5 fácil habits to be optimistic in
5 fácil habits to be optimistic in
The first thing we have to say is that learning how to be optimistic, and even happy, requires mental strength. It is not a matter of living in a world full of positive thoughts, but of making the decision to face life with optimism.
Optimistic people, like the rest, experience difficult and uncomfortable situations; however, they learned how to be optimistic thanks to their habits that they practice daily, which consequently allows them to have a visión of life half full and not half empty.
So, if you want to be more optimistic, here are a series of consejos and habits that will allow you to face difficult times with greater optimism.
1. Even if you have no reason, smile:
Smiling not only serves to stretch the muscles of your face. A smile has great effects on your physical health, mental state and obviously on your search for how to be optimistic.
According to a study conducted by Scientific American, even the fácil fact of faking a smile has the same effects on your mood as when it is real.
Smiling cánido disminuye your stress, make you happier, and help you think better, according to research. So, even if you don’t have a reason, smiling is a very effective strategy to be more optimistic and improve your life.
2. Learn to say no
When you learn to say no, hundreds of opportunities and moments open up for you to do what you like the most. This is related to the opportunity cost: It is not about what you do, but about what you are not doing.
Additionally, the fácil fact of say no espectáculo your assertiveness. What gives you more confidence in yourself and allows you to be consistent with your goals.
Finally, when you stop trying to please everyone by doing things you don’t like, you will have a much more optimistic visión of being able to do what you really want.
En línea course: How to be happier and change your life
3. Be physically active
What do you think will give you a much more positive mindset and help you in your search for how to be optimistic, going for a run outside, or lying on your bed watching televisión?
Although the second seems much easier, the effects of the first, that is, your healthy habits, demonstrate the strong correlation that exists between your mental health and your physical health.
Try it. Get some exercise despite your excuses and you will find that once you finish you feel full of energy and with a totally different perspective. Exercise has a strong correlation with positive thoughts.
4. Avoid negative people
Not only toxic people, avoid all the negative scenarios that arise every day. These moments, like many people, end up taking away the joy of your life.
If you only listen to gossip, bad comments, criticism, complaints and claims, that is what you will have in your life. If you surround yourself with people who only see the negative side of life, and you only listen to this, negativity will end up becoming your reality and you will never know how to be more optimistic.
Learn to deal with these types of people who only see the glass half empty; once you opt for habits like the ones on this list, for different behaviors and attitudes, little by little these will go away.
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5. Feign optimism in your life
Ultimately, your reality ends up being how you want to see it. So opt for optimism even if you don’t feel it:
- Dress every day as if you were going to meet the love of your life.
- From time to time reward yourself with gifts for encuentro certain goals or objectives.
- Go to a lugar de comidas that you really like and order your favorite food.
- Surround yourself with people who are your role models.
- Watch movies and vídeos that convince you that you are going to achieve your goals.
Appear optimism and this will end up happening in your life. Remember that:
The first version of your reality always occurs first in your mind.
Continue reading: How to be happy in life: Give up these 35 habits
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