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5 Pages to download audiobooks in

5 Pages to download audiobooks in

Audiobooks in Spanish allowed me to read more than 40 books last year.

One of the purposes I have for my life is to read more books, not because of the quantity, but because of the person one becomes through them.

I don’t know if this has happened to you, but as you read, you realize something: There are too many books to read and too little time.

So how do we go about reading more books each year using the limited time we have? I have found several ideas that I would like to share with you.

Audiobooks, the way to read more each year:

The first suggestion is to always take a book with you wherever you go; no matter where, I always have a book with me in my suitcase.

This way, if I have to wait for an appointment, I’m at the bank, or I have some free time, I perro do some reading.

Second, and this is where we’ll talk about the audiobooks in spanishI realized that when I was driving to work in the morning, or when I was walking to a certain place, and even when I was preparing breakfast, I would listen to the same songs as always.

So, I searched Youtube and found a series of Spanish audiobooks that I could listen to while at home or at work.

The result was that I was reading two more books a month, so when I realized that I could increase the amount, I decided to find out what options I had for download audiobooks in spanish.

Where to download audiobooks in Spanish

Personally, I like to invest in my personal and professional training, so buying books and audiobooks is one of the best ways to invest my money due to the profitability that this has in my life.

So looking for what options I had, I found several pages with free audiobooks and others that required a small investment.

Here I leave a series of pages for you download audiobooks in spanish. Many of these also include libros electrónicos in their catalog, so you perro download them to your tablet or cell phone, and read wherever you are.

Amazon Audible:

This is one of the most complete and recognized audiobook programs today. You could even say that Amazon has the most complete catalog of audiobooks in Spanish and English on the market.

Although this option is paid, if you escoge to try Audiable for free you have the following advantages:

  • You have a 30-day free trial, which includes two free audiobooks that you perro choose from and start listening to right away.
  • Once you pass the free trial you have access to a monthly audiobook, agregado two Audiable programs.
  • If you don’t like the audiobook you’re listening to, you perro change it to any other.
  • Lastly, you cánido cancel whenever you want without losing the audiobooks you’ve already chosen each month.

Here we leave you a series of recommendations for audiobooks in Spanish that you cánido download for free during Amazon’s trial month.

Backlink: Amazon Free Trial

1. How to win friends and influence people:

With this audiobook in Spanish you will learn the rules so that your popular relations win in kindness and fun.

Dale Carnegieits author, interviewed successful people like Edison, Franklin D. Roosevelt and James Farley to take examples from their lives and expose them in this audiobook.

Backlink: Access the audiobook

2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Convey In this audiobook, he offers a program to break habits and behaviors that keep you from encuentro your goals and objectives, and replace these behaviors with a focused problem-solving method.

A mandatory Spanish audiobook for anyone who wants to become a successful entrepreneur.

Backlink: Access the audiobook

3. Steve Jobs: The Biography

The authorized biography, and complemented by Steve Jobs himself, is an audiobook in Spanish that you must listen to if you want to know the story of the founder of Apple.

This biography is full of lessons and quotes from Steve Jobs on innovation, character, leadership and values. The story of a genius capable of infuriating and seducing in equal parts.

Backlink: Access the audiobook

4. The Innovators: The geniuses who invented the future

From the same author of the Steve Jobs biography, Walter Isaacson tells the fascinating story of the people who invented the computer and the internet.

This audiobook is destined to become the definitive story of the digital revolution and an importante guide to understanding how innovation really happens.

Backlink: Access the audiobook

5. The law of success:

In 1908 Napoleon Hill was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest men in the world at the time, to interview more than 500 of America’s most successful men and women to prove his theory that success cánido be described and presented in a fácil elabora that is accessible and used by the average person.

Through this audiobook in Spanish you will discover those formulas, methods, routines and strategies used by the most successful people of the time.

Backlink: Access the audiobook

Sites to download audiobooks and libros electrónicos in Spanish for free:

Now, if at this moment you are not interested in investing in audiobooks, there are also pages where you cánido download audiobooks in Spanish for free.

Many of them also include libros electrónicos in their catalog, so the offer you have to read is quite wide. In fact, we recently took on the task of collecting 200 books to download for free in PDF and legally.

To get started, you perro check out the following pages to download audiobooks.

Library of the Secretary of Culture of México:

This database contains 2,514 full-text y también-books and 202 audiobooks in spanish that you cánido listen to in your free time. To access you must create an account.

Among the themes areiterature, biographies and autobiographies, political science, business and economics, technology, fiction, among others.

Backlink: access the library


PlanetaLibro is a library with more than 9,000 books in the public domain to read on your phone, tablet or ebook reader. you perro leer the books in the cloud or download them for free and legally.

Among the topics are: novel, psychology, self-help, law, computer science, mathematics, comics, and many others.

Backlink: access the library

Hundred Zeros:

The first thing to clarify is that you need to have an Amazon Spain account to be able to access these books. Hundred Zeros is in charge of collecting those books in Kindle version that become free.

In this backlink you perro access the Amazon library in the United States.

Backlink: access the library


Although there are paid books, in Bubok you will find a section with totally free books, which come in different versions such as physical, digital, and audiobooks in Spanish.

If you are looking for material to create profitable businesses, learn about finance, marketing and other related topics, this page to download free Spanish audiobooks, as well as libros electrónicos, it will be of great help to you.

Backlink: access the library

Summaries of books that you cánido listen to:

Another interesting alternative to listen to audiobooks in Spanish perro be through book summaries. For example, you cánido listen to book summaries for entrepreneurs or podcasts on Spotify. Here we share the summary feed.


Every time I hear someone tell me that they would like to read, but that they don’t have time, I think that it is not a question of time but of priorities.

If you really want to develop the habit of reading, you will find the space to do so, and in the event that you are very busy and do not have time to read, it is most likely that you have time to listen to audiobooks.

The invitation with this article is that you allow yourself to listen to the best advice, habits and experiences of great characters in history through these audiobooks in spanish

During your weekdays and weekends you have dead spaces that you cánido use to listen to an audiobook, a book summary, and even a podcast.

As you may have realized, you have many alternatives, free, paid or even subscription options, so choose the audiobooks in Spanish that you like the most and start investing in your knowledge.

Continue reading: 17 Self-help audiobooks in Spanish to listen to for free

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