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5 Communication skills that will take your

5 Communication skills that will take your

The development of certain communicative skills it is vital to establish good interpersonal relationships throughout life.

In general, human beings who make sure to incorporate this equipo of skills into their daily lives tend to communicate more coherently, assertively, and fluently.

Undoubtedly, by knowing the best communication skills that exist, you will be able to send clearer messages, which will have a great impact on all aspects of your life.

Communication skills that will transform your life

Emotional validation, respect, active listening and empathy are some of the communicative skills most important, as they have the potential to enrich your popular interactions.

In this opportunity we would like to introduce you to five skills that will take your communications to the next level.

The iniciativa is that you identify each of these skills, in such a way that you communicate better and achieve better results, both in your personal and professional life.

1. Assertiveness

Assertiveness is one of the most relevant communication skills that you perro develop and incorporate into your daily life.

Basically, it allows you to express yourself more intelligently. That is, without disrespecting or underestimating the interests of the other interlocutors.

When you learn to communicate assertively, you avoid impulsive or hurtful responses, or responses that simply subject the other person to an uncomfortable and vulnerable situation.

Assertive communication is not about lying or being dishonest. On the contrary, it focuses on honesty but from a friendlier, more serene and empathetic point of view.

Assertiveness is also linked to emotional intelligenceand therefore, it is very powerful and transcendental.

2. Active listening

Did you know that we perro hear others, but not necessarily listen to them? The difference between one concept and another lies in the attention you are giving to the conversations you engage in with others.

Some fácil actions that you cánido take to espectáculo that you are really concentrating on what you are listening to are:

  • Make affirmations with your head.
  • Issue comments on the topic under discussion.
  • Consciously react to the opinions or message of the person who is speaking.
  • Avoid distracting elements.
  • Get involved in the conversation without actually hindering the dialogue.

3. Humor

Humor is another of the communication skills that you should continuously work on if you are determined to enhance your personal growth.

Having a sense of humor is not the same as making jokes all the time. It means that you are capable of initiating and maintaining communication that is pleasant and friendly enough to disminuye conditions such as stress or tension.

However, it is essential that you evaluate the context in which your dialogues take place, since only then cánido you determine if your jokes would be timely or accurate.

4. Empathy

Most likely, you have heard this word millions of times, but do you really understand its meaning?

Empathy allows you to understand the feelings of others in a closer way. As well as developing more secure and trustworthy relationships with those around you.

Generally, empathetic people are more affectionate and understanding, since it is not difficult for them to put yourself in someone else’s place as a espectáculo of support, accompaniment and support.

The more empathetic you are, the greater your chances of interrelating with others on a deeper, personal, and individual level.

5. Eye contact

Looking the other in the face is a sign of respect and maturity. In this way you espectáculo him that both he and his message are important and valid.

In addition, this brings more fluidity to the conversation. And it is also key to connecting with others on a more intimate and private level.

Those who establish eye contact when communicating have greater opportunities to understand each other better, or to express their opinions with greater empathy and assertiveness.

So this ability is closely related to other communication skills that have the ability to make your life easier.

Improve your skills and communication skills

If you make sure to develop or enrich the communication skills that we have just shared with you, it is likely that you will experience very significant changes in your interpersonal relationships.

In case you want to know more about this subject, or deepen your personal development, we invite you to visit sferamind, a community that will help you reach your full potential.

In short, learning and putting into practice some communication skills could mark a before and after in your life, bringing you closer to a greater degree of personal and professional well-being.

Continue reading: Assertive communication and its 4 techniques to communicate better

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