365 motivational phrases for every day
365 motivational phrases for every day
We all need inspiration at some point in our lives. No matter how much we believe in the power of motivational words, we have all needed motivational phrases.
Whether it is to reach a goal, overcome a difficult moment or make a complex decision, these motivational phrases will help you to continue on your path.
It is important to note that you are motivational quotes they work as long as you do something about it.
In other words, these inspirational phrases are useless if all you do is read them and continue with your life as usual, so as you read them, make decisions and act.
Motivational phrases for each day of 2023:
We know that there are days when you don’t feel encouraged, maybe you don’t want to get out of bed, you prefer to stay in bed, not go to work and sleep all day.
Are motivational phrases They are used for these types of days, for when an plus effort is required. You perro rest assured that all people, successful or not, have these kinds of days, the only difference is how they are assumed.
So to support you in these moments, when you are looking for phrases of encouragement, motivation, inspiration, or whatever you want to call it, we have created a compilation of 365 motivational phrases to inspire you every day of the year.
We even have it divided by month, in this way you will locate yourself more easily and find the motivating phrases for your day.
Inspirational phrases for January 2023
January 1: «I am convinced that at least half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from those who are not is mere perseverance»: Steve Jobs
January 2: «Wealth, after all, is something relative, since the one who has little and wants less is richer than the one who has more and wants even more»: hables caleb colton
January 3: «You cánido’t save people, you perro just love them»: Anaïs Nin
January 4: «The way to hit the nail once is to hit the horseshoe a hundred times»: Colonel Sanders
January 5: “He who loses money loses a lot; the one who loses a friend; he loses even more; he who loses faith, he loses everything ”: Eleanor Roosevelt
January 6: «Keep a global visión while attending to the daily details»: donald trump
January 7: «Do what you perro, with what you have, where you are»: Theodore Roosevelt
January 8: “No matter how many times you fail, you only have to be right once. Then everyone will call you an overnight success and tell you how lucky you are.» Mark Cuban
January 9: «Never go the path equipo, because it leads to where others have already been»: alexander graham bell
January 10: «If you don’t like to take risks, you should run out of business»: ray kroc
Short motivational phrases: «Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration»: thomas edison
January 12: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and the only way to do it is to love what you do.
If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. As with everything to do with the heart, you’ll know when you’ve found it.» Steve Jobs
January 13: “Always keep your eyes open, Always watching. Because anything you see perro inspire you”: Grace Coddington
January 14: «Opportunities do not happen, they are created»: Chris Grosser
January 15: “Buy only something you are happy with if the market closes 10 years”: Warren Buffett
See: 150 Phrases of success to motivate you when you need it most
January 16: «You cannot escape tomorrow’s responsibility by evading it today»: Abraham Lincoln
January 17: «Money does not make you happy, but it relaxes your nerves»: Sean O’Casey
January 18: «I really am a practical dreamer; my dreams are not trifles in the air. What I want is to turn my dreams into reality»: mahatma gandi
January 19: “There are many bad reasons to start a company. But there is only one good reason and I think you know what it is: to change the world»: phil libin
January 20: «Always give more than what is expected of you»: Larry Page
See: 120 Phrases of leadership to empower yourself and guide others
Short motivational phrases: “Move fast and break objects. If you’re not breaking things, you’re not moving fast enough.» mark zuckerberg
January 22: «The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams»: Eleanor Roosevelt
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January 23: «Take your first step with faith, you don’t need to see the whole ladder, just take your first step»: Martin Luther King
January 24: “Money often costs a lot”: Ralph Waldo Emerson
January 25: «An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity, a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity»: Winston Churchill
January 26: «Our greatest glory does not consist in never having fallen, but in having risen after every fall»: Confucius
January 27: “The most important thing to do if you are in a hole is to stop digging”: Warren Buffett
January 28: “I hate how people think with a ‘glass half empty’ when in fact their glass is almost full. I’m thankful when I have one more drop in my glass because I know exactly what to do with it.» Gary Vaynerchuk
January 29: «It is hard to fail, but it is even worse to never have tried to succeed»: Theodore Roosevelt
January 30: “People cánido be very smart or have skills that are applicable, but if they don’t believe in it, then they’re not going to work really hard”: mark zuckerberg
January 31: «Our greatest weakness is to give up, the only way to succeed is to always try one more time»: thomas edison
Motivational phrases for February
February 1: “I have realized that the more I work, the luckier I get”: Thomas Jefferson
February 2: “Buy when everyone else is selling and save money when everyone else is buying. It is not a slogan. It is the essence of successful investments”: J. Paul Getty
February 3: “There is no substitute for hard work”: thomas edison
February 4: “Most people miss out on opportunities because they dress habitual and look like work”: thomas edison
February 5: «I think it’s easier to move forward with mega-ambitious dreams»: Larry Page
February 6: «There is a rule for the businessman and it is: make products with the highest possible quality at the lowest cost and paying the highest possible salaries»: henry ford
February 7: “Sharing ideas without processing them perro mislead us into thinking that we are actually doing something, when in reality we are not doing anything”: Converses T Lee
February 8: “The habit of saving is an education; fosters every virtue, teaches self-control, cultivates a sense of order, trains foresight, and broadens the mind»: T. T. Munger
See: 12 proven ideas to start earning money en línea
February 9: «Don’t waste your time hitting a wall, hoping to turn it into a door»: Coco Chanel
February 10: “How you deal with failure determines how you achieve success”: david feherty
February 11: «Experience taught me that the best investments are the ones you don’t make»: donald trump
Motivational phrases: “Watch, listen and learn. You cánido’t know everything. Everyone who thinks that he knows everything is destined for mediocrity ”: donald trump
February 13: «Try the impossible to improve your work»: Brian Tracy
February 14: «If you cánido dream it you cánido do it, remember that all this started with a mouse»: walt disney
February 15: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is to think that nothing is a miracle. The other is to think that everything is a miracle»: Albert Einstein
February 16: “If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try”: Seth Godin
February 17: “I definitely wanted to win my freedom. But the main motivation was not to make money, but to make an impact.» Sean Parker
February 18: «Lack of money is the root of all evil»: Mark Twain
February 19: “You perro only live once. And I don’t want to waste a minute of my life»: Richard Branson
February 20: «Man reveals himself when he measures himself against an obstacle»: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
February 21: «Failure is only the opportunity to start over in a smarter way»: henry ford
February 22: «A business absolutely dedicated to service will only have one concern about profits: they will be too great»: henry ford
February 23: “Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace it if the alternative is disaster”: Elon Musk
Short motivational phrases: «Do what you love and the money will come»: marsha sinetar
February 25: «To succeed, we must first believe that we perro»: Nikos Kazantzakis
February 26: “Success is a lousy teacher. He seduces smart people into thinking that he cánido’t lose”: Bill Gates
February 27: «If you fall seven times, get up eight»: Nana Koribi Yaoki
February 28: “When you have money, only you remember who you are. But when you don’t have money, everyone forgets who you are. This is life»: Bill Gates
February 29: «The best way to predict the future is to invent it»: Alan Key
Plus: «Whether you think you perro or you think you cánido’t, you’re right»: henry ford
Motivational phrases for March 2023
March 1: “Success is connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but they never give up.» konrad hilton
March 2: «If we had to talk more than listen, we would have two mouths and only one ear»: Mark Twain
March 3: “The biggest risk is not taking any. In a world that is changing so fast, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks”: mark zuckerberg
March 4: “To do or not to do. It’s no use trying, just doing»: Yoda
Spike Milligan Inspirational Quotes: «Money perro’t buy friends, but you perro get a new class of enemies»
March 6: «You will be successful because most people are lazy»: shahir zag
March 7: “Do something that scares you every day”
March 8: «Don’t try to be original, just try to be good»: paul rand
March 9: «You are a successful person when you have some of the things money cánido buy and all the things money cánido’t buy»: Zig Ziglar
March 10: «There are only two days of the year in which nothing cánido be done. One is called yesterday and the other one tomorrow. Therefore today is the ideal day to love, grow, do, and mainly live »: Dalai Laima
March 11: «Fear does not exist anywhere else except in the mind»: Dale Carnegie
March 12: «A coward is incapable of showing love; doing so is reserved for the brave»: mahatma gandi
March 13: “There are men who fight one day and are good. There are others that fight for a year and are better. Some fight for many years and are very good. But there are those who struggle all their lives. Those are the essentials.» bertolt brecht
March 14: «Money cánido’t buy life»: Bob Marley
March 15: “Money is a tool. It will take you where you want, but it will not replace you as a controlador”: ayn rand
March 16: “Time, perseverance and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success”: Biz Stone
Short motivational phrases: «Optimism is the quality most associated with success and happiness»: Brian Tracy
March 18: “It took me 20 years to become successful overnight”: Woody Allen
March 19: “Risking more than others think is safe. Dreaming more than others think is practical”: howard schultz
March 20: “Earning money itself is not difficult. The difficult thing is to earn it by doing something worth dedicating your life to”: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
March 21: “Don’t worry about funding if you don’t need it. Today it is cheaper than ever to start a business”: Noah Everett
Short motivational phrases: «In ideas is where our strength lies and so much the better if we hold them with obstinacy»: Enzo Ferrari
March 23: «Keep in mind that your purpose and your plan to achieve it perro be modified from time to time… the important thing is that you understand the meaning of always working with an objective in mind and with a well-structured plan»: Napoleon Hill
See: Millionaire Minds: 100 Phrases of how millionaires think
March 24: “If you double the number of experiments you do per year, you will double your ingenuity”: Jeff Bezos
March 25: “Stop chasing money and start chasing passion”: Tony Hsieh
March 26: «Wealth does not consist in having great possessions, but in having few needs»: Epithet
March 27: «Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn»: John Maxwell
March 28: “You are only as good as the people you hire”: ray kroc
Intelligence is a gift, kindness is a choice: Jeff Bezos
Learn how to be smarter: 40 Habits proven by science
March 30: «Simplicity and common sense should be the basis of planning and strategic direction»: Ingvar Kamprad
March 31: «Success is learning to go from failure to failure without despair»: Winston Churchill
Motivating phrases to reflect on in April
April 1: “Price is what you pay, value is what you get”: Warren Buffett
April 2: “Never spend your money before you have it”: Thomas Jefferson
April 3: “I owe my success to respectfully listening to the best advice, and then disappearing and doing the exact opposite”: GK Chesterton
Motivational quotes from Henry Ford: “A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business”
April 5: “When you innovate, you have to be prepared for people to tell you that you are crazy”: Larry Ellison
April 6: «Those who say that something cannot be done are often interrupted by others who are doing it»: Joel A Barker
April 7: «Those who quit are more numerous than those who fail»: henry ford
April 8: “While money cannot buy happiness, it allows you to choose your own form of misfortune”: Groucho Marx
April 9: “Character cannot be developed in ease and tranquility. Only through the trial and fallo experience of suffering cánido the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success ultimately achieved. Helen Keller
April 10: «Life is dangerous, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who sit down to see what happens»: Albert Einstein
April 11: “People are not remembered by the number of times they fail, but by the number of times they succeed”: Thomas Alva Edison
April 12: «Each person forges their own destiny»: Carlos Slim
April 13: “You perro tell people anything, but the way you say it will determine how they will react”: john rampton
April 14: “I think it is possible for habitual people to choose to be extraordinary”: Elon Musk
April 15: “Success is how high you bounce after you hit rock bottom”: George Patton
See: How to be Successful: 15 Consejos to Succeed in Life
April 16: «Competition makes you better, always, always makes you better, even if the competitor wins»: Carlos Slim
April 17: «Numbing the pain for a while will make you feel it more intensely later»: Albus Dumbledore
April 18: “All progress takes place outside the comfort zone”: michael john bobak
April 19: «It is better to do the most insignificant thing in the world, than to spend half an hour doing nothing»: goethe
April 20: «Never lower your head, always look up high whether you win or lose»: Enzo Ferrari
April 21: «He who thinks he knows everything is closing doors»: donald trump
April 22: “I have not failed. I’ve found 10 thousand ways that don’t work”: thomas edison
April 23: “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to build the self-esteem of their staff. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they perro achieve.» sam walton
April 24: “If you cánido’t fly, run, if you perro’t run, walk, if you perro’t walk, crawl. No matter what you do, keep moving forward”: Martin Luther King Jr.
April 25: “Rule number 1: never lose money. Rule number 2: never forget rule number 1”: Warren Buffett
Short motivational phrases by Pablo Piccasso: “I would like to live like a poor man with a lot of money”
April 27: «It is not the man who has little, but the one who craves more who is poor»: seneca
April 28: “What really shapes our life is the meaning we give to things”: Tony Robbins
April 29: “Persistence is very important. You must not resign unless you are forced to resign.» Elon Musk
April 30: «Friends and good manners will take you where money cannot»: Margaret Walker
Motivating life phrases for May
May 1: “If you only work on things that you like and are passionate about, you shouldn’t have a master plan to see how everything turns out”: mark zuckerberg
May 2: «Do not think that money does everything or you will end up doing everything for money»: voltaire
May 3: «When a dream appears, grab it!»: Larry Page
May 4: «Failure is a great opportunity to start again with more intelligence»: henry ford
May 5: «To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk»: thomas edison
May 6: “Money and success don’t change people; they simply amplify what is already there”: Will Smith
May 7: «There is only one class in the community that thinks more about money than the rich, and it is the poor»: Oscar Wilde
May 8: “In 20 years you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So cast off, sail away from safe harbors, catch the conveniente winds in your sails. Explore. Sounds»: Mark Twain
May 9: «Nothing is particularly difficult if you break it into small jobs»: Quotes from henry ford
May 10: “A little effort is the best substitute for excuses”: donald trump
May 11: «You cánido never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the coast»: Christopher Columbus
May 12: “Formal education will give you a living; self-education will make you a fortune»: Jim Rohn
May 13: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to canalla it. If you think that way, you will do things differently”: Warren Buffett
May 14: «Money is a horrible master but an excellent servant»: P.T. Barnum
May 15: «Someone sits today in the shade of a tree they planted a long time ago»: Warren Buffett
See: How to be happy in life: Give up these 35 habits
May 16: “Our greatest weakness lies in resigning. The surest way to succeed is always to try one more time.» thomas edison
May 17: «Money may not buy happiness, but I’d rather cry in a jaguar than on a colectivo»: Francoise Sagan
May 18: “Celebrate your success. Find some humor in your failures”: sam walton
May 19: «A person must equipo his goals as soon as possible and devote all his energy and talent to them»: walt disney
May 20: «Do not let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning»: robert kiyosaki
May 21: “Money perro’t buy happiness, but it sure will get you a better kind of memories”: ronald reagan
May 22: «Money does not buy happiness, but it relieves stress»: kiss kosova
May 23: «Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life»: Confucius
May 24: “I never try to make money in the depósito market. I buy with the assumption that they could close the next day and reopen in 10 years”: Warren Buffett
May 25: «Only those who are asleep do not make mistakes»: Ingvar Kamprad
May 26: «Not everything that cánido be counted counts and not everything that counts perro be counted»: Albert Einstein
May 27: “The stubborn will to pursue one’s own ambition is truly a force that perro overcome obstacles”: Enzo Ferrari
May 28: “I have never dreamed of success. I have always worked to achieve it”: estee lauder
Motivational phrases of life: “Time is your most important resource. You cánido do so much in ten minutes. Ten minutes, once passed, were gone forever. Ten minutes is not just one sixth of an hour. Divide your life into units of ten minutes and waste the fewest possible on meaningless activities”: Ingvar Kamprad
May 30: “If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse”: Jim Rohn
May 31: «You don’t need to have a company of 100 people to develop that iniciativa»: Larry Page
Motivational phrases that will inspire you in June
June 1: «Whenever they ask you if you cánido do a job, answer yes and start learning how to do it right away»: Franklin D Roosevelt
June 2: “There are times in our lives when we have to muster the courage to make certain decisions that for some reason go against our common sense but that have been advised by wise people we trust.
We decided to go ahead, despite the risks and going against reason, because we believe that the path that others have chosen is the correct one and the best thing to do”: howard schultz
See: 101 Spiritual phrases to live your present with inner peace
June 3: “My biggest motivation? Keep challenging myself. I see life as a long college education that I never had – every day I am learning something new”: Richard Branson
June 4: “We fall to succeed”: Mary Kay Ash
June 5: «No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned»: Theodore Roosevelt
June 6: «Internet must be a means of communication between peoples that contributes to world peace and that the main objective of high technology is to improve people’s estándar of living»: Larry Ellison
June 7: “For most important things, time is always a drag. Are you waiting for a good moment to quit your job? The stars will never align and traffic lights will never turn green at the same time.
The universe doesn’t conspire against you, but it doesn’t go out of its way to make things right either. Conditions are never perfect. «Someday» is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave.
The pros and cons lists are just as bad. If it’s important to you and you want to do it «eventually», just do it and course correct as you go»: Timothy Ferris
June 8: «Do not try to become a successful man but a man of values»: Albert einstein
June 9: “The first step is to establish that something is possible; then the probability will occur»: Elon Musk
June 10: «You cánido be young without money, but you perro’t be old without it»: tennessee williams
June 11: “Too many people spend the money they earn to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like”: Will Rogers
There is a difference between being poor and being broke. One may be broke temporarily, one is poor for life: Robert Kiyosaki
June 13: “When you are 80 years old, and in a quiet moment of reflection, telling only for yourself the most personal version of your life story, the story that will be most concise and meaningful will be the series of choices you have made. In the end, we are our choices”: Jeff Bezos
June 14: “Never give up a dream for the time it may take you. In the same way, time will pass «: Earl Nightingale
Short inspirational phrases:«In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable»: robert arnott
June 16: «When you stop dreaming, you stop living»: Malcolm Forbes
June 17: «You may be disappointed if you fail, but you’re finished if you don’t try»: beverly sills
June 18: «Failing is not losing, it is not having tried»: Xavier Gabriel
June 19: “A champion is afraid of losing. Others are afraid of winning”: billie jean king
June 20: «A person who never made a mistake, never tried something new»: Albert Einstein
Short motivational phrases: «When I had money, everyone called me brother»
June 22: “The way bosses treat employees is exactly how employees will treat customers”: sam walton
June 23: «It’s okey to have money and the things that money perro buy, but it’s also okey to check from time to time that you haven’t lost the things that money perro’t buy»: George Lorimer
June 24: “If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you released it too late”: reid hoffman
June 25: «The comfort zone is a wonderful place, but nothing grows there»: Anonymous
June 26: «You will become someone as small as the desire that controls you, and as big as your dominant aspiration»: James Allen
Walt Disney Motivational Phrases: “Mickey Mouse appeared out of my mind in a sketchbook, on a train from Manhattan to Hollywood, at a time when my brother Roy and I’s company was at an all time low and disaster seemed just around the corner. corner»
June 28: «I’m not afraid of dying, I’m afraid of not trying»: Jay Z
June 29: «You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will control you»: dave ramsey
June 30: “It doesn’t matter how many people you offend, as long as your message reaches your consumers. I say to those who don’t want to offend anyone: You’re going to have a very, very hard time trying to get meaningful publicity.» Phil Knight
See: 20 cheap franchises to start your business
Motivational phrases for July
July 1: «There is a powerful engine within every human being that, once released, cánido make any visión, dream or wish come true»: Anthony Robbins
July 2: “The most important ingredient is to get up and do something. It’s that easy. Many people have ideas, but only a few escoge to do something about it today.
No tomorrow. Not the following week. But today. The true entrepreneur acts instead of dreaming”: Nolan Bushnell
July 3: “Self-confidence is the first secret of success”: Ralph Waldo Emerson
July 4: “Remembering that I will be dead soon is the most important tool I have found to help me make the big decisions in life.
Because almost everything—all external expectations, all pride, all fear of shame or failure—all these things simply disappear in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know of to avoid the trap of thinking there is something to lose. You are already helpless. There is no reason not to follow the advice of the heart «: Steve Jobs
July 5: «You must do things that are really important, but you must also have fun, because otherwise, you will not be successful»: Larry Page
July 6: “I’ll tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street. Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy.» Warren Buffett
July 7: “When I was young, I thought that money was the most important thing in life. Now that I’m older, I know it is.» Oscar Wilde
July 8: «All your dreams perro come true if you have the courage to pursue them»: walt disney
July 9: “Happiness is not the mere possession of money; lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort»: Franklin D Roosevelt
July 10: «Entrepreneurship is neither science nor art, it is a practice»: Peter Drucker
July 11: «The grass is greener where you water it»: Neil Barringham
July 12: “Think big and don’t listen to those who tell you that you perro’t do it. Life is too short to think small.» Tim Ferris
July 13: “Constant growth is the best survival mechanism”: Amancio Ortega
July 14: “You will never be a loser until you stop trying”: mike ditka
July 15: “Great ideas originate in the muscles”: thomas edison
July 16: “Building a great mission and a business go hand in hand. It is true that the first thing that excites me about what we are doing is the mission, but I also believe, from the beginning, that we have had a healthy understanding that we have to do both”: mark zuckerberg
See: How to be a millionaire in 25 steps regardless of your current situation
Motivational phrases of life: «A true loser is someone who is so afraid of not winning that he doesn’t try»
July 18: “Time is money”: Benjamin Franklin
July 19: «If you only work for money, you will never get it, but if you love what you do and always put the customer first, success will be yours»: ray kroc
July 20: «The quality of a leader is reflected in the estándares he sets for himself»: ray kroc
July 21: “The risk comes from not knowing what you are doing”: Warren Buffett
July 22: «If you are looking for different results, do not always do the same»: Albert Einstein
July 23: «The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step»: Lao Tse
The only limit to our achievements tomorrow is in our doubts today – Franklin D. Roosevelt
Short motivational phrases:«If you want to change the world, change yourself»: mahatma gandi
July 26: “Only those who dare to have great failures end up achieving great successes”: Robert F Kennedy
July 27: «If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to a person or object»: Albert Einstein
July 28: «Please think about your legacy, because you are writing it every day»: Gary Vaynerchuck
Motivating phrases to reflect on: «Take your dreams seriously»
July 30: “The main objective of a company is to make money. The primary function of the Government is to take a large part of that money and give it to others”: Larry Ellison
July 31: «It is not how much money you earn, but how much money you save, how much it works for you and for how many generations you will have»: robert kiyosaki
Motivational phrases for August
August 1: “Do it with passion, or don’t do it”: Rose Nouchette Carey
Motivational phrases: “The true measure of your wealth is how much you are worth if you lose all your money”
August 3: «Everyone who has done something important in life, he was disciplined”:andrew hendrixson
August 4: “Life is what happens while we are busy making plans”: John Lennon
August 5: “We have to have a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don’t know where you’re aiming, you don’t have a goal”: Mary Kay Ash
August 6: «Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work to achieve it»: Anonymous
August 7: “The people who are crazy enough to think they perro change the world… are the ones who change it”: Steve Jobs
August 8: “The tragedy in life does not consist in not reaching your goals. The tragedy in life is not having goals to achieve”: Benjamin Y también. Mays
August 9: «Wealth flows from energy and ideas»: William Feather
August 10: «The biggest failure is never having tried»: Chinese proverb
August 11: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”: Benjamin Franklin
August 12: “Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking”: Zig Ziglar
August 13: “If you are going to think anyway, think big”: donald trump
August 14: «An intelligent person should have money in his head, not in his heart»: jonathan swift
August 15: «In moments of crisis, only imagination is more important than knowledge»: robert kiyosaki
August 16: “It is not what you have, but how you use what you have that makes the difference”: Zig Ziglar
August 17: “Be a benchmark of quality. Some people are not used to an environment where excellence is accepted”: Steve Jobs
August 18: “Almost everything you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it”: Mahatma Gandhi
August 19: «Never consider study as an obligation, but as an opportunity to penetrate the beautiful and wonderful world of knowledge»: Albert Einstein
It may interest you: 100 Buddha Phrases about life to find your inner peace
August 20: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Don’t get caught up in dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thoughts. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice.
And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Somehow they already know what you really want to be. Everything else is secondary»: Steve Jobs
August 21: «A good iniciativa is 10% implementation and work, the other 90% is luck»: Guy Kawasaki
August 22: «The art is not in earning money, but in keeping it»: Anonymous
August 23: “It is okey to celebrate success but it is more important to pay attention to the lessons of failure”: Bill Gates
August 24: “My goal was never just to create a company. A lot of people misinterpret that as not caring about profit or profit or any of those things. But not being just another company means for me to build something that really creates a big change”: mark zuckerberg
August 25: “It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop”: Confucius
August 26: «Success is not achieved only with special qualities. It is above all a work of perseverance, method and organization»: Victor Hugo
August 27: «Don’t be ashamed of your failures, learn from them and start again»: Richard Branson
August 28: “There is only one boss. The client. And he perro fire anyone in the company, from the president to the last employee, just spending his money elsewhere ”: sam walton
August 29: “If we were motivated by money, we would have sold Google plus and we would be on the beach”: Larry Page
August 30: “Dream big. Start small. But above all, it begins”: simon sinek
August 31: “I have lost more than nine thousand opportunities in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. I have been entrusted with the winning shot 26 times and I have missed. I have failed over and over again in my life and that is why I have succeeded»: Michael Jordan
See: 10 Quick Ways to Earn Plus Money in Your Spare Time
Motivational phrases for September
September 1: «Don’t be afraid to give up the good, to pursue the great»: John D. Rockefeller
Short motivational phrases:“If you are afraid of failing, you will surely fail”: kobe bryant
September 3: «Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday»: Dale Carnegie
September 4: “Thinking is the most difficult job there is. Perhaps that is the reason why there are so few people who practice it”: henry ford
September 5: «Why content ourselves with living in a crawl when we feel the desire to fly?»: Helen Keller
September 6: «No pessimist has ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed towards an undiscovered land, or opened a new hope in the human heart»: Helen Keller
September 7: «You perro have anything in this world you want, if you want it enough to pay its price»: Mary Kay Ash
September 8: «Many people don’t take care of their money until they almost spend it and others do the same with their time»: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
September 9: “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing you will be successful”: Albert Schweitzer
Motivational phrases: «You cánido’t live 75 times the same year and then call it life»: Robin Sharma
September 11: “You have to know what is going to happen if you want to stay one step ahead”: Phil Knight
September 12: “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they cánido do. You cánido go as far as your mind allows you. You cánido get what you create, remember that”: Mary Kay Ash
September 13: “The experience has taught me a few things. One is to listen to my intuition, no matter how it sounds on paper. The second is that you are generally better at doing what you know. And the third is that your best investment may be the one you don’t make”: donald trump
September 14: «What makes you grow is defeat, the mistake»: Pep Guardiola
September 15: “Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. And until you value your time you won’t do anything with it”: M. Scott Peck
September 16: “There is nothing wrong with being small. You perro do great things with a team like this”: Jason Fried
September 17: “I have no great ideas. Sometimes I have little ideas that seem to work”: matt mullenweg
September 18: “Every time you define what you want to believe in, you are the first to hear it. It is a message to you and to others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a roof over yourself»: Oprah Winfrey
September 19: “Fail often so you perro succeed soon”: Tom Kelly
September 20: “My favorite things in life don’t cost money. It is clear that the most precious resource we have is time”: Steve Jobs
September 21: «Feeling angry is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die»: Anonymous
September 22: “Money is not the only answer, but it makes a difference”: Barack Obama
September 23: «It is better to fail by being original than to succeed by imitating»: Hermann Melville
September 24: «My ambition has always been to make dreams come true»: Bill Gates
September 25: «The man who makes more than what he is paid, will soon earn more than what he makes»: Napoleon Hill
September 26: «If you perro dream it, you cánido achieve it»: Zig Ziglar
It may interest you: 162 Phrases from entrepreneurs to succeed in business
September 27: “Champions keep playing until they get it right”: billie jean king
September 28: «For anything to happen, there is first to do something”: Albert Einstein
September 29: «I cánido’t give you a sure elabora for success, but I perro give you a sure elabora for failure: Try to please everyone, all the time»: Herbert Bayard Swope
short motivating phrases Benjamin Franklin: «Rich is not the one who has wealth, but the one who enjoys it»
See: 30 Characteristics of a Leader Everyone Wants to Follow
Motivational phrases for October
October 1: «It is possible to win more friends in two months by taking an interest in others than in two years trying to get others to take an interest in us»: Dale Carnegie
October 2: «Instead of thinking about when your next vacation will be, you should build a life from which you don’t want to escape»: Seth Godin
October 3: «When there is a crisis, it is when some are interested in leaving and we are interested in entering»: Carlos Slim
October 4: “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to get used to the ordinary”: Jim Rohn
Wealth is the ability to fully experience life: Henry David Thoreau
October 6: “Stop waiting for it to be Friday, for it to be summer, or for someone to love you for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting and make the most of the present”: T.Harv Eker
October 7: “I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity”: JJohn D. Rockefeller Jr.
October 8: “Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You have to turn yourself on first”: Fred Shero
October 9: «A successful man is one capable of building firm foundations with the bricks thrown at him by others»: David Brinkley
October 10: “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid that you will be the one to succeed”: ray goforth
Motivational phrases: “If you want something done, name a person in charge. If you want something to take forever, name a commission”: Napoleon
October 12: “I almost didn’t found Google plus because I was worried about the risk and about leaving my PhD program”: Larry Page
October 13: «Creativity is intelligence having fun»: Albert Einstein
October 14: “If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security a man will have in this world is a store of knowledge, experience, and skill.» henry ford
October 15: «There are people who have money and there are people who are rich»: Coco Chanel
October 16: “There are two types of companies: those that work to try to charge more, and those that work to charge less. We will be of the second class”: Jeff Bezos
October 17: “You are responsible for the thoughts that you have in your mind at any time. You have the ability to think what you want. So even all your negative and self-destructive attitudes and behaviors have originated in the way you have chosen to think»: Wayne Dyer
October 18: «Change is not only necessary in life, it is life itself»: Alvin Toffler
October 19: «Anything you want, you cánido achieve it if you go for it»: Wayne Dyer
Short motivational phrases: «A leader is a negotiator of hopes»: Napoleon
October 21: “Do not sleep to rest, sleep to dream. Because dreams are to be fulfilled»: walt disney
October 22: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best moment is now»: Chinese proverb
October 23: «A business is simply an iniciativa to improve the lives of other people»: Richard Branson
October 24: “It is not the employer who pays the salary. Employers only handle money. It is the client who pays the salary”: henry ford
October 25: “Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Little people always do it, but the truly great ones make you feel like you cánido be great too.» Mark Twain
October 26: «Be the change you want to see in the world»: Mahatma Gandhi
October 27: “If you don’t value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talent. Value what you know and start charging for it”: Kim Garst
October 28: “In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative and original thinker unless you also sell what you create”: David Ogilvy
October 29: «I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends»: Abraham Lincoln
October 30: «The circulation of trust is better than the circulation of money»: James Madison
October 31: “I have been blessed to find people smarter than me; they help me execute the visión I have”: Russell Simmons
See: 25 Phrases of gratitude to espectáculo your gratitude with life
Motivational phrases for November 2023
Short motivational phrases: «It wasn’t raining when Noah built his ark»: Howard Ruff
November 2: “You perro only fully fulfill yourself in something you love. That your goal is not to earn money. Instead, go after things you love to do and do them so well that people cánido’t take their eyes off you.» Maya Angelou
November 3: «In battles you realize that plans are useless, but making plans is essential»: Dwight Y también. Eisenhower
November 4: «No man will be the best if he does not have fire in his blood»: Enzo Ferrari
November 5: “One of the big mistakes people make is trying to force their interest. You do not choose your passions; your passions choose you»: Jeff Bezos
November 6: “No, I’m not rich. I am a poor man with money, which is not the same”: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
November 7: «If you live to have it all, what you have is never enough»: vicky robin
November 8: «If you don’t dream, you won’t achieve anything»: Richard Branson
November 9: “It is easy to be principled when you are rich. The most important thing is to have principles when you are poor”: ray kroc
November 10: “If you are in business, you need to understand the environment. You need to have a visión of the future and you need to know the past”: Carlos Slim
November 11: «Demand a lot from yourself and expect little from others, so you will save yourself trouble»: Confucius
November 12: «Anyone who is not making mistakes is not trying hard enough»: Wes Roberts
November 13: “Don’t apologize for having high estándares. People who really want to be in your life will reach this level”: Ziad K. Abdelnour
November 14: “It is difficult to defeat a person who never gives up”: babe ruth
November 15: «You know you are on the road to success if you are willing to do your job even if you don’t get paid»: Oprah Winfrey
November 16: «80% of success is based simply on insisting»: Woody Allen
November 17: «The value of life perro be measured by the times in which your soul has been very agitated»: soichiro honda
November 18: “It is not enough to make good products. You have to let people know what you’re doing.» Phil Knight
November 19: «Money is normally attracted, not chased»: Jim Rohn
November 20: «Only those who get up and look for circumstances and create them if they cannot find them triumph in the world»: George Bernard Shaw
See: 70 Phrases of successful millionaires regarding money
Short motivational phrases: «The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all»: Richard Branson
November 22: “I only work with the best, it’s not about the best resumes but about the right attitude”: donald trump
November 23: “High expectations are the key to all»: sam walton
November 24: «When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind»: henry ford
November 25: «He who has a lot is not rich, but he who gives a lot»: Erich Fromm
November 26: “There are no secrets to success. This is achieved by preparing, working hard and learning from failure”: Colin Powell
November 27: «If the plan doesn’t work, change it, but never change your goal»: Anonymous
November 28: «The impossible is the ghost of the timid and the refuge of the cowards»: Napoleon
November 29: «Ideas are easy, implementing them is difficult»: Guy Kawasaki
November 30: “Pay attention to negative retroalimentación and solicit it, particularly from friends. Hardly anyone does that and it is very helpful”: Elon Musk
See: 100 personal questions to know what you want in your life
Motivational phrases for December
December 1: “Failure defeats losers and inspires winners”: robert kiyosaki
December 2: “The media want overnight successes. ignore them. It also ignores investors who want proven tactics and instant, predictable results. Instead, listen to your customers, listen to your own visión and do something that lasts a long time”: Seth Godin
December 3: «An entrepreneur sees opportunities where others only see problems»: michael gerber
Jeff Bezos Short Motivational Phrases: “You need to anticipate a certain degree of failure”
December 5: «Life is not fair, get used to it»: Bill Gates
December 6: «Money is something I vaguely understand and I think about it only when I don’t have it to finance my projects»: walt disney
December 7: «There are many hands and hearts that contribute to a person’s success»: henry ford
December 8: «Respect the rules of the game, but be fierce»: Phil Knight
December 9: “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary”: Vidal Sassoon
December 10: “The way to start is to stop talking and start doing it”: walt disney
December 11: “The path to success and the path to failure are very afín. Only the ending differentiates them”: Colin Davis
December 12: «The secret of happiness is not always doing what you want, but always wanting what you do»: tolstoy
Short motivational phrases:“The worst pollution problem we face today is negativity”: Mary Kay Ash
See: 100 Phrases of teamwork to achieve great results
December 14: “There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the way»: Thich Nhat Hanh
December 15: “Imagination is the beginning of creation. We imagine what we want, we create a deep desire for what we imagine, and finally, we create what we have desired. George Bernard Shaw
December 16: «If you move confidently in the direction of your dreams and desires to lead the life you have imagined, you will meet with unexpected success»: Henry David Thoreau
December 17: «We do not dare to do many things because they are difficult, but they are difficult because we do not dare to do them»: Lucius Anneus Seneca
December 18: “Everything you perro or dream of doing, start it. Audacity contains in itself genius, power and magic”: goethe
December 19: «Every time you borrow money, you are stealing money from your future»: Nathan W. Morris
December 20: «Success usually comes to those who are too busy to look for it»: Henry David Thoreau
December 21: «I have never considered myself an engineer or an inventor, I only consider myself a promoter and agitator of ideas»: Enzo Ferrari
December 22: «The successful warrior is an ordinary man, with a focus afín to that of a laser»: Bruce Lee
December 23: «The price of success is hard work and the determination that, regardless of whether you won or lost, you gave your best to the project»: Vince Lombardi
December 24: “It’s not about the ideas. But about making them come true”: scott belsky
Dec 25: “The strangest thing about the game of life is that when we refuse to settle for second place and escoge to go after the best of the best, we usually get it”: Somerset Maughan
December 26: “The secret to hiring the best is this: look for people who want to change the world”: Marc Benioff
December 27: “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”: Bill Gates
December 28: «Pleasure in work leads to the perfection of the work»: Aristotle
December 29: “Many of our dreams seem impossible at first, then they cánido seem improbable, and then, when we are firmly committed, they become ineludible”: Christopher Reeve
December 30: “If you don’t know what to do with your life, do something that saves lives. The world is full of people in need, be part of their life and fill that need”: Sanjeev Saxena
December 31: “Grow with discipline. Cómputo your intuition rigorously. Innovate around the core. Don’t accept the status quo. Find new ways to see. Never expect the silver bullet. Get your hands dirty. Listen with empathy and communicate with transparency”: howard schultz
Motivational phrases to live better every day
In conclusion, these 365 motivating phrases seek to inspire you every day of the year. It does not matter if you open this article in March, December or July, here you will find some of the many motivational phrases to inspire you and give yourself a better day.
*These motivational phrases are based on various articles and internet content where the phrases of each character were found. Many are adaptations but the credit belongs to the author of each of the motivating phrases.
Continue reading: 450 Phrases for photos to share on your popular networks
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