20 Lessons for your life from the biography of
20 Lessons for your life from the biography of
Without a doubt the biography of Leonardo da Vinci It espectáculos us why this Renaissance character literally changed the course of humanity more than 500 years ago.
Although he painted the Mona Lisa, perfecting it for more than 15 years, it is impossible to classify him as a painter, since in his 67 years of life he was an architect, anatomist, botanist, scientist, writer, sculptor, philosopher, engineer, inventor, musician, poet and even urban planner.
In his works, writings, sculptures, and treatises, which perro be seen in Leonardo da Vinci’s biography, we find a very human being, that is, someone with errors, imperfections, contradictions, and attributes that bring us closer to one of the most successful in history.
The biography of Leonardo da Vinci, a source of inspiration:
I recently had the opportunity to read the biography of Leonardo da Vinciwritten by walter isaacsonwhere the story of this character is shared in detail, including references to both his personal and public life.
At the end of this recommended book for entrepreneurs, I believe that the best part is found, since they are the lessons for our lives that Leonardo’s story leaves us.
So, I decided to share those learnings that espectáculo us that, although Leonardo was a genius, he was also a human being who was easily distracted, who was obsessive, playful and even enjoyed making jokes.
The best of the biography of Leonardo da Vinci is that it espectáculos us that his genius was not the product of a gift, or something indescribable, but the product of his willpower and an insatiable capacity to want to continue learning.
As Walter Isaacson puts it in his book, “Even if we never manage to match his talent, we cánido learn from him and try to be more like him. His life offers a great deal of teaching.”
Below is a summary of the biography of Leonardo da Vinci grouped into 20 lessons found in this book*
1. Be indefatigably curious
«I have no special talent,» Einstein once wrote to a friend. I’m just passionately curious in a very impetuous way.» Leonardo, in fact, did possess a special talent, like Einstein, but the distinctive and most stimulating trait of him was his intense curiosity.
I wanted to know what makes people yawn, how to square the circle, what allows the aortic valve to close, how light is processed in the eye, and what implications a painting has for perspective.
In the biography of Leonardo da Vici it is shown that he equipo out to study the placenta of a calf, the jaw of the crocodile, the tongue of the woodpecker, the muscles of a face, the light of the Moon and the contours of shadows.
Feeling an indefatigable and general curiosity about everything that surrounds us is something that we cánido all persevere in at all hours of the day, just like Leonardo.
2. Seek knowledge for itself
Not all knowledge must be useful. Sometimes it is convenient to look for it for pure pleasure. Leonardo did not need to know how heart valves work to paint the Mona Lisa, nor did he have to figure out how the fossils got to the top of the mountains to create the Virgin of the rocks.
By being guided by mere curiosity, he came to explore more horizons and see more relationships than anyone else of his day.
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3. Preserve a child’s sense of wonder
At a certain point in life, most of us forget about everyday phenomena. We might enjoy the beauty of a blue sky, but we no longer bother to wonder why it is that color.
Leonardo did it. Also Einstein, who wrote to another friend: «You and I never stop behaving like curious children before the great mystery in which we were born».
We have to try to contemplate things with the astonished look of a child and that our children keep it.
4. Vea
The greatest talent that Leonardo possessed was reflected in his keenness as an observer. It was a talent that was at the service of his curiosity and vice versa. It wasn’t a magical gift, but the fruit of his willpower and effort.
When he visited the moat that surrounded the Castello Sforzesco, he observed the dragonflies and verified that their wings move alternately two by two.
When walking through the city, he noticed the relationship between people’s facial expressions and their emotions and analyzed how light bounces off different surfaces.
He saw which birds flapped their wings faster when taking flight than when descending and which did the opposite.
The invitation that Walter Isaacson makes in his biography of Leonardo da Vinci is that in this type of thing we cánido also imitate him. For example, do you see the water falling into a bowl? Look, like Leonardo, at the exact way in which eddies are formed. And then ask yourself why.
5. Start with the details
In his notebook, Leonardo shared a trick for looking at something carefully: do it in stages, starting with the details. He realized that you cannot take in a page of a book at a glance: you must go word for word.
«If you want to achieve true knowledge of the shape of things, you will start with their particularities, and you will not go on to the second without having a good memory»
6. Vea things that are not seen
Leonardo’s main activity in many of his formative years was devising parades, espectáculos, and theatrical performances.
He mixed theatrical wit with fantasy. This provided him with a combinatorial creativity: he could contemplate how the birds flew, but also the angels, the roaring lions and the dragons.
7. Get into eggplants
In Leonardo da Vinci’s biography we see how he filled the first pages of one of his notebooks trying one hundred and sixty-nine times to square the circle.
On eight pages of his Leicester Codex, he recorded seven hundred and thirty discoveries about the flow of water; In another notebook, he listed sixty-seven words that detalla different types of streams.
He measured each segment of the human body, calculated their proportional relationships, and then did the same for a horse. Leonardo got into these messes because he was carried away by his enthusiasm and purpose in life.
8. Distract yourself
What Leonardo is most reproached for is that these vehement activities (those of the previous point) led him to go off on tangents on too many occasions and, literally, in the case of his mathematical inquiries.
However, in reality, Leonardo’s eagerness to go after whatever issue appealed to him made his mind richer and more relationship-filled.
9. Respect the facts
Leonardo was a forerunner of the era of observational experiments and critical thinking.
When an iniciativa occurred to him, he would equipo up an experiment to test it. And when his experience proved his theory flawed—such as his iniciativa that springs in the earth fill in the same way as blood vessels in humans—he abandoned the hypothesis and sought a new one.
This practice became common after a century, in the time of Galileo and Bacon. However, it has become a bit less common nowadays. If we want to be more like Leonardo, we have to dare to change our minds based on the new data available to us.
10. Leave things for later
while painting the Last SupperLeonardo would sometimes stare at his work for a whole hour until he gave a brushstroke and left.
He told Duke Ludovico that creativity requires time for ideas to mature and intuitions to take hold.
“Men of genius are, in reality, doing the most important thing when they work the least,” he argued, “since they meditate and perfect the ideas that they later carry out with their hands.”
Most of us don’t need advice to procrastinate; It comes naturally to us. However, doing it like Leonardo requires effort: it involves collecting as many facts and ideas as possible and only then allowing all the information we have retained to simmer.
11. Let the perfect be the enemy of the Well
In the biography of Leonardo da Vinci it is shown that, when he could not get the perspective of the Battle of Anghiari or the interrelation of Adoration of the Kings worked perfectly, he abandoned them, instead of concluding a creation that was only good.
He carried with him, until the end of his days, masterpieces such as his Saint Anne, the Virgin Child and the Mona Lisabecause I knew that I could always add a new touch to them.
In the same way, Steve Jobs was such a perfectionist that he couldn’t put the first Macintosh on sale until his team had made the printed circuits inside it beautiful, even though no one could see it.
Both he and Leonardo knew that true artists are always concerned with beauty, even in the parts that cannot be seen.
In the end, Jobs endorsed a maxim that implies just the opposite: «Real artists finish their products, which means that sometimes you have to deliver the product, even though you cánido still improve it.» This is a good estándar for daily life. However, there are times when it’s okey to be Leonardo and not let go of something until it’s perfect.
12. Think visually
Leonardo did not have the gift of understanding mathematical equations or abstractions. Because of this, he had to visualize them and he did so in his studies of proportions, of the rules of perspective, in his method for calculating reflections from concave mirrors, and in his way of converting one shape into another at the same size.
Too often, when we learn a elabora or a rule of life, even something as fácil as the method for multiplying numbers or mixing colors of paint, we no longer visualize how it works. The result is that we lose the ability to appreciate the beauty inherent in the laws of nature.
13. Avoid stagnant behaviors
At the end of many of his product presentations, Jobs would espectáculo a slide showing the crossroads of «liberal arts» and «technology.» He knew that, in those confluences, creativity is found.
Leonardo had an open mind that joyfully spanned all disciplines: the arts, sciences, engineering, and humanities.
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His knowledge of the way light reaches the retina helped him create the perspective of the Last Supper and, on a page of anatomical drawings representing the dissection of the lips, he traced a smile that would appear again on the screen. Mona Lisa.
I knew that art was a science and this was an art. By drawing both a fetus in the womb and the eddies of a deluge, he blurred the distinction between the two.
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14. Have excessive ambitions
Imagine, like Leonardo, how he would build a human-powered flying machine or how he would divert a river.
Try designing a perpetual motion machine, or try squaring a circle using only a ruler and compass. There are problems that we will never solve. Learn why.
15. Revel in fantasy
His hulking crossbow? Turtle tanks? Your projects for an ideal city? The man-powered mechanisms for a flying machine to move its wings?
Just as Leonardo blurred the boundaries between science and art, he also did so between reality and fantasy. He may not have been able to create working flying machines, but he did let his imagination run wild.
16. Create for yourself, not just for clients
In the biography of Leonardo da Vida, we are shown that, no matter how much the millionaire and powerful Marchioness Isabel de Este begged him, Leonardo did not paint her portrait; but Lisa’s, the wife of a silk merchant.
He did it because he wanted to and he kept working on it for the rest of his life: he never gave it to the silk merchant.
17. Collaborate
Genius often considers the fate of loners who retreat to their mansards until struck by the bolt of creativity. Like many myths, the lone genius myth has some truth; but in all genius stories there is usually something more.
The Madonnas and the studies of draperies produced in Verrocchio’s studio, as well as the versions of the virgin of the rocks and the virgin of the spindles and other paintings from Leonardo’s taller, were created so jointly that it is difficult to know who each brushstroke belongs to.
The vitruvian man it came about after sharing ideas and sketches with friends. Leonardo’s best studies of anatomy were made when he was working in collaboration with Marcantonio de ella Torre.
And the job that most amused him was his participation in the theatrical productions and evening espectáculos of the Sforza court.
Genius begins with individual talent; requires a especial visión. However, your application often requires working with more people. Innovation is a team sport. Creativity is a collective effort.
18. Make lists
And make sure they contain weird stuff. Leonardo’s to-do lists are perhaps the best testament to pure curiosity the world has ever seen.
19. Take aprecies, on paper
Five hundred years later, Leonardo’s notebooks surprise and inspire us. Fifty years from now, our own notebooks, if we meet the goal of starting to write in them, will be on hand for the amazement and inspiration of our grandchildren, unlike our publicaciones de Twitter and Fb comments.
20. Open yourself to the mystery
Leonardo da Vinci’s biography, like his paintings, espectáculos us that everything has to have defined lines.
*Note: This text was taken from Walter Isaacson’s Biography of Leonardo da Vinci.
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