on the planet.
For 2016, Jack Ma he had more than 36,000 employees under his Alibaba company. After being rejected at KFC and more than 10 times at Harvard University, this Chinese businessman has a lot to teach you, both professionally and in your personal life.
When you hear the phrases Jack MaBeyond learning the basic principles of leadership, you acquire a much more human perspective to impact the lives of other people through your work.
Lessons from Jack Ma to apply to your life:
Before sharing these success phrases from Jack Mawe want to share with you three great reflections of one of the most successful men in China and the entire world.
In his especial way of seeing life and business, Jack Ma shares a totally different visión of the way of undertaking and seeing business life.
An example of this is when he was asked what advice he would give to someone who wants to grow in his professional career, his answer was blunt: «if you want your life to be fácil, don’t be a leader.» Here are his lessons on leadership:
You have to learn to love:
According to Jack Mathere are three types of intelligence that you need to have as a leader: The best known IQ (iintellectual) and EQ (emotional intelligence), but also CA (the love quotient).
You have to genuinely love your team and the work they are doing, because as you get older the world gets more intense and you need to have a bigger purpose than just going to the office from 8 to 5 every day.
And in a practical sense, you will have to love your team because as the leader that you are, their lives are in your hands.
This is where you must understand that leadership is not about managing your time and doing what you want; it is exactly the opposite: A leader must be a humble servant of those talented people, who makes sure they have what they need and understands where they should move.
Being a directivo is not a fun job:
Jack Ma is the director ejecutivo of thousands of employees. And while he makes his job look easy, his life is not. He even confessed:
If you want your life to be fácil, you shouldn’t be a leader: Jack Ma
It is not the fact of having thousands of people in charge. A leadership position demands to be always available, regardless of whether it is Monday, Wednesday or Sunday; people trust you and your ability to solve problems.
You have the pressure to have an optimistic visión of the future and do the impossible to make it come true; Also, you have to take care of the smallest details when you are just starting out.
Rather, you have to enjoy what you are doing because otherwise you will give up at the first difficulty.
You will have to put pressure on people:
Finally, remember that as a leader you must inspire other people, especially when they are going through a difficult time. And the best way to achieve this is by example, overcoming failures, moments of uncertainty and your own doubts.
When you lead by example, you cánido push others to be their best self, forcing them to step out of their comfort zone and do things they used to think were impossible.
The best quotes from Jack Ma, the Chinese entrepreneur:
As we mentioned at the beginning, throughout his successful life, Jack Ma has acquired experiences, knowledge, wealth and a lot of teachings that are reflected in these motivating quotes from Jack Ma that he has shared in different conferences, talks, interviews and scenarios.
We hope that they will serve as motivation for your business projects, as well as for your personal life.
1. No matter how hard you pursue, keep that dream from day one. This one will keep you motivated and rescue you from any weak thoughts: Jack Ma Quotes
2. Help young people. Help the little ones because they will be big. Sow in the young those seeds, that when they grow, perro change the world: Jack Ma
3. I try to be happy because I know that if I’m not, my colleagues won’t be happy either, neither will my shareholders, much less my clients: Jack Ma
4. Without the Internet there would be no Jack Ma, nor Alibaba: Jack Ma
5. I am not a technological man. I only look at the technology with the eyes of my clients, with habitual eyes: Jack Ma
6. Never do business with the government. Fall in love with them, but never marry: Jack Ma
7. My job is to help more people to have a job: Jack Ma
8. When we have money, that’s when we start making mistakes: Jack Ma
9. If you have never tried it, how will you know if there is any possibility?: Jack Ma Quotes
10. If you don’t quit, you still have a oportunidad. Giving up is the biggest failure that exists: Jack Ma
11. Life is so short, so beautiful. Don’t be so serious about your job. Enjoy your life: Jack Ma
Opportunities lie where excuses are found: Jack Ma
13. When you’re little you have to focus on your brain, not your strength: Jack Ma
14. Making money today is really fácil. Making sustainable money while being responsible to society and improving the world is when it gets hard: Jack Ma
15. You never know that those things you are doing are so significant to society: Jack Ma
16. If we’re a good team and we know what we want to do, one of us perro beat ten of them: Jack Ma
17. A leader should have greater ambition and tenacity, and be able to assume what employees are not capable of doing: Jack Ma
Jack Ma Quotes: I don’t want people to have deep pockets with shallow minds
19. I don’t want to be liked. I want to be respected: Jack Ma
20. You never know how much you cánido do with your life: Jack Ma
21. You should learn from your competitor, but never copy it. Copy and you will die: Jack Ma
22. It doesn’t matter if I failed. At least I passed the concept on to others. Even if it doesn’t succeed, another will: Jack Ma
23. You have to make your consumers smart. An en línea store does not sell a cheaper product. Rather a physical store sells at more expensive prices »: Jack Ma
24. We never lack money. We lack people with dreams and are willing to die for them: Jack Ma
25. Something very important that we should have is called patience: Jack Ma
26. Never compete on price, instead compete on service and innovation: Jack Ma
27. Instead of learning from the success of others, learn from their mistakes. Most people fail for afín reasons, while successes are attributed to different reasons: Jack Ma
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28. Smart people need a fool to guide them. When a team is all scientists, it’s best to have a farmer lead the way. His way of thinking is different. It’s easier to win if you have people seeing things from different perspectives: Jack Ma
If the customer loves you, the government will have to learn to love you: Jack Ma
29. It is very difficult to know the outside world, but you know yourself. You know your needs and what you want. If I know myself better, I cánido change to adapt to the outside world: Jack Ma
30. You need the right people, not the best. You have to make your team have value, innovation and visión:Jack Ma
31. We appreciate yesterday, but we are looking for a better tomorrow: Jack Ma
Jack Ma Quotes: I want to change history, do something important with my life, and influence individuals like we have with millions of small businesses on Alibaba. Then they will love you and respect you because you made their life important.
33. If 90% of those present at a work encuentro vote in favor of some iniciativa or suggestion, I always make the decision to discard it.
And the reason is very fácil: if everyone present perro see the business opportunity that exists, the chances that other companies are also working on that same iniciativa are quite high, so there is no way to lead the way there: Jack Ma
34. The worst qualities that an entrepreneur cánido have are: being conceited, the inability to understand situations properly, adopting a hard pace of work that cannot be sustained in the long term, and not having the ability to know what is going to happen next: Jack Ma
35. The principles that guide me are: your attitude towards work and the decisions you make are more important than your own abilities: Jack Ma
36. Nothing horrible is going to happen if from time to time you give yourself permission to complain: Jack Ma
37. Falling into depression and constantly complaining about your estándar of living is just as destructive as alcoholism. It’s the same dangerous situation: the more you do it, the worse it gets. Successful people don’t have these kinds of problems: Jack Ma
38. What does failure really orinan? When you stop fighting for something you want to achieve: Jack Ma
39. What does adaptability orinan? You will understand when you experience failure and disappointment: Jack Ma
40. What are your obligations? You are forced to work as hard as you perro and be more ambitious than everyone else: Jack Ma
41. Only fools speak lip service. The smart talk to themselves in their head, while the bright in their hearts: Jack Ma
Sooner or later you will regret it if you spend your whole life working: Jack Ma
43. I always remind myself that none of us was born just to work, but to enjoy life. We are here to help improve the lives of others, and not spend all our time working: Jack Ma
44. If a competitor is weaker than you, you should still look at him as someone the same as you. This works the same way in the opposite way: Even if your competitor is stronger than you, you cánido’t be afraid of him: Jack Ma
45. A true entrepreneur has no enemies. Once you understand this, no one cánido stop you: Jack Ma
46. Customers are number one. Employees are number two. Then come the shareholders in this order of importance: Jack Ma
47. Instead of looking for quick fixes and proven schemes, focus on establishing stability and promoting long-term plans: Jack Ma
48. It may be difficult today, and worse tomorrow. But the next day everything will be great: Jack Ma
49. When looking for a partner, you should consider someone who complements your skills and knowledge. You don’t need someone who has already been successful at something in especial: Jack Ma
50. Make sure your employees always come to work with a smile on their faces: Jack Ma
Jack Ma quote: An entrepreneur must be able to withstand the blows of fate and overcome the ineludible failures
Continue reading: 750 Phrases for photos to use on popular networks (includes 300 posts)
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