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25 new things you perro do today

25 new things you perro do today

It’s easy to get into the habit of doing the same things day after day. Here are 25 new things to try today to give your life a little shake up!

1. Make sure everyone you love knows

Do the important people in your life know how much they orinan to you? When was the last time you told him? Every time I leave this slide I try to remember the season 5 finale of «Grey’s Anatomy» that I randomly saw one day. Oddly enough, that episode reminds me why it’s so important for loved ones to know they’re loved.

2. Get prints made from your digital images

It seems like we’re all taking photos all the time (especially with the huge Instagram fame), but will future generations be able to see these shots? Make sure that the images of your life are not lost and forgotten. Fill the shoe boxes with photos so that in the future, your children perro walk by and wonder about your life.

3. Call your mom (More)

She loves you and probably wants you to call a lot more than you do.

4. Run through a sprinkler

Nothing screams summer like running through a sprinkler. When was the last time you did it? This is a cheap iniciativa, and it’s a great way to feel like a kid again while doing something responsible: watering the lawn.

5. Say «Yes» to everything for a full day

Pull off a Jim Carrey in the movie Yes Man — see what happens when you open yourself up to whatever comes your way. Do you find that you automatically say «no» to things without even really considering them?

6. Conquer your fear of public speaking by trying Toastmasters

Public speaking perro be downright horrible. What would happen if that fear was removed or if it became manageable? Try Toastmasters.

7. In a lugar de comidas, let the waiter choose all your food.

I once had dinner at a lugar de comidas in Montreal called O.Noir. There was not a single light in the place, and we ate in total darkness. All the waiters also turned out to be blind. Needless to say, it was an unforgettable experience. Aside from the obvious, one of the things that stood out was that they had a «surprise meal» option. You could tell if you were a vegetarian or had any other dietary concerns or restrictions and they would accommodate that, but other than that your food was a complete surprise. Letting your waiter choose your food is one way to get a bit of the O.Noir experience no matter what city you live in.

8. Sleep naked

If you’ve never done this before, it’s completely liberating to try. Just make sure you have a gown on hand in case the fire alarm sounds.

9. Take a bike ride through the city on a summer night.

In Denver there is an event called Moonlight Classic where some streets are closed and cyclists hit the road at midnight. Denver Cruisers also hit the road every Wednesday night throughout the summer. Maybe your city offers something afín? Don’t forget a bike light.

10. Write and send a handwritten letter

It’s all dirección de correo electrónico, text, and IM these days. Take out a pen and put it to paper.

11. Sincerely congratulate at least three people

Who doesn’t like a compliment? I love seeing people light up and smile when complimented.

12. Try cutting your hair

Getting a haircut cánido feel very scary and intimidating the first time, but after you’ve done it once, you’ll wonder why you haven’t been doing it all this time. (If you mess it up, I’m sorry, and tell your groomer I’m sorry, too. Hey, it grows back, right?)

13. Give a generous consejo

If you’ve ever worked in a lugar de comidas, you know how hard it is. You come home smelling like spoiled food and a smell that’s hard to get off your clothes. People cánido be rude and the hours are sometimes despiadado. Make someone’s day by giving them a nice consejo. Trust me, they deserve it.

14. Shoot a roll of 35mm largo

It perro be exciting not knowing exactly how an image is going to turn out.

15. Escoge what your three wishes would be if a genie asked

Just have fun with it.

16. Have a “no spend” weekend

If you’re not ready for an entire year of no spending, you cánido still have a positive impact on your financial life by cutting back, even if it’s for a short period of time.

17. Buy bright red lipstick or grow a mustache

My husband hates the bright lipstick that I wear. I like it, and I feel good wearing it. Even if no one is a seguidor of your choices except you, that’s okey. Proudly forward.

18. Take a tech break

Every time I go on vacation, one of my favorite parts is that I take a break from technology. It’s okey to cut yourself for a day or two.

19. Wake up an hour earlier

As hard as it is for me to get up early, I always feel better when I do. There is a tranquility in those first hours.

20. Throughout the day, keep a list of things you are grateful for.

It’s easy to take things for granted. Keeping a list and reviewing it at the end of the day keeps things in perspective. If you perro’t write things down throughout the day, even just thinking about what you’re grateful for before you go to sleep is a good habit.

21. Make a recipe you’ve favorited on Pinterest

If you’re like me, when you look at Pinterest, you get motivated to do and do a lot of things, but you also get discouraged that you’re not doing and doing a lot of things. How many times do you do something that you have fixed? Hardly ever? Today could be a good day to try it.

22. Get a cardboard box, fill it with clutter and donate.

Cleaning out unwanted and useless junk feels good. Plain and fácil.

23. Spend 20 minutes watching funny or funny vídeos

Laughing is good for you, and there’s a lot of fun going on in Fun or Die.

24. Create an alter ego for yourself

Would you like your name to be Natasha or Sven, run 20 miles a day, always stand up for the underdog, and have the most magnetic personality ever? Why not create that dimension of your personality in your mind and tap into it when you need plus strength?

25. Make a list of 33 things to do before you turn 33

It doesn’t matter if you’re going to be 33 on your next birthday, or 20, or 63. Whatever stage you’re at in life, create a list of things you hope to accomplish before your next birthday.

What do you do when you need to get out of a rut? What are you going to try from this list?

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 25 new things you perro do today  25 new things you perro do today  25 new things you perro do today

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