5 Benefits of being grateful for your life
5 Benefits of being grateful for your life
We all have something to be thankful for. No matter how difficult your life is, you have many things for which you must be thankful.
Things as basic as a roof over your head and food on the table, having the opportunity and a new day to try again, to have your family, friends, anyway.
You will always have something to be grateful for with the life you had to live.
Despite this, we tend to have a negative perspective on things. We believe that we do not have enough, that we deserve to have more, that the job we have is not what we want, that relationships do not flow as we expected…
And things get worse when you look at the people around you, and you begin to feel that their life is easy, that their lifestyle is enviable, and how much more you begin to imagine.
You have to stop.
First, one of the keys to being grateful is to remember that we all have problems, we all face difficult times; and that the difference is not found in the circumstances but in the way you react to them, and your ability to get the most out of these situations.
Gratitude and learning how to be grateful requires discipline; And just like any habit, getting started is the hardest part.
So, how perro you start being grateful?
Within many of the methodologies to achieve goals, the Kaizen method could work for you to develop the habits and discipline necessary to be grateful.
What does this method consist of? Basically that you start in the simplest way possible. So in our case of gratitude:
Start by being grateful for 60 seconds
For 30 days, after waking up or before going to bed, write down 5 things for which you feel you should be grateful. During this exercise, be sure not to repeat yourself and to be as specific as possible.
For example, the first day I would appreciate…
1. I feel grateful for the coffee that I will drink this morning sitting on my balcony.2. Being grateful for having a woman with whom to share the most special moments of my life.3. I feel grateful for getting up early to do something I’m passionate about every day.4. Being grateful for having a good state of health.5. I feel grateful for the exercise I did the day before, going for a bike ride, walk or swim.
The exercise of being grateful will not take you more than 60 seconds, and its effects on your productivity, outlook on life and future plans are immense.
Equipo aside a minute every morning and ask yourself what things you should be grateful for. Do not think about the difficulties you are going through, just analyze your life and think about the reasons why you are lucky.
Practicing gratitude and being grateful has effects on your life that you cannot imagine. Change the way you think, how you treat the people around you and increase your self-confidence.
Here are 5 benefits of being grateful and making gratitude a habit.
1. Being grateful changes the way you see the world:
When you practice gratitude in your life, even if it’s just 60 seconds, it changes the way you see the world. You begin to notice every detail that was previously part of the landscape.
Details that were insignificant, but that make you lucky. The bed where you sleep, the food you have on every plate, your blanket, your clothes, the comforts at work… anyway.
What was «habitual» before, you learn to be thankful for it. It makes you understand how privileged you are to be able to count on it.
2. Practicing gratitude changes the way you see yourself:
It is habitual for us to be demanding with our results; we want to learn how to be a better person and many times we criticize ourselves for the complacency and laziness with which we face life. We tell ourselves that we cánido give more, do more, genera more…
Being demanding with yourself is primordial to learning how to be successful. However, do not expect that you are missing certain things to understand their value. Your physical and mental health, your abilities and skills.
Thank you for your entrepreneurial spirit, thank you for your desire to get ahead despite the difficulties. Many people live as they have to, you don’t, you want to create a path. And that is something for which you should be grateful.
3. Being grateful gives you a positive outlook on life:
In short, seeing the glass half full, even when you only have a drop, allows you to face life in a much more active way. When gratitude is a habit, you always have something to learn, enjoy, or gain from the situations you experience.
In your day to day you begin to understand how lucky you are. And you don’t need to win the lottery to understand it, the simplest things make you see it.
4. Being grateful allows you to appreciate the people you have by your side:
When you are grateful, you will understand that you are lucky for the person you have by your side, for having a family, a friend to count on. Success makes no sense if you don’t have someone to share it with.
The people around you are one of your most valuable assets. And not because they have money, have profitable businesses, hold important positions in large companies or are of any use to you, but because in them you find friendship, trust and someone to count on.
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5. Being grateful for what you have makes you demanding of yourself:
Finally, you will understand that it is easy to criticize, complain and have negative attitudes. It requires learning how to be mentally strong in order to have a positive outlook on things.
This does not orinan that you do not deal with the negative, but that you do it in a proactive way.
In conclusion, it only takes you 60 seconds to practice gratitude in your life. And as you may have realized, the benefits of being grateful are incalculable in your quest for success.
Continue reading: How to be happy in life: Give up these 35 habits
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