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20 Recommended Motivational Books for

20 Recommended Motivational Books for

Motivational books have become a source of help and relief in times as complex as we are experiencing.

In these books we find habits, recommendations, experiences and techniques that not only allow us to live better in this moment, but also teach us to get the most out of it for the future.

In this quarantine, the vast majority of people have searched for self-help books, works that allow us to enhance our personal development and nurture our financial intelligence.

The power of motivational books

Many have taken advantage of these free times to learn, reflect, and even start working from home on those business ideas that have been on our minds for so long.

Without a doubt, these personal motivation books will allow you to better live these complex moments.

And it is that these books perro change your life, so we invite you to get to know this list of recommended books and start reading those that best suit your current needs.

Kindle Unlimited:

Best of all, you perro read them digitally, from your tabletas either móvil inteligente, thanks to the Kindle Unlimited service.

This Amazon program offers you the possibility of accessing more than a million books, and the best thing is that you perro read from any device, and access them for free for 30 days.

1. The monk who sold his Ferrari

This motivational book has become a best-seller worldwide because it espectáculos you, step by step, how to live your life with joy, determination, cómputo, satisfaction and courage.

Robin S Sharma He wrote it as a fable, but his teachings will resonate with your own life and will allow you to free yourself from everything that weighs you down to embark on a lighter, fuller and happier path.

The monk Who Sold His Ferrari It mixes the spiritual wisdom of the East with certain success principles of the West and promises to leave you with great teachings.

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2. unbreakable

Renowned motivational speaker, Daniel Habiffpromises to teach you valuable learning with this motivational book that bears the name «unbreakable.»

This self-help reading will allow you to value life from a more human perspective, and it will also help you a lot if you want to maximize your personal growth.

It will also help you reflect on the changes you need to make as an individual. This book covers man’s need to connect with God, and above all, explores the advantages of selflessly helping others to live a full and happy life.

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3. Motivation, how to always be motivated

This motivational and self-improvement book written by Frank Mullani it will give you the necessary tools to stay motivated and so that you cánido start your days with a completely positive attitude.

Its author will explain why maintaining a good mental attitude is vital to achieve your goals and to savor the honey of success.

Its inspiration and motivation guidelines will be useful and valuable to you, and as if that were not enough, you will learn motivational techniques that will help you grow in all aspects of your life.

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4. The four Agreements

The four Agreements It has been read by millions of people around the world and is based on Toltec wisdom.

through its pages Don Miguel Ruiz it reveals multiple beliefs that prevent human beings from living joyfully.

With this book you will learn a powerful code of conduct that will help you transform your life to experience more love, joy, freedom, contentment and peace.

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5. The man in search of meaning

In Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Franklnarrates his own story during the time he was a prisoner in a concentration camp.

This motivational book will help you find your true strength to overcome difficult times, but above all, it will teach you why life is worth living despite the circumstances.

The existential lesson that lies within the pages of this book could change your life, or at least give it more meaning.

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6. The power of Now

The middle Entrepreneur He has reviewed it as a work capable of «creating an experience for readers and changing their lives.»

Eckhart Tolle established himself as a spiritual guru with this motivational book that quickly became a best-seller of the New York Times.

With it you will learn why it is so important to live in the present, in the here and now, to achieve a great state of enlightenment and transcendence.

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7. Out of series (Outliers)

You will find this reading not only valuable and interesting, but completely fascinating and entertaining.

Their stories will espectáculo you what makes certain people «out of the ordinary», as is the case with Bill Gates, or some of the members of the iconic English band The Beatles.

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8. The power of habits

According to him Financial Timesthis is one of those books that «become essential life manuals.»

Its author explains to you -with scientific evidence- why habits condition your life and what you perro do to change them.

This book will become a jewel in your library and a great teacher in your life because it will help you transform each of its edges: popular, personal and work.

Changing habits has become the new norm in these complex days that we are living, so this is a read that you do not want to miss if you are interested in leading a more fulfilling and happy lifestyle.

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9. The 5 AM Club

Would you like to be more and more productive? Improve your lifestyle? Be healthier? Or simply be happier?

Robin Sharma will help you achieve all these goals successfully through this book. Here he shares the routines that have helped millions of people around the world to feel more alive, active and happy.

With this book you will learn to get the most out of your mornings, to recharge yourself with good energy and to master tactics that help you invest the first hours of the day in your own growth and personal well-being.

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10. The business of the 21st century

The same author of Rich father poor father, a best-seller international of New York Times, teaches you that you are the only one qualified to take charge of your financial future.

Through his lessons you will learn to identify opportunities for financial growth, even in the midst of the most adverse economic scenarios.

The business of the 21st century will help you understand why this is a great time to start a successful business for yourself. Although his greatest lesson is the following: if you want to build wealth, you must work hard at this.

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eleven. The millionaire next door

Have you ever wondered why you are not as rich as you would like? This book will help you answer this question successfully.

It is based on real studies that espectáculo you why millionaires are able to accumulate wealth by being modest and thrifty, such as living next door to you, or literally next door to your house.

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12. The golden rule of business

This book will help you develop leadership, growth and productivity skills to boost your business in style.

By learning «the golden rule of business» you will give a positive turn to your business skills and you will be increasingly analytical in your facet professional.

With this book you will learn important keys to achieve success, regardless of the position in which you are currently in life.

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13. the money code

This book of raimon samsó it will motivate you to achieve your financial freedom once and for all. In its pages rest those secrets that nobody taught you about money.

With this reading you will familiarize yourself with the vocabulary of wealth and you will discover why passive income is your best allies to make money work for you and not against you.

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14. Think and become rich

Think and become rich It is part of the list of the ten best-selling books of all time. If you read it carefully and carefully, you could start a business that will make you a millionaire.

With this work written by Hill you will understand why the abundance of the world’s leading millionaires manifested itself first in their thoughts.

You will also understand how the Law of Attraction works and what is the role it plays in self-improvement.

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fifteen. The secrets of the millionaire mind

T.Harv Eker tells the story of his life in this motivational book that will shake your life completely.

Through its pages, he tells you how he went from being bankrupt to amassing a great fortune in just two years, after founding one of the most prestigious consulting firms on the planet.

His story will teach you why your ideas limit you and what are the thoughts that you must discard in order to achieve financial success.

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16. Never Stop: Autobiography of the Nike Founder

This autobiography is one of Bill Gates’ favorite books for entrepreneurs and is written by the creator of Nike, the most famous and iconic sports brand in the world.

Here Phil Knight He confesses all the risks and failures he had to take on his way to success.

This story will make you reflect and give you the necessary willpower to promote that project that you have always had in mind and have not dared to develop until now.

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17. How to multiply your money and achieve prosperity

With this book you will learn to get rid of the financial limits that you may have in your head and that prevent you from enjoying your well-deserved financial freedom.

This reading will leave you important lessons in terms of personal finances, it will help you understand how money works and why you should take charge of your life to attract prosperity and abundance.

Javier Olivares will help you discover your life purpose and create a path to financial success with this book.

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18. Made in America: My Story

This motivational book tells the story of Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart (the largest retail business on the planet).

It’s a story of resilience, hard work, optimism, and inspiration that will motivate you to take the next step toward achieving your dreams.

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19. Jeff Bezos: The force behind the brand

Knowing the story of the founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, will inspire you deeply and will move every fiber of your being, especially if you are thinking of executing that venture that you have dreamed of so much soon.

Bezos is one of the most famous successful entrepreneurs in the world, and through this book you will be able to delve into the events of his life that indisputably equipo him up for success.

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twenty. Steve Jobs

This chronicle of Steve Jobs chronicles his hectic life and unravels his personality, creativity and his desire to perfect every little thing he did.

This is one of those reads you don’t want to miss if you want to develop innovative, disruptive, and world-changing products in the foreseeable future.

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In conclusion, these motivational books for these times could change your life.

Without a doubt, the selection of titles on motivation, business, self-help and personal growth that we have just shared with you will give you the strength and tools necessary to transform your life forever.

Get inspired by these readings and follow your dreams until you reach them; Don’t forget that the sky is the limit.

Continue reading: 55 Books for entrepreneurs that you should have in your library

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